I've been in Pearl Harbor six months now. During this period the Robinson has been put through some rugged drills -- shore bombardment, anti-aircraft drills, torpedo runs, anti-submarine runs. We're loaded to the gills with stores, shells, and powder. I took my last liberty day. At least the latest is that we steam in the morning. I wonder where we're headed for? Time will tell. It's a shame that I couldn't see Sandy; the Navy said "Nix."
I didn't do very much when I went ashore today, just knocked around looking in all the shops. I bought some pineapple juice and a carton of gum.
Just received a letter from Mother. Guess this is the last for some time. Ye ole scuttlebutt is really flying from stem to stern now. Some say we're going to Truk, others say Marshalls, Marianas, Gilberts and just now some deck ape said the States-- must be crazy. The Marshalls seem the most logical to me.
Saw a picture on the fan-tail tonight. The movie was some cowboy picture, not too good, but usually we get first-rate pictures out here.
Lights out, we get underway sure tomorrow, so I'd better hit my rack and get some sleep.
Underway at 0630. Just got off the special sea detail. Heard some straight stuff from the bridge gang this morning. We're going to the Marshalls as I suspected. We're to meet a task force there of about a hundred destroyers and twenty-one aircraft carriers. There will be about six battle wagons also. This is going tobe one big invasion. While we were in Hawaii, we had a practice shore bombardment with the Army making. landing in their "duck" boats which are carried aboard LST's. It was that day when we found out our position one-half mile off the shore; too damn close to suit me. I must say we're going to make some darn good bait for the Japs. We can only hope that they don't have too heavy shore installations there. I was up topside today and saw our division (4 cans) and about twenty two transports, full of dog faces, no doubt. There is a new system aboard now. They're going to dog the watches every third day. Jack and I have 12-4.
Jim Lydiatt |
SoM2/c |
Sec. 1 GQ standby operator |
Sound Shack Bridge |
Me |
SoM3/c |
Sec. 2 GQ operator |
Sound Shack Bridge |
Jack Azevedo |
SoM3/c |
Sec. 2 |
George Flege |
SoM3/c |
Sec. 1 |
Ralph Moore |
SoM3/c |
Sec. 3 GQ |
Radar Shack |
Elmer Klette |
SoM3/c |
Sec. 3 GQ JA talker |
Flying Bridge (Gun) |
Steaming right along, a bit slow due to the slowness of the transports. They keep us down to about twelve or thirteen knots. It's been one GQ after another all day. I no sooner hit my rack than the loud speakers blare out "ALL HANDS; MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS." I hardly slept a wink last night; excited, I guess. Very poor sound conditions today. There are about five destroyers pinging on us. A whole wolf pack could slip into us without us picking them up. I'd hate to see one of those transports go down, too damn many men aboard. Water conditions are excellent, very good ranges.
Tonight the Robinson leaves the convoy. We're going ahead about ten miles to form an anti-submarine sound screen. It sure is a beautiful night out. The sea is calm and the moon makes the water shine like silver. There are millions of stars out; it's almost like day. Looking out onto the water tonight you could scarcely believe that there is a war on. Oh, oh! Radar just picked up an airplane eighty-five miles off our starboard beam which doesn't answer our challenge. Gone now, I wonder who it was. Mr. Coakley (1st Lieut.) said today that we will hit the Marshalls the eighth of June. Time is drawing close-- too damn close.
Just secured from GQ. The 2nd section is really taking a beating. I'm so tired now I can't see straight. Here it comes again …
Secured from GQ. We are speeding up now from 12 knots to 28 knots. Going up topside, I see our division is pulling ahead of the convoy. Up to now, we've come about 700 miles-- 1700 more to go. The radio is cut off now. We have a radioman in the emergency radio shack playing records over the intercom system. Last night, we had a movie in the mess hall. From what I hear, there is to be one every night.
We have a ship's paper called "THE SLOW EXPRESS." The radiomen take down all communiques and print them into a damn good little paper, sports news, war news, and general news from the States. From what I can gather, it's the Marianas area after this blow out. (If we get through!)
It's 1145. Time to go on sound watch. Azevedo is most likely in his rack-- we're fagged out, but good.
Time: 1845. The watches have been dogged. Jack and I have the 8-12 now. I've had about ten hours sleep in the last three days. Sho am tired!
A rather odd thing happened last night. After being relieved from my 2000-2400 watch, I was a bit warm so I decided to go out on the bridge for some fresh air. Although it was but a few minutes past midnight, the water and sky shone with a beautiful deep silver. As I was standing on the port side, noting the beauty, I chanced to see a rather bright light right on the horizon. Upon reporting this to Com, I found that there was nothing out there--that area on the P.P.I. radar scope was blank. The only hitch was that a lookout saw the same damn thing. After seeing it again, Mr. Halbert, Lieut., J.G., came up and explained in these waters the moon's reflection will hit the horizon and it will appear to be a bright light for a few seconds. Sure had me guessing for awhile.
We're still steaming along at this same slow speed - 12 knots. I heard the procedure we're to follow when we hit the Marshalls.
This should be a sight worth seeing.
The weather is almost unbearable. It's the hottest I've been yet. I wonder how my folks are today. They don't realize how lucky they are. Oh, well, what the hell!
Every morning we have a 0400 GQ. Just secured from it now. The zero hour for the raid is 0900. From what I hear, it may be sooner than the ninth. Chow down.
Good Lord, but it's hot. I no sooner take a shower than I'm in a sweat again, never been so uncomfortable in my life. We have a movie every night in the crew's mess hall. It's usually so hot you can't stand it. The rest of the sound-men and I got a hot plate in Hawaii. It sure is swell to have a cup of Java while on watch.
I sure do wish we would speed up and get to the Marshall's. I'm getting tired of waiting. Sure wish we could get some mail. Mother would throw a fit if she knew where I am now and what I'm heading for. It wouldn't be so bad if we were just returning after this the next few months. Nothing much now to write about today,same old thing, our wake points homeward, chow is down.
Going on watch now. It's beautiful and cool night out. The Robinson has the "picket" again tonight-- ten miles ahead of the force. The Admiral must know that the Robinson has some sharp soundmen aboard.
It's getting hotter every day. Thank God, the nights are cool The clocks have been set back an hour four times up to now. Time: 1500. We just crossed the international date line-- clocks set back one hour and gain a day.
One of the carriers that is with us is having target practice, firing forty's etc. I wonder if we will get any mail when we hit the Marshalls. At least, we may get to send some. They must realize by now that we have left Pearl. Emmy Lou may be married now; I would like to have seen it. It seems that the further this diary goes, the less I have to say.
Time to go on watch. They're dogged now. Jack and I have the 8 to 12 picket again.
They had a meeting of all gun captains last night. Straight dope: after the Marshalls, we head for the Marianas. The 15th day of this month we will hit Saipan at 0830. We have one half hour to get within one quarter of a mile off this one stretch of beach and dispense 400 rounds of shells, set fire to the sugar cane and knock out all the trenches. We then return and bring back our transports for a landing. More damn fun. We will be able to mail letters when we hit the Marshalls. Here's hoping we receive some also. Ought to be there in a few days now. Chow--
Just had pay call. I drew ten dollars (guess I'll go on liberty today.) The doctor has put out an order that all hands must get a sun tan, so I shall now proceed up topside and burn hell out of myself. Damn, but it's hot!
Well, I baked myself a half hour on each side-- slow but safe. Jack Azevedo has been getting a tan ever since we left the States and he looks like a damn [native] now. Guess I'll write some letters so as to have them ready when we hit port. Damn "picket" again.
I forgot to mention that we passed the island "Johnson" a couple of days ago. We're nearing our objective; in fact, tomorrow we should pass some of the islands in the Marshalls-- ours. It's been a black day aboard the Robinson today. Jessen, RDW, has been struck with appendicitis. About an hour ago, we pulled along side a transport and transferred him to her. There was no slowing down at all; we just swung him aboard her by a crane the transport had. I hope he makes it back. He's a damn good kid. He will get the best of medical care, that's for sure. It was kind of nice to pull along another ship. That ship was cram full of Marines-- so many that hundreds had to stay topside.
This is the damndest weather, just finished a damn welcome rain. It just poured down. I went out and just soaked it up, most refreshing. Rain out here lasts about ten minutes, then it's hot all over again.
On our 14-8, Jack and I got a loaf of bread from the galley and had bread and jam with coffee. It's remarkable how blue the water is, really beautiful. Strange that I never tire of looking at the ocean. Guess I'll hit my rack and sweat my life away. Oh, how I would love some mail.
We're in the Marshalls now. So far we've passed Mili, Arno, Aur, Maloelap, Wotho, Erkub, Majuro, Jaluit, Ailinglaplap, Ailuk, Namu, Likiep, Kwajalein, Ujae, Wotho, Rondrik, which we have taken. Rongalap, Bikini and Eniwetok are the only ones left. About an hour ago, we had a torpedo scare. Turned out to be a yellow rubber ball. Every rain squall on radar appears to be an enemy plane. We're all jumpy as hell.
I had the honor of being present in the ward room while the Skipper laid out the plans for the taking of Saipan in the Marianas. It's an engagement which will bring in the entire Pacific fleet. From what the Captain said, it seems that we will be there for eighty days. Quite a stretch.
At 1100 tomorrow, we hit an island here in the Marshalls where we can send some letters. Here's hoping we will receive some. We will pull up alongside a Tanker.
Jack and I are on our Mid-watch now, just came from the flying bridge where there is a stiff breeze blowing-- nice and cool. We have the "Picket" again, got to be on the ball.
The Marshall Islands are ours. They ran like sheep and were slaughtered as same. This was a snap. Saipan is the one that's going to be tough. The islands here are a mess; most all of the trees have been blown away and the earth is a mass of holes. I guess after they fill in the holes, they will make good landing fields for our planes. Otherwise, they're not worth a damn.
This ole war wouldn't be so bad if all engagements were as easy as this, but I know better. In a way it's rather beautiful here-- sandy beaches with palm trees, cooler weather and the water is as blue as the sky. Nice layover and rest!
What a push this is going to be. There must be 250 ships here waiting for the big push on the Marianas. This engagement may go down in history if it draws out the Japan Fleet. What a battle royal. Some guys just came down and mentioned swimming. Guess I'll go up to the Sound Shack and clear the area of sharks. The high frequency tone scares hell out of them. I'll probably dive in and come up with a dead Jap on my nose. I wouldn't doubt it a bit. Lord, what a mess.
Just came in from swimming. Water was warm as toast. Saw an arm-- what the hell. There's a movie on the focsile-- Dead End Kids in something or other. Very warm tonight.
(Place: Marshall Islands; as of yesterday, all twenty were taken.) We have fueled and taken on stores -- everything's ship-shape. Just secured from GQ. Five Jap planes came over with torpedoes; they dropped their load but didn't hit a damn thing. They were knocked clear to hell before they even got near our ship. About 150 more ships are here now -- mostly LST's. The Robinson has patrol duty now. We run a figure eight course next to the island of Kawajalein. Very boring as the soundmen have to keep pinging on a certain reef so we won't run aground.
It's as hot as usual. If we weren't patrolling now we could be swimming. Anyhow, we secure at 1300 tomorrow. This lad is going swimming all day. I don't know why but the water seems awfully salty out here. Yesterday, I dove off the forty millimeter mount and damn near broke my head.
It's very dull night, back and forth, and some damn mine sweeper keeps pinging off us. Just got relieved---sack, here I come. Got some mail today. Hot dogs-- letters and pictures from Mom, Dad, Emmy Lou and Sandy.
Page Break
We're still on patrol, over the TBS I just heard that we secure at 1300. As soon as we come in, this lad is going swimming. 1400: I was just getting my suit when one of our corpsmen came down and told me I could see the dentist. Boy, am I sore. Went aboard the tender USS Prairie and saw the doc. He looked at my tooth and the stupid ass was too damn lazy to fill it so he pulled the damn thing out. It doesn't show so I guess it's not so bad. I feel like an old man with no teeth.
2100. Great news, or is it? The good ship Robinson steams at 0600 in the morning for Saipan. Yellow beach (our objective). It has just been learned that the Japs have four times as many shore installations as we counted on. I don't like that at all. Light out, guess I'll turn in.
2300. Just secured from GQ. Jap planes were in our area (60 miles). They didn't even come near out ship. We will hit Saipan Thursday (ZERO HOUR is 0900.) What a blow out this is going to be.
0600. U.S.S. Robinson is underway. We're steaming for Saipan in the Marianas Islands. It will be a four day trip. The Marshalls are out of sight now. At least we have one engagement chalked up for our side. The Japs have sent airplanes over here so they must have seen the huge amount of ships sure as Hell. The Marianas attack will be no surprise.
These are bad waters we're in now. The force ahead of us has had 14 sub contacts. I'll have to be on the ball. One of the subs threw some torpedoes at one of our carriers but missed. Thank God.
The Robinson is in the lead of this force. This flagship business isn't so hot after all. We're really getting screwed on this Saipan attack. All of the other ships will lay out about 16,000 yards. What ship goes in to 1400 yards (close enough to swear at us) off the beach? The Robinson (DD 562). I just bet Dewitt S2/c five bucks that the good ship sinks in this deal. (Thirty days leave, Man-O-Man!)
I'm not sleeping in my rack any more. The flying bridge is a hell-of-a-lot safer and cooler. Azevedo and I both thought of this; it's close to our GQ stations. The watches are dogged. Jack and I have the 8-12.
I don't like this a damn bit, three more days! At quarters this morning, they passed this information:
Some times I almost wish I were in the States. I can't say that I'm scared, but this damn waiting is really hell. We know for sure that we're going to take a hit and some of our men will go; that's the catch to war, though. If I ever get back to the States and hear a civilian gripe, so help me. I'll kick hell out of him. I don't know why I'm writing all this; it's a cinch it will go down with this death trap. Guess I'll pay off my debts now. (Hell of a time for humor.) I'm starting to feel a wee bit jumpy now. When I'm on watch I damn near fill my pants every time I hear a swish or a wake. I'm going to sleep, the hell with it all. I was born to hang anyhow. (Hotter than blazes out.)
While on watch this morning (8-12), I plugged in the phones in the R.D.F. shack which is next to the Sound shack: Some shortwave which turned out to be Radio Tokyo was coming in. Its purpose was to break down our morale, what a laugh. I quote: "The stupid Americans are fighting a useless war. They are being slaughtered by tens of thousands in Europe and South Pacific. How would you like to be home now with your best girl listening to this song: 'You'd be so nice to come home to'. The Americans have nothing to gain in the South Pacific but the lives of their men." (Song: Tiger Rag.) "The British and Americans are in full retreat in the Europe invasion." (Song: All four movements of Bolero.) I get a big bang out of it. Besides, they have some damn good records.
We fueled from an "AM" (transport) about an hour ago. Also took on some bread. I just got issued a gas mask. Don't tell me they're using gas already? Well, I'm all set for the big blow out the day after tomorrow. All my most personal things are on my person. I have a rubber and kapok life jacket. (Two should be enough.) I swiped a battle cap come what may! The day after tomorrow is the big day. In the last six months I've been letting my nails grow (heh-heh, no mo'.) They're down to the bloody nub now. Could I be nervous; you're damn right I am. Chow is down and after is my watch. (Subs, look out!)
We're all set. The Captain informed the crew all the dope about the raid. I have the 1800-2000 watch tonight which isn't so bad. GQ starts at 0100 and will last all night, day and most of the next night. Chow will be served on our battle stations when possible. We're going in on the third wave which will land our troops on the beach (Yellow). It's up to them to get the air field.
Radio Tokyo on the air. I quote: "The foolish American forces are making a sad attempt to gain positions in the Marianas, but the Japs are too strong for them." They can sure sling out a sad line of bull. Usually it's this one gal who does all of the talking (very good English, too). We have nicknamed her "Tokyo Rose," when we take Japan I'm going to ram that mike up where it belongs.
Nothing much to write about now. I'm excited as hell and wish we could get started. I may go a couple of days without writing in this but will make it up. Securing for now. Hope everything goes as planned. Give 'em Hell, Robinson! The weather is hot but overcast; excellent conditions. Time: 2415. Just secured from GQ. About an hour ago, Radar got a contact dead ahead, range, about six miles. After having this "pip" for about five minutes, they reported "TARGET FADING OUT." We knew then that sure as hell it was a sub. As soon as the Jap sub dove, I got contact on it; range, 4,000-- no doppler. We ran in for the attack; when in about 2000 yards it changed into a stern attack (mark down doppler). We dropped a full pattern, deep setting and then opened range for a re-attack. Plot of radar informed us of results made. It was a "struck" target and was now lying dead in the water. (Huge oil slick in a shape.) The Captain, upon hearing it was a "struck" and dead sub, pulled in right over the spot and stopped. We dropped a deep setting all around her. The last was the pay-off. The Robinson will shell Saipan in about seven hours so seeing that I've got the 0400-0800 watch; guess I'll get some sleep.
U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562) (Flagship)
Destroyer Division One Hundred Twelve
United States Pacific Fleet 1 vp
0415 Call Police Petty Officers.
0425 All Hands, Call all officers.
0445 General Quarters
0600-0700 Breakfast served at Battle Stations.
1130-1230 Lunch served at Battle Stations.
1700-1800 Supper served at Battle Stations
E. Harvey
Lieut. Comdr., Navy
Executive Officer
[Ed. Note: There is a four-day break in the narrative at this point; "time out" during the Battle of Saipan.)]
Page Break
This is a rather late entry but I've taken notes while in Battle so will fill this in up to date. On the morning of the 15th (0400), GQ was sounded. The Robinson steamed in between Tinian and Saipan and took her position off Yellow Beach. At the first shot, old glory was two-blocked on our for'd mast. We shelled hell out of the two and sugar refinery (a mass of ruins now). The Japs were rather one way about it and fired back 2-8” forward of our bow (25 yds.), 3-5” after our stern (50 yds.). The battleship Tennessee took a 5' just above her water line amid her starboard side. Off Nafuten Point, three Jap ships were burning, almost sunk. Off Marpi Point, the Japs were picking off our Higgins boats; our planes made quick work of them (we lost three planes on the deal.)
Our LST's were scattered all over and Higgins boats full of Marines were swarming out of them towards the beach. The guns from our battleships and destroyers were beating the Japs away from the beach to clear the way for the boats. (I saw seven Higgins boats blasted from the water; we knocked out the positions that did it. We placed tanks on the beach and started the push. Our men and tanks were swarming up the hill. All of a sudden, the Japs opened up with their shore installations and pushed twice as many tanks against us. What a slaughter. They pushed us clear back to the beach. We lost hundreds on the move. Standing on the bridge, looking through a long glass, I could see our men dropping like flies on the beach-- a sight I'll never forget.
We were pounding out shells like mad and finally succeeded in halting the little bastards and drove them back into the hills. The Sound Shack was secured so all I had to do was watch. The men on the fans were really worked. In the handling rooms below decks, the men were fainting right and left, buckets of water were thrown in each other's faces to keep them going. This went on for four days and four nights without securing from GQ. In this time, I had four hours sleep, some others even less. What a grind. At night, we would fire by star shells. In a way it was a beautiful sight. All of this steady pounding made my ears feel as if they would burst.
The Japs were clever and wouldn't fire for fear of disclosing their positions. Instead, they would hold them until the opportune moment. Whenever we saw a flash, we would center our fire on it. The Robinson's gunners were really on the ball. Some cruisers came up to assist us. What a joke; they killed more of our men than did the enemy until fire control put them on the ball.
Our fire control spotter really had a time. In getting positions, he lost 1 Higgins boat, 2 tanks -- all within a half hour. All the time, I could see our planes diving-bombing Jap positions. (We lost very few.)
About the most horrible experience that happened to me was when the wind changed. It brought this ghastly smell of burning fuel over the water. Nothing could smell worse. We had an air attack one evening. Four enemy planes flew over us. We threw everything but the "head" at them but missed.
The following is from over out TBS. Radio:
"Hospital ships filled to capacity."
"Twelve survivors picked up from a sunken sub." (The one we got.)
"Jap task force on its way. 2 battleships, 3 cruisers, 4 aircraft carriers, destroyers and destroyer escorts."
"Four of our ships burning on horizon."
"Des Pac. (concerning bombardment) As far as I'm concerned the U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562) was the only ship who fired. Congratulations from our Admiral of the 5th Amfib. Force."
We were relieved by the U.S.S. Phelps to go on transport for a few days-- a much needed rest.
Four days and four nights without a shower and in the same gear. Was I filthy! I've been doing nothing but stand my watches and sleep. We had an air attack last night. Three planes flew over and dropped bombs. One landed 20 yds. off our starboard bow (close shave).
Nothing much to say now. Things seem very quiet and peaceful out here (25 miles from Saipan.) Score for the ship up to now is: 1 submarine, 14 shore installations, 16 tanks, oil dumps and hundreds of men.
The Captain just spoke over the intercom. He congratulated us all on the work we did. Get all the rest and sleep we can and we're expecting the Jap task force any day now. We're now attached to the 58th task force.
Bad news. The night after we left Saipan, Jap torpedo bombers struck. The U.S.S. Phelps (the one which relieved us) took four 8" shells (not sunk). I believe a transport and a couple of LST's were sunk.
I just heard ole Tokyo Rose over the radio sending us her daily cheer. According to the Japs, we've lost the damn war. Their news broadcast said that we lost two battleships, three cruisers and about a million cans. I found out that I'm allergic to pickles. Last night within three minutes my eyes swelled so much that I couldn't see. No more pickles!
Just received some good news. The Marines have taken the airfield on Saipan. From what I can gather, we're out here to meet the Jap task force which is on its way. Should be a battle royal. We just fueled off a tanker. It had been hit a few days before which left many men wounded.
Steaming along with our division. We're still escorting the empty transports about thirty miles from Saipan. News has come that within a few days the entire Jap fleet will steam into the Marianas. It's up to the 5th fleet (ships now in this area) to knock it out once and for all. I believe we're outnumbered, but we can still knock hell out of them. It will be the largest sea battle fought in history and will decide the outcome of the war in the Pacific. I'm quite sure we have more wagons and carriers but about cruisers, I couldn't say.
An armada of Jap planes raided Saipan last night. Three hundred of their planes were destroyed-- great news. The men are all rested now. The chow is terrible, but that is to be expected, as the ship has not received stores for quite some time. Time to go on watch. Jack and I have the 2000-2400.
A little excitement today for a change. While on the Sound Stack this morning, I heard the damndest noise. It sounded like fish noises, echo ranging, a receiver being tuned all at once. The Captain couldn't explain it either. It turned out to be a Jap submarine using his transmitter with F.F.G. to foul us up. The U.S.S .Newcomb, 3000 yards off our starboard beam, picked it up and made about five runs on it. (They were a different frequency than us.) Wreckage, fuel oil and military papers came to the surface. They got it for sure.
Orders just came over the TBS for us and our division to return to Saipan on the double. We're flank speed now, wonder what's up?
Saipan is again in sight. We just secured from an air attack. The Japs didn't even bother with our ship but concentrated on the island. It's evening now. It seems odd to know that with everything so calm just three miles from that island, men are fighting for their lives. War is sure hell.
We're still laying outside of Saipan, but just now some wonderful scuttlebutt is running from here to hell. It seems that we are going to take some transports back to Eniwetok, Marshalls. I only hope it's true because God only knows we can use the rest.
We're underway now and by gosh, we are going to the Marshalls. We're really making knots now, the transports are "empty." I can hardly eat the chow now, It's the worst we've ever had. I'm sitting on my rack now. One of the mess cooks just broke open a can of sliced pineapple he "acquired." The old sun is really beating down now. Oh, for the Frisco weather! The clocks were set ahead a half hour this evening. Jack and I stood only three hours. That and having the four to eight watch for three days-straight has really been swell for the second section.
The Robinson is still steaming towards the Marshall Islands. At Saipan, we were but nine hundred miles from Japan---too damn close. We just passed Truk. We should hit Eniwetok tomorrow morning. This will mean swimming, fishing, just plain loafing and most of all mail. I should have quite a bunch by now, a little over two weeks, I believe.
Chow is getting worse every day. When we hit Eniwetok, we will take on stores. We hit port Monday instead of Sunday. Time to go on watch. Just heard over the radio about more strikes in the States. That really pisses me off.
Just got off watch, 4-8. Today is "Rope Yarn Sunday." Nothing to do but stand our watch and flake off. I wrote two letters today. Mail will leave ship tomorrow. We had a "skunk" and "bugey" alert last night. Nothing came of it, though.
We're really making the knots now. It makes the weather appear to seem cooler. I'm breaking out with some heat sores now, enough to drive a guy nuts. I've made some damn good arrangements. From now on I sleep on the Flying Bridge in a hammock, really the nuts.
Just heard from my good friend, Tokyo Rose, shouting her mouth off. She's having a hell of a time explaining the Japs getting their asses kicked clear on back to the China Sea. They sure left the Nips on Saipan and Tinian in a heck of a fix. They can't even retreat. I feel so-so sorry for them. Here's hoping they won't give up. Then we can butcher them down to the last man.
The Robinson hit the Eniwetok-Marshalls at 0730 this morning. We took on stores and had a fairly good chow for a change. The dope now is that as soon as we take on ammunition we will steam towards Guam. Should be a good blowout. Hope it's not another Saipan!
I'm really seeing this South Pacific. Wonder how many more islands the Robinson will visit? We're tied up along a tender, the U.S.S. Markap. Went aboard and bought ice cream, cigars, coca colas and candy. What a treat.
The 1st section had a recreation party on the island. 2nd Section's chance tomorrow. Jack Azevedo, Elmer Diette, Ralph Moore and I will really raise hell together.
Note: This log is rather screwed up on the dates. We either gain or lose a day every time we turn around.
Time is 1500. Just came back from a recreation party. At 0830, the 2nd section piled into a landing barge and went over to Eniwetok. We anchored to the beach about 50 yards and swam in. The island is about three miles around and covered with palm trees. Really beautiful with white sand and crystal clear water. We spent the whole day swimming, eating coconuts and drinking ice-cold beer. (Placed aboard ship for such an occasion.) I've never had so much fun in my life. When the boat took the men back at 1230, they left Jack and I with four other men on the beach. We were in the middle of the island eating coconuts. Jack, Hardy and I hitched a ride on a boat load of Marines which brought us right back to the ship. They sent the whale boat over for the rest of them. The ship put us down as AWOL. Hope I don't get busted. I brought back some shells, a coconut and a damn good sunburn.
Boy, have I got a sunburn, most of all on my feet. I ache from head to toe. Most all of the men aboard got burned. They're crawling and screaming to beat hell--that sun is really hot. Now I don't know if it was worth it or not. Oh, well.
No ammunition as yet. Good. The longer it's delayed, the longer we stay here. Chow is quite a bit better now, even have fresh fruit now. I hear we have another mail call today. Nothing like mail-- it just came in!
At quarters, the Captain gave s superb speech. He was telling us how we've been broken in and are now set for the bigger stuff. My, gosh, this next scrap must really be big. The Skipper congratulates us on the fine work we've done up to now. Ammunition comes aboard tomorrow morning; ought to be leaving soon.
Just secured from taking on ammunition We've now got more than we have room for. It looks like we may be needing it. Men aboard ship worked twice as hard today. A large majority of them either have a sunburn or are sick from green coconuts. It looks like in an hour we will have a swim call. I'm going in-- sunburn or no sunburn. I heard some good news just now. The Robinson is the second best firing ship in the Pacific and that covers a hell of a lot of ships. Not bad, not bad at tall. The mail is coming in quite regular now. Sure is a treat.
There sure are a bunch of ships here in the Marshalls. Cans, wagons, carriers, aux. flat-tops, tenders, etc. Sure as hell, we're going to Guam. Everybody's yelling "Guam bound." What a scrap this is going to be. I'm just waiting for the day that we can shell Japan.
Swim call is about to be sounded so will secure this.
Still laying off Eniwetok, Marshalls. Had a swim call today and tested out my rubber life jacket, works fine. I see by the dope sheet today that Jack and I are on report. Doesn't look so good. Oh, well, nothing can be told until we have "Captain's Mast." It's quite well known that we're going to Guam. Should be leaving in a few days. We've been having movies every night. Some darn good ones, too.
2300: Just secured from general quarters. Enemy aircraft was in our area. Nothing happened.
U.S.S. Robinson(DD 562)
DD 562/KO/P 13-1/M :rd
1 July, 1944
Subject: Captain's Mast.
The Commanding Officer held mast at 1000 this date and awarded punishment for the following offenses as follows:
879 08 60 Regulations Warned
AZEVEDO, J.L. SoM3c AOL a period of 3 hrs.
378 48 02 and 15 minutes 6-27-44 Deck Court
HEINECKE, J.C. SoM3c AOL a period of 3 hrs.
885 93 45 and 15 minutes 6-27-44 Deck Court
HARDY, R.W. S1c AOL a period of 3 hrs.
626 65 52 and 15 minutes 6-27-44 Deck Court
COTTINGHAM, J.P. TM3c AOL a period of 3 hrs.
846 26 91 and 15 minutes 6-27-44 Deck Court
ARCHIBALD, R.C. CM3c AOL a period of 6 hrs.
877 85 59 and 45 minutes 6-27-44 Deck Court
CHERRINGTON, R.W. TM 2c AOL a period of 6 hrs.
329 10 66 and 45 minutes 6-27-44 Deck Court
RINEHART, A.D. Ck1c Failure to carry out Reduction to the
346 61 12 orders next inferior rating
WHALEN, JOHN C. CM3c (1) Refusing to relieve
300 54 75 the watch. Deck Court
(2) Disrespectful language
to a superior officer.
Copy to: M. HARVEY
OOD Lieutenant Commander, USN.
Crew’s BBs Executive Officer
Disb. Off.
Just finished having Captain's Mast. Jack Azevedo and I were awarded a deck court which most likely means we get busted. S1/c again. Ain't that a hell of a note. It also means about twelve dollars less a month. Nuts!
The word was just passed to make all preparations for going to sea. We get underway in about an hour -- Guam bound no doubt. Jack and I have the 12-4. Just our luck.
We just fueled from a tanker and are now underway. Chow down.
Steaming along very slow (11 knots.) We're taking six transports some place, most likely Saipan and then on to Guam. Quarter-master White said this morning that he overheard the executive officer (Lt. Commander Harvey) say that he was going to see to it that all AOL's from Eniwetok get busted. That doesn't sound so good. I still cannot understand a deck court for three hours over-leave, really rugged. Maybe it's because we were in the war zone. If things go smooth and we don't ball ourselves up we may make our rate back in three months, if we're lucky.
I hear from the third section that the sound gear is on the blink. Lydiatt is in the lower sound room now, fixing it. Gosh darn it. S1c; that still gripes me. I'll still be a soundman except that I won't be packing a rate.
TOKYO ON THE AIR. According to "Tokyo Rose," we're really doing awful. I guess it is pretty bad when we lose more carriers than we've ever owned. They still have good music so they can blab from here to hell for all I care. Lights out.
Just returned from Captain's Inspection. Passed O.K. I guess we will receive mail as soon as we hit Saipan. We have a post office on the island now. The nights are getting warmer now. Am sleeping on the forecastle in a hammock now. Much cooler than those hot compartments.
Jack and I just went before the executive officer and pleaded guilty to the charges against us. I'm afraid we will soon be known as Seamen 1/c. Mr. True (Sound office) said that he would see to it that we got our rates back as soon as possible. Three months will be the shortest. Not too bad at that.
Well, I'll be damned. We went up to the bridge to get read off and instead of getting busted, they fined us fifteen dollars. What a relief! Seeing that this is the Fourth, we really had an excellent chow for a change-- really swell.
We're still steaming towards Saipan. Slow but sure. That's us with these damn transports. I wonder if we will shell Saipan or Tinian before moving on to Guam. Hope not.
I can't understand why it's so darn hot. We're in a steady sweat day and night (even the nights are unbearable). The watches are dogged tonight. Jack and I have the 8-12, a hell of a lot better than the mid.
Still can't get over how that deck court came out. Still Soundman third -- yeah, man. Time to go on that god damn watch-- PING Crazy, that's me.
JULY 5, 1944: Thirty-seventh Day Out
I'm getting SoM on the logs now with great relief. What a close shave.
We should be in Saipan about Friday. Wonder how long it will be before we get that damn island. There hasn't even been any troop landings in Tinian as yet. Guam shouldn't take too long, I HOPE.
My old friend Tokyo Rose is having a hell of a time trying to broadcast. Things are so hot for them that she is rather stumped as to what scuttlebutt she can hand out. I believe this war should be over in about a year. Certainly hope so.
Chow for some reason or other is really getting better. Eating like humans now.
(At Saipan and Tinian, Marianas) Last night we came in sight of Saipan, Marianas. Sleeping topside, I could see the star shells being fired by bombarding cans, wagons and carriers. This morning I looked again at the old island. The same as when we left, except there's no more town and blown up quite a bit more. Saipan is just about ours-- next comes Tinian. We have not fired as yet, maybe tonight.
Here we are about two miles from as fierce action as can be found in the South Pacific and we're not even at general quarters. Crazy war.
1400. Just secured from GQ. One of our airplanes sighted a sub just off the island and about seven cans were ordered out to get it, us included. There were too many ship wakes for my money -- like looking for a needle in a haystack. Saipan is a huge sub base and we believe they will try a break tonight. (15,000 Japs on the tip of the island with no way of retreating.) Today we went within 500 yards of the beach-- one shell missed our bow by 25 yards. We may fire tonight. Surfaced subs, troops on the beach, shore installations or escaping barges.
We had GQ from 1900 last night to 1600 today. The Japs have been pushed from the town and are crowded on the tip of Saipan. While at GQ this morning, we noticed some men on a coral reef about 150 yards off the island. We couldn't tell whether they were our boys or the Japs. They kept waving and signaling with their hands and informed us that they were some of our men and that they were trapped. The U.S.S. Bryant and our ship sent our whale boats over there to pick them up-- with the Japs on the beach but 150 yards away, it was no easy job. We brought about 1500 aboard our ship. Several were wounded from shrapnel-- one poor devil had a slug in the groin and one through his arm. I just finished talking with a couple of them. It seems that the Japs pushed them down to the beach where they ran out of ammunition. Rather than be taken prisoner, they stripped themselves and started swimming for this reef where they signaled for help. These Army boys really looked scared, no wonder. They've really been through hell and back: The beach is dotted with wounded which we can't get at -- what a hell of a way to die. One of the men said that on the island the smell of death is unbearable. An LCI is pulling alongside to take the survivors. They have been dressed, fed and rested. I sure don't envy these boys.
We're doing patrol duty now, from one end of Saipan to the other. The Japs are doing very poor now. I believe their ammunition is running low. They lay up in the hills drinking Saki by day and at night come yelling and screaming down on our men. (A large per cent of them don't even have guns-- just knives.) They know they're licked and have no way of retreat. The enemy has been hearing shells dropping on them for the past month, should be getting tired of it by now.
On that LCI which pulled alongside yesterday, I saw that they had a Jap officer prisoner. He spoke perfect English and was shooting the breeze with the soldiers on board. He probably went to school in the States, wouldn't doubt it a bit.
I can't figure what the hell's the matter-- no G.Q for damn near two days. We just keep steaming back and forth. The Captain (Commander Granthem) gave a speech today. He told us the resistance of Saipan is about over and that the enemy has been damn near wiped out.
Saipan was one of Japan's strongest forts in the South Pacific-- the toughest we've come against as yet. The Nips have had this island for about forty years and when we raided it, they had between sixty and ninety thousand men on her.
Our losses have been close to fifteen thousand men, too damn many. The Japs have women snipers on the island and from what I hear, they're all right with a "Browning automatic."
The U.S.S. Grant sighted about 20 Japs swimming in the water. They picked up one and took care of the rest. (Depth charge, very effective.) The U.S.S. Ross picked up an unidentified body. A burial was given at sea after personal gear, had been removed.
Believe it or not, it's raining-- what a relief
The battle for Saipan is drawing toward an end. They threw a large counterattack which brought them to the town of Tanapac, but after close hand to hand combat, they were again cooped up in the northern tip of the island. They lost 1,500 men on that move. We've killed 10,600 Japs so far (half their garrison) and most likely thousands more as they try to drag their dead back with them. What with the land troops, heavy artillery and destroyers hammering constantly at the Nips, they're really screwed blue and tattooed. Enemy shore batteries at Tinian (3 miles south of Saipan) have been silenced by our ships. I imagine things should be well in hand in another week. One thing that does my heart good is knowing that not a single Jap will leave that island alive. It seems incredible that we could lose so many men on that damn island.
Sub contact by another ship last night -- lost it. A large amount of Japs were trapped on a coral reef last night and we couldn't get permission to fire on them. God damn the luck.
Two cans have come alongside to get some of our star shells.
We're now laying to on the southern end of Saipan -- for what reason I don't know. I wonder what's holding up our mail--- should have quite a stack by now. It's hard sleeping topside now. The smell of dead men on the beach is getting even worse. God, what a smell.
Time: 1500: Just came down from topside. I really saw a nice sight, about fifty "good" Japs. They were floating around in the water, deader than hell. All were pretty well bloated up. One Jap's legs were so swelled up that his pants were starting to rip. They must have been in the water for quite a while. It's funny that the fish didn't pick them apart, smart fish.
The "Slow Express" just came out. According to the people back in the States, Saipan has fallen to our forces. There is still fierce combat on the northern tip of the island. Most of the Japs are now fighting a different type of warfare-- snipping from trees and caves in the mountains and hills. Yesterday, a Jap girl came down a hill with two hand grenades in her hair, apparently giving herself up; she got five marines on that trick.
Last night, shore installations on Tinian were giving our ships moored on the southern tip of Saipan a bad time. Not silenced as yet. More damn bodies floating around-- not all of them are Japs.
Having our forces in Saipan has placed us within 1260 miles of Tokyo and only 1200 miles from the Philippinos. Japanese lost 58 ships on this one engagement-- not bad for our side. We lost 172 planes, 4 ships damaged and the total American casualties are still unknown, but were the highest of any Pacific campaign. The island is now being converted into one of our most advanced bases in the Pacific. I sure do hope we can get in on the Philippines campaign. Guess that won't come off for a while yet.
We just passed some more Jap corpses in the water. One fellow had a gold watch, two rings and a revolver on his body. One of the Boatswains threw a grappling hook over him but missed. Would have been a good haul.
We're steaming a figure eight course near the two islands. Wonder what we're waiting for. We're preparing to fuel right now.
We're in the transport area-- southern Saipan. The Navy is giving Tinian the works now. The Robinson will most likely throw some lead that way tonight.
While on watch about an hour ago, I saw a Jap body float about 15 yards off our beam. Rigor-mortis had not set in yet. He was on his back floating like driftwood. I noticed that his body was as white as snow but, no head!
Last night we berthed at Southern Saipan but were called out to fire star shells on the north tip of the island. We should send a newspaper over to the Japs to let them know that all organized resistance has ceased. As it is now, they're still raising hell. Newspapers sure can screw things up.
This morning, we came back to our berth and this morning the mail came aboard. Sure was swell to hear from home again. It seems to me that they would clear the area of all these bodies that are floating around, at least the Americans.
Sent a hundred dollars home today.
I was hoping we would stay berthed all day but here we are, doing figure eights by Saipan. While on watch this morning, I saw two Jap women and a baby (about a year or two old) float by plus, the usual amount of soldiers. There's one guy who always floats by (bloated Joe) right on schedule every day.
While on watch this evening, Aze and I had to secure the hatch, ports, and anything else that would help keep that god-awful smell from coming in. Wonder how in hell the fellows on the beach can possibly stand it. Aze and I threw a feast while on watch-- corn bread, Joe and cigars; what a life. According to the people back home, Tinian must be a hundred miles from Saipan; actually, it's but three miles. There is still fighting going on on the island. We lost more men on that island than any other, so far.
There's a sub snooping around 50 miles north of here.
We're still on patrol in these stinking waters. I wish we would get the hell out of here and move on to Guam or Rota-- anything for a change. Or if anything, just for some fresh air. Mail just came aboard. Not a damn one for me. Maybe next time.
We're supposed to take on stores either today or tomorrow. We were in the transport area for about an hour but we are now back on the beaten track again. I cannot figure why we're hanging around now that Saipan is practically in our hands.
Just had a false condition red.
What a relief. We're steaming about 25 miles west of Saipan. No stinking smell, no bodies, but just fresh air and clean, clear water. We have escort duty now, starboard bow of a formation of wagons, flat-tops and cruisers. This morning, we took on stores and fuel at the transport area. Chow isn't half bad now, you can almost eat it.
I broke the base to our jo pot today, must swipe one some place.
The weather has grown cooler now, must be winter. Looking at Saipan you can really see how the Japs were able to dig in so well. Rolling hills, huge cliffs, and wide beaches. It's really a beautiful island (what's left of it.)
Special sea detail was set early this morning while we pulled into the transport area. We fueled and are now on patrol just off the island again. I hear that mail comes aboard tomorrow. Sure hope so. According to Flege, we will be going back to Hawaii in a couple of months to pick up 77th inf. and bring them out here. It wouldn't be bad, but I doubt it very much. It sure seems longer than three months but that's how long we've been away from the States today. More like three years if you ask me. Note: This damn diary is starting to look more like a letter. Oh, well, nothing else to do.
We returned to the transport area this morning. The Captain and the division commander went ashore while we again went to patrol (radar and sound picket), a few miles off Saipan. We have just returned and the gig has left the ship to pick up the Captain and Commander. The mailman went, also.
The scuttlebutt is really flying now-- it seems that either Wednesday or Thursday, we will steam for Guam. Must be straight stuff because I noticed about 150 LST's come in today. It sure will be great to be on the move again. Guam shouldn't be as hard as Saipan was-- nothing could be. The 77th inf. Flege said we were going back to Hawaii to pick up, just pulled in today. There's some dope all shot to hell.
This damn area is crawling with flies: Three guesses at to what they have been feeding on. They're so fat they don't even jump when you swat them. No mail, damn it.
We were patrolling the coast of Tinian last night. Radar picked up a target and after GQ was sounded, it turned out to be some kind of barge. We're in the transport area now-- supposed to fuel and take ammunition aboard sometime today. I'm sure we will be leaving for Guam in a couple of days. Things are really amoving in this area. Jack and I were figuring it up yesterday; we're 6,000 miles from home, 1,200 miles from Japan. I was listening to a short wave broadcast from the States yesterday, really sounded swell. "Tokyo Rose" isn't saying much nowadays. She just talks about China.
Out on patrol again. This is getting tiresome. Mail was on the beach but we were unable to get it. It's come 6,000 miles and we're unable to receive it; really makes sense. We took on ammunition but no fuel.
Just secured from receiving fuel. If scuttlebutt proves to be correct, we should get underway tomorrow for Guam. It's been bombed several times by air. It's time for the troops to move in now. That means bombing of shore installations by the Fleet to cover the landings of our troops. We will most likely go in on the first wave as we did on Saipan. It's always been said that it's the Marines that make the first landing. Not in the Marianas; the Army hit the beach ahead of them. Out of the first three companies of solders that hit Saipan, only eighteen got back alive. I'll never forget watching that slaughter, a lot of young blood was spilled on that damn island. I was looking through the long-glass yesterday and on one section of the beach you could see white crosses dotted over hundreds of yards in this park-like area. They're still burning those 15,000 Japs over there. We have about 1,500 Jap civilians locked up on the island; wonder why we spared them? They say there will be snipers running loose on Saipan for the next six months-- plenty of places to hide.
The Robinson got underway at 0830. We're escorting nine LCD's to Guam. We should be there tomorrow morning. It's only 85 miles from Saipan but these Marine boats can only steam six knots. Whether we will engage the enemy or not will remain to be seen. At Saipan they just got the Post Office on the beach; there is 75 tons of mail there but only eight men to sort it so we didn't receive any. When we get back there should be quite a bunch for us. It's a little cooler out now and since we've left Saipan, we left all those damn flies with it. Az and I have the mid watch which isn't so hot seeing that GQ will start in the morning. Haven't been getting much sleep lately-- tired as hell.
We passed Rota during the night and pulled into Guam this morning. They are really shelling it now-- smoke is all over the island. From what I hear, we will return to Saipan this evening. It took us 24 hours to get here but only 8 to return. LCD's held us up. I cannot understand why we're going back. Must be because we're no longer attached to the 5th Amfib. force. I can see that Guam is just about three times as large as Saipan. Much larger mountains, also. Cocos Island is a very small piece of land on the tip of Guam.
The following took place on the morning of the 21st (time, 0300): I've really done it this time. Last night while on the mid watch, I dozed off for a moment. It was just my luck to have the Captain walk into the Sound Room at the time. Of course he placed me on report and assured me that in a short time, I would cease being SOM3/2. He was absolutely right, of course, and it was entirely my fault. My luck was about to run out, sooner or later
GQ was sounded at 0830 this morning and we commenced to shell Tinian, although this
island is but three miles west of the captured Saipan. There are supposed to be
about 6,000 enemy troops on it. We steamed back and forth firing tracers in the
caves and burning cane fields. If anything moved then the forties would open
up. We secured from GQ in the evening but was sounded again at 0100 the next
morning for about an hour. Then the regular condition took over the firing.
D-day for landing troops on Tinian, I hear, is the 24th. It's for sure and
certain that we will be in on that. The sugar refinery and town is pretty well
blown up; we finished that job last night by star shells. Mail came aboard
first thing in the morning-- what a relief!
( Ninety-ninth Day Out of States)
We're on patrol now, just off Tinian. The island is still taking a pounding-- both by sea and air (observation planes). I hope we don't fire today. Could use some sleep. (God knows I need it after the other day.)
Tomorrow troops will ashore on Tinian. From what I hear our ship will have a screening station-- not bad. The battleship Colorado and assisting destroyers will do the shelling.
Today is D-day for Tinian. Troops have been put ashore on both sides of the island. The Robinson was put on a screening--just off the beach. Three ships were hit today-- I was standing on the bridge watching the battleship Colorado shell shore installations when all of a sudden the Japs opened up and fired about fifteen 5 to 8 inch and a couple of 40's. (20 men killed; 30 or 40 wounded.) She was about 10,000 yards off the beach we fired on the day before; we were only a thousand yards out -- wonder why they let us alone.
The destroyer Norman Scott (same class as ours) got hers the same time as the wagon did. She received two hits. One back aft, knocking the steering gear out; the other hit the bridge (worst placed to get hit.) 20 men killed, including the captain; 30 men wounded. The Cruiser (heavy) Louisville was hit also. I didn't hear what her damage was but they buried her dead at sea about an hour ago. The other two ships took theirs over to Saipan.
While the island was under fire, I saw two of our planes get knocked down; one never did pull out of a dive while the other, when it caught fire, tried to get away from the island but had to bail out its crew. One man landed alive (for the Japs). This evening, shore guns on Saipan kept a steady pounding on Tinian. Most have kept the enemy busy. On the enemy island, there are 6,000 navy yard workmen and 14,000 troops.
0100: 7-25-44. I got a sound contact. We dropped a full pattern medium depth on the sound to the last run. Target was doubtful.
0100: I got a sound contact. We dropped a full pattern medium depth on the sound to the last run. Target was doubtful. We never did find out if that was a sub or not-- never will know. We came into the transport area this noon. The Colorado was tied up right off our beam. You can see where most of her hits were -- just above her water line. She was burnt pretty bad, mostly around the bow.
We're out on patrol again-- figure eights in front of Tinian. Our troops, from what I hear, are having a hell of a time; sounds just like another Saipan. Tinian has been one of Japan's advanced Naval bases up to now. We can sure put it to good use.
1800: GQ for shore bombardment.
1230-- Just secured from GQ, eighteen and a half hours straight, keeping up a steady fire all the time. I guess I got all of three hours of sleep. The Japs really got hell from the heavy guns on Saipan. What with the latter and the steady pounding from the naval guns, we really threw a 4th of July for the Nips. I think those navy fliers are completely mad. They fly about 200 feet from the ground and practically beg the Japs to knock them down, which they often do. I have not heard from the scuttlebutt chain how the army is doing on the island yet. Sure hope it's not another slaughter. We're in the transport area now. Time to get some sack time in. Sound Stack is secured.
We got underway at 0745 this morning and we're now on patrol between Auguijan and Tinian Islands. I sure did enjoy a full night's sleep without getting up for a watch. Had Captain's mast this noon. The old man said he would have to break me but couldn't do it at mast so he gave me a deck court which comes later. I can't understand it; nothing ever happened to me when I was on the beach but as soon as I go to sea-- boom!
It certainly is cool out. It's a bit cloudy, even a few minutes rain once in a while. They're still knocking hell out of Tinian.
DD 562/P13-1 U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562) (Flagship)
Destroyer Division One Hundred Twelve
United States Pacific Fleet fgd:
27 July, 1944
Subject: Captain’s Mast.
1. Captain’s Mast in the cases of the below named men for the offenses indicated was held this date.
Name Rate Offense Punishment
HEINECKE, J.C. SoM/C Asleep on watch in soundroom at Deck Court
885 93 45 1245, 7-21-44
WASHINGTON, C. StM2/C Leaving watch station in ward- Deck Court
722 00 97 room without being properly
relieved. (0400, 26 July, 1944)
cc: C.O.D. M. HARVEY
C.M.A.A. Lt. Comdr., U.S. Navy
Executive Officer
(Patrol off Tinian.) We're still on this damn patrol off Tinian, same position and area that those three ships got smacked. They haven't put out those positions yet-- expect to be blown to hell any minute. Guess we were put here to draw them out and see just where they're hidden. We were in the transport area for about a half hour to fuel but we're back to the grind again. Still no mail. According to these guys around my rack, we should be in the States this time next year. I sure hope so but doubt it.
Time: 1800. The Japs are getting fresh. A large splash landed about 1000 yards off our stdbd. beam. It came from Tinian-- about an eight incher. We've now got about a third of the islands with fairly small casualties. Tinian is the largest and most advanced base in the Pacific-- ideal for land based raids on Japan proper.
GQ was sounded at 0730 this morning and we commenced to shell Tinian. We now have one half of the islands which isn't bad, although we've met heavier resistance than was planned. The Japs took pot shots at us
--- a couple fifty yards off our bow and some off our beam. This ship must really be lucky; we've had so damn many close shaves. We made some good hits today-- installations, dumps and oil tanks. Not bad for a day's work.
I really got a start today. I was looking over the bridge at the island when I saw a periscope. I yelled out "Submarine off the starboard beam." Much to my embarrassment, it turned out to be a paravane towed by a mine-sweeper. (This small ship blew up a mine this afternoon.) GQ was secured at 1600. Scuttlebutt says we're taking an evacuation ship somewhere-- most likely Eniwetok or Guam. Who knows? I don't know whether I've said this before or not, but we're the second best firing ship in the Pacific. Not bad for a new ship.
(Patrol west of Tinian.) I had my damn "deck" today. Ahem, Seaman Heinecke, that's me. I believe I can go up in three months which won't be so bad after all.
We steamed into the transport area for about two hours but the guys at the post office said our mail has been forwarded to our next destination. Seeing that this evacuation ship is out, God knows where we're being sent now. Some scuttlebutt was going around that we were returning to Pearl Harbor pretty soon, but it doesn't seem probable. That's my idea, anyhow. Sure as hell I'd like some mail. Most likely it will take weeks before we get it. Oh, this God damned war!
Still on this blasted patrol duty.
We're doing our usual figure eight off Tinian. I'm still sore about that mail situation. They haul the damn stuff 6,000 miles and then ball it up when they get it out here. If we are moving on, I sure wish we would get started; getting restless.
Our ventilation system blew out yesterday-- no air in the compartments at all. I never knew a place could get so blasted hot! They say it will take at least three months to get them fixed. The motors are burned out and have to be rewound.
We've really hit the jack pot this time. We are no longer in the 5th Amphib. force but are instead the "Third Attack Fleet" under Admiral Halsey, who is known as a fighting son of a - - - -. We're now underway, heading for Eniwetok, Marshalls, where we will tie alongside a tender for three days-- then we head south across the New Hebrides where we will meet the 3rd Fleet. Then most likely through the Coral Sea and up towards the Western Central Pacific. This should be some cruise. It looks like I'll become a shellback after all. Can't say I'm looking forward to crossing the line, though.
We're still steaming towards the Marshalls-- should be there the day after tomorrow. We're really going to see action now. Guess most of which will be sea battles. At Saipan, they said our mail was forwarded which means quite a batch at Eniwetok for us. I'm afraid it will be some time until we can either write or receive any mail as soon as we leave the Marshalls. I'm going to cut these entries down-- can't stay in these compartments over ten minutes with this cooling system out.
We are getting sick on account of this heat and lack of ventilation. Have a slight belly ache myself. We should hit port tomorrow, sure hope we can receive repairs when we get there. Weather is getting hotter. In fact, it’s so God damn hot now I’m going to close this for now and go topside.
We steamed into the Marshalls at 0730 this morning where we took on 1,000 rounds of ammunition. We only stayed about four hours, then we headed south. We received no mail as it hit Saipan just as we hit Eniwetok-- just our luck.
Today they announced that all loyal and trusted shell backs lay below to the mess hall -- mmm -- It don't look so good for us pollywogs. We cross the equator the day after tomorrow -- boy, are we going to get a going over. Our ventilation system is still out of order. We're in a continuous sweat, day and night.
Those shell backs have started in already. I'm now bald headed with a few tufts of hair sticking out here and there. And, just to top it off, to add that debonair look, what hair there is left is dyed stark, raving red. Plus a nice red "P" on my forehead (pollywog). It's only 0745 now, lord knows what else will happen. The officers are either serving chow or singing songs in the mess hail. Some of the officers are even shining shoes for the shells. Some of the "P's" are even minus their eyebrows-- more damn fun! Nuts!
1130: Ah, der day has come. We rebelled against the shells up on the focs'l. What a slaughter. We turned the hoses on 'em and painted their hair and faces red. The most I suffered was a bump on the head and a welted rear elevation. The Radar officer was put on the bow with a bed spring. He had to keep going around and around yelling our contacts (hand-cuffed to the spring). The doctor had a swabbing job up forward while calling "mine sweeper."
I had to scrub the deck with a tooth brush while a fire hose was full in my face. Oh, am I sore. Tomorrow is the day we really get it! We passed the small island of Kusaie. I believe it is bare of troops.
I'm now a shellback, but after what I went through I don't know whether it was worth it or not. They lined us all up in a row and wetted us down with a saltwater hose. Then up a ladder to receive ten swats with a canvas club (wet). We were then put before the judge for our hearing (more swats). We, of course, pleaded guilty to being pollywogs so we all had to kiss the baby's belly which had grease on it (a fat snipe). When you put your head down, he pushed it in your face. Then I sang a song for the king and received a pill (bitter) from the doc. After this came paint, grease, and graphite in my hair (what’s left), face, mouth, eyes and chest. Then we ran the length of the ship, getting swats all the way. Last, but not least, we crawled through a 20 foot canvas bag full of grease and our own hair receiving pelts all the way. What a mess and am I sore. Shell back-- great stuff. My - - - is as red as a beet!
Thank gosh, we're across the Equator, after four showers, the paint has at least come off. The barber trimmed my hair down even (skin head). We should hit Guadalcanal in a few days. Then on to the New Hebrides to get rid of this evacuation ship which has been astern of us ever since we left the Marshalls or rather, Saipan. Now that we're in the Southern Hemisphere, you can really notice the change. It's hotter than hell, frequent rains, and the ocean at times is like glass. Sunsets out here are really beautiful and the moon at night is huge.
Boy, were my calculations off the beam. We're already passed the Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, and are nearing our destination. Noumea, New Caledonia. We're supposed to tie up alongside a tender from seven to ten days and maybe even a liberty in Noumea which is a very small French town with French people and natives. With my smattering of French, maybe I'll even make out-- with the local quail, of course.
I take back all I said about the South Pacific being calm. It's winter down here now and it's rougher than hell. Even worse than Seattle. Ever since last night we have been bouncing around like a cork. It's been raining most of the time and the waves are going over our bow and getting the bridge. It's hard as hell to stand a watch on the gear.
This is the roughest weather this ship has ever seen. We're rolling and pitching about like mad. We're supposed to hit Noumea tomorrow night. I sure do hope we can get a liberty out of the deal. If we can tie up alongside a tender, I'm really going to stock up on candy, cigars and clothes. I just got off watch and I thought I had a sub for awhile but it must have been a school of fish as the echo was gone after a few transmissions were put on it. With the ocean so rough there isn't much you can do besides sleep, so …
Noumea, New Caledonia. We streamed into Noumea at 1300 this afternoon. It sure is beautiful here among the New Caledonia area. The houses and churches are all of French design-- something new. The third section has already gone ashore (undress blues or whites.) We're on an island so in order to go to town we have to take a barge. The liberty part was instructed that any man who was arrested for being drunk would be put in irons. Don't buy whiskey from the natives and leave the local quail alone. From what I hear, there isn't a hell of a lot you can do so I guess I'll have to get polluted on beer. I don't rate liberty until the day after tomorrow. We were supposed to tie up alongside a tender but I don't even see one in this area. I sure do need some gear and I don't believe you can buy anything ashore.
I wonder if those nine bags of mail will catch up with us. The mailman just this minute came back aboard. No damn mail! That sure makes me sore.
I went ashore early this morning to the other side of Noumea to the hospital. They straightened out my glasses in a few minutes, so instead of coming right back to the ship, I broke liberty. Christ, what a stinking burg. All the people speak French or very broken English. Most of the people on the island are natives. The men are way over six feet tall with hair about a foot long (straight up). If they are single, they dye it red and if married they leave it black. What a sight to see those damn nugs running around with that red hair. Couldn't make out so hot with local quail. They talk too fast for my limited French. Maybe next time!
The Robinson is well known in this country now. All liberty parties have come back stinking drunk on this native wine-- three shots and you're out. Tastes awful. The first section beat hell out of the S.P.'s and got tossed in the brig. They're coming back now.
It looks like there may not be any liberty tomorrow because this ship damn near tore the town apart. We're the only American warship in this area at the present. Ashore, you see plenty of French sailors, New Zealand soldiers, Australian soldiers (white and black), navy Waves and WAACS and God knows what else. The town is the same as it was 500 years ago. Same forts, buildings and houses. The churches are modern and really beautiful.
They say this native brew will kill you if you drink enough of it and I don't doubt it a damn bit. As soon as you get a couple of shots in you, you want to lick the world. After two drinks of that stuff, I'll quit for the day.
U.S.S. Robinson (DD562) Flagship
Destroyer Division One Hundred Twelve
United States Pacific Fleet
9 August, 1944
From: Executive Officer
no field shoes. This also applies to the OOD
poisoned whiskey. Call pharmacist's mates or doctor if necessary.
Lieutenant Commander, USN
Executive Officer
(0715.) Just got off watch (security patrol). What a banged up crew this is-- black eyes, cut heads, hangovers and sick men. I'm going over to the beach this morning and see the sawbones about my eyes again. Seeing that I rate liberty at 1300, I'll go right to town after my business. Hope I come back sober. (1900.) Swell time!
Mail came aboard this morning 12 letters. Today, Azeveco, Deitte, Flege, Allen and I went all around this small island we're tied up to. It sure was good to walk around in the country. We went up a hill to a small French farm house and bought a a damn nice dinner; fresh meat, potatoes, eggs, lettuce and lemon juice from these two French girls. Sure was good. In our tour, we could see all these French and Javanese houses and forts now crumbling from age, old grave yards and temples-- even some of those old walls with niches in them where they used to fire from. I exchanged some money and got some French Noumea notes. I'd like to send them home but no can do. I believe we will be here for six more days, then up to Espiritu Santos in the New Hebrides. From there, I guess it will either be New Guinea or the Philippines-- should be interesting, no doubt.
U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562) (Flagship)
Destroyer Division One Hundred Twelve
United States Pacific Fleet
9 August, 1944
Executive Officer's Memorandum to the Crew
Lieutenant Commander, USN
Executive Officer
It’s a swell sunny day out. Can even hear the birds singing on the island. About noon, Diette and I are going on the island hiking again. There’s an old fort on top of a hill that we’re hoping to see. Hiked all over the island and saw damn near the whole place. Bob Hope was in Noumea on one of his overseas programs. Seeing that I’m in the second section, I got gypped out of it. Aze and I are going to the section base now to see a movie.
It’s very undependable weather over here. Rains one minute and hot the next. I have to go to the hospital again today. I rate liberty so I can go to town right after. I’m supposed to meet Aze at the Chicago bar between two and three.
Oh, what a hangover. I was ashore last night and drank those native’s pink lady’s and straight run – lousy stuff! Boy, did I get polluted.
The repair base here is working with the crew on the ship. New paint job, engines for the ventilation system, things should be ship-shape in no time. At the repair base is a swell Ship’s Service. Good chance to stock up on candy and cigars.
Went ashore and got my new glasses this morning.
This whole ship is being painted, really looks sharp. Fifteen new seamen reported aboard this morning. Some of our boys have been transferred – one for “war jitters.”
What little French I've had has really come in handy over in Noumea. It's about the only language spoken on the island. There are quite a few army boys stationed here in New Caledonia. Some of them have been here over two years-- what lousy duty.
Mail call – 1 from Dad.
We're still holding field day on the ship. Just finished some painting. Liberty starts at 1300 and seeing that this is (or may be) the last liberty, I'm going to get stinko.
8/18/44: Aze, Flege, Arch and I went ashore together yesterday. We had one hell of a swell time. Maybe I shouldn't have mixed rum, gin and wine together, but what the hell. We met some New Zealanders yesterday, swell guys. They haven't seen any action yet and were all ears to hear about the Marshalls, Marianas, etc. When we told them we were most likely headed for the Philippines, they wished us luck with tears in their eyes-- funny guys. My buddys in the compartment got me in my sack all right--- thus the late entry.
Mail-call-- 2 from Mom, 1 from Mrs. McCarthy and 1 from Gloria.
Painted part of the Sound shack this morning, then wrote a few letters home. The ole Robinson really looks swell now-- when we steamed in it was rusty, salty ship. Now it's got a complete paint job, guns all worked over, engines all ship-shape. It looks like a brand new ship now.
I believe we've got steaming orders coming up soon-- Maybe by Monday. Sure hope so as I'm getting tired of this damn place. It's funny how a guy can get restless even when in port. Saw a movie at the Repair Base tonight. Not a bad picture.
We're still laying in port -- looks like we may stay here a bit longer. A repair (French) crane ship pulled along side this morning and returned our radar screen. The sound gear has been worked over and is in A-1 shape.
Flege, Winnie and I bought a case of beer from the Repair Base this evening and the three of us went on a binge up in the hills. No mail today.
Aze and I are going swimming this afternoon over on the other side of the island. This being in port isn't so bad in ways but it will feel good to get steaming again. I went fishing this morning off the fantail. Not a damn thing.
Azevedo went to Noumea, so Gabo, Hoppie and I went over to the other side of the island for a hike. We went swimming for about 15 minutes (too many sharks). We ate dinner at a French farm, then came back to the Repair Base and saw a move-- a very enjoyable day. No mail!!!
Those gals on the farm cannot speak English so hot; we've taught them to swear wonderfully in good ole American!
We got underway at noon today. We're still in sight of the island. A tanker is alongside giving us fuel. I guess we will anchor out here tonight.
We're laying outside the island and get underway at 1100 tomorrow. Nothing much doing today. We had a movie on the focsal today, darn good picture.
We've left Noumea, New Caledonia, and are now steaming towards Espiritu Santos, New Hebrides. For what reason, I do not know. We passed between two islands awhile ago but is all open sea now. It sure feels great to be steaming along once again. Hope we steam west in a few days.
The sea is a bit rough out and the weather cool. We sleep with a blanket now. It wasn't many days ago that we were sweating fools.
Test fired No. 1 & 2 guns. OK.
It seems a shame to have been so close to Australia and New Zealand without a liberty there. Maybe later. Axe and I have got the mid-watch. Hell!
We just steamed into the New Hebrides right on schedule. From what I can see of the islands, I believe it's quite a bit better than New Caledonia-- greener and cooler. It's too bad we won't be here any longer than a day. Kind of like to go ashore and take a look around.
All men in the second section of the T-division are going ashore on a working party. Most likely for stores. At least we will be able to see what the beach is like. I hear they sell beer over there. Hmmmm.
Just returned from the island-- no beer. We rode all over in a truck with very little work. There sure are a lot of palm trees on the island. Wouldn't mind some beach duty here for a month. No more, though. Out in the harbor with us is three carriers, a battle wagon, a couple of tin cans, S.C.'s and a French destroyer.
All hands on deck on 0200 this morning to take on ammunition. Sure was a hell of a time to get up but it's all aboard now. There are three battle wagons in the harbor now -- New Mexico, Idaho and the Tennessee. About six more Fletcher class destroyers are also with us. Looks like something is brewing.
Packages came aboard but no mail. 1235: We're underway now. Three carriers and about six destroyers are going with us.
We're steaming to some bay in the Solomons. I believe it's in or near Guadalcanal. It looks like the Skipper is out to see the world by the way we're moving around. I'm afraid the next few months will be fairly heavy. After we leave Guadalcanal, no one will know where we will be going. My idea (ahem) is that we will steam down past New Guinea and into the Indian Ocean around Timor, Java, Bali, Borneo and maybe even Singapore. Sure hope not. There we will lay in waiting until the day we will strike at the Philippines.
The further north we go, the hotter it gets. I've put my blanket away again. The weather is sultry, musty and uncomfortable. That's the main thing that gripes me out here.
We steamed into Purvis Bay, Solomons, at 0800 this morning. It sure is a beautiful place. The bay is surrounded by Guadalcanal, Savo and Tulagi islands. Purvis Bay is better known as Iron Bottom Bay or Massacre Bay because not long ago a huge battle took place here where a large amount of our ships were sunk. Damn near a hundred from what I hear.
Some natives came alongside today in a dugout. We traded and bought some junk from them. I got some cateye shells. (Those natives stink like hell!) The islands here are quite a bit different from what I’ve seen so far. The jungles are deeper and more colorful than the others. This bay is chuck full of ships – battle wagons, heavy and light cruisers, tin cans, transports, tenders, etc.
A recreation party of the first section went ashore on Florida Island (a beer party.) We have to be careful of mosquitoes around here – malaria is quite common in and around these islands.
The weather is quite warm now. In fact, it’s sticky heat. Movies are shown on the fantail instead of the crew’s mess compartment which is a great deal better. There sure is a powerful striking force assembled here – wonder what’s up?
Mail came aboard – three. I hear we get underway tomorrow some time. It’s a two day trip, I hear. Torpedoes and sleeve firing.
Second section had a recreation party ashore on Florida Island – between Tulagi and Guadalcanal. Happy, Hardy and I got our ration of beer and then headed for the jungle. We crawled, stumbled and hacked our way quite a distance into the jungle. It’s hard to describe a South Pacific Island jungle. It’s very beautiful with all shades of green, huge palm and other types of trees, large twisting vines hanging everywhere, colorful birds, lizards, poisonous snakes. The plant life consists of large ferns, all kinds of bushes, mostly poisonous. On top of the latter – it’s amazingly hot, sticky, noisy and the bugs feed on you. Well, we wandered down a large canyon and found a vine hanging from a tree almost eighty feet tall. We spent an hour swinging out on it, about forty feet from the ground -- more darn fun. There are known to be Jap snipers still on this island. No wonder-- a guy could hide ten feet from a person and still not be seen, even us with our light dungarees and white hats. We stayed in the jungle for about four hours and when we came out, we were all dirty, sweaty, sticky and smelly. Boy did that shower feel good. I'm really tired now. Should sleep swell.
We took on enough chow for 120 days. God, but we must be staying out for a long time. The Robinson gets underway tomorrow for gunnery practice maybe two days. Gosh, when I look at a map I can see where we sure are a hell of a distance from ole San Francisco. Mail: 2 and pen from Mother. Really a pip.
We got underway early this morning. We're out on maneuvers now with cruisers, carriers, wagons and tin cans. We haven't fired as yet, although we've been on our battle stations off and on all morning.
We're steaming back to port now. There sure were a large number of ships out with us today. From what I hear, they will be shoving off with us when we leave which is the sixth, I believe.
I believe were staying in port all day today. We're on thirty minute steaming notice, though.
Went over to the tender, U.S.S. Dixie, and bought four bottles of lighter fluid. I've been trying to get some of that since we left Pearl Harbor. Mail came aboard today -- three. Got the security patrol tonight. Movies on the fantail.
This morning Deitte, Flege, Azevedo and I went over to the tender for Attack teacher training. We sure needed the practice. We get underway tomorrow for a couple of days of torpedo runs. That means about 35 knots almost all day and night. Double feature tonight.
Distress signals about forty miles out at sea. Special sea detail has been set and we're about to go out.
We've secured the special sea detail. Seeing that our radar antenna is off, we will stay in port.
We got underway at 0900 this morning and are now operating about fifty miles north of Guadalcanal on torpedo runs. We're at flank speed most of the time in a zig-zag run. It certainly is rough.
GQ this morning land another tonight. Aze and I have been lucky by having it on our watch.
Still on maneuvers. There are light cruisers and destroyers with us. Had GQ--still on watch. It's so rough there really isn't much you can do except sleep.
We've finished all the runs and are now headed towards port. I wonder where our next engagement is. It's not the Philippines. We leave the sixth of this month and stay out for 120 days. Must be some of those small islands between New Guinea and the Philippines.
On this next campaign, 5 battleships, 4 cruisers and 7 destroyers are going with us--nice, fast and powerful force (four carriers).
Today is Labor Day. Now if I were home, it would mean a vacation.
Aze, Flege, Deitte, Moore and I went over to the tender Dixie for Attack teacher this morning. We stayed over and ate lunch aboard her. Turkey and everything that goes with it-- a hell of a lot better than if we had eaten aboard our ship.
It looks like we may be steaming out of here the day after tomorrow. It sure will feel good to be moving again. No mail.
Second section liberty party today. Azevedo, Hopkins and I are going over and get our two beers and then head for the jungles and play "Tarzan" on the vines. I'm going to have to take it easy today. I've got a boil right on my rear elevation and when I sit or hit it, it hurts like hell.
Just came back from the island. Aze, Hoppie, Skee and I went into the jungle and again found our vine. When you swing on this vine you leave the ground about 75 feet. Well, Skee went out and slipped. He went wailing through space, trying to catch hold of an overhanging vine, but only succeeded in breaking his fall a little. He missed a tree by feet and landed on dirt ledge. We felt sure we had a dead body on our hands but when we got to him, he had a few cuts, sore from head to toe and knocked out. That guy was really lucky. We told him that he beats Tarzan all to hell and will receive his wings in due time.
We get underway tomorrow. Here it comes!
We got underway at 0400 this morning. With us are five wagons, four carriers, four cruisers, eight cans and some attack transports. This is really it this time. We're steaming towards the Palau (Pelew) Islands., which are located between Yap and the Philippines --500 miles from the latter. D-Day is Sept. 15 and we're going in three days before! Which most likely means that on the morning of the 12th, we steam in like hell, fire like mad men and swim back.! I cannot understand why we're exposing ourselves between two enemy fires. Oh, well.
From what I hear, the main purpose for us coming out this way is to hunt down the Jap fleet. I don't like that at all!
We're still Palau bound. The two largest of the islands are Babelthuap and Koror. There are about 20 islands in the whole group.
Aze and I have the four to 8 which is a good deal for us. We're making about 18 knots so it's damn smooth sailing. Some more cans have joined us. There are a couple of ships added, but I couldn't make out what they were. It's hard to believe that in a matter of days our guns will be speaking again. It just seems like we're patrolling or something. I don't know what I mean.
We crossed the Equator early this morning (about 0300). We're now approximately 300 miles south of Truk, Caroline Islands, and still headed N.W.
Seeing that we hit Palau three days before D-Day, I guess we can expect a long GQ. I don't like the looks of things myself but who am I to say?
We had a surface contact this evening. GQ was sounded but the contact turned out to be four destroyers and four transports.
I'm afraid I underestimated the strength of the force that we are a part of: 5 battleships, 7 cruisers, 4 carriers, 12 destroyers and 4 attack transports. Straight dope! When we hit Palau, we will split into two units-- half to the west side and the other to the east (DD 562, east). We will head in single file and then fan out for a broadside sweeping back and forth. Then (if still afloat) division 112 (that's us) will go in and work with the underwater demolition crews to break a path for troops by blowing up the coral reefs. They say we will go in close enough to, and I quote Murphy, piss on the beach.
It's getting warmer every day now. The further north we go, the hotter it gets. We fueled underway from the battleship U.S.S. Idaho today. Those wagons certainly look big when they're along side a destroyer. From today's press, I see that Palau has been hit by our planes. After the Palau campaign, they say we will strike at Yap-- war, war, war. All loose gear is being removed from the deck-- prepare for battle.
0415 Call Police Petty Officers.
0420 All hands. Call all officers.
0440 General Quarters. (OOD, obtain advance notice from Captain.)
0540 (About) Secure from General Quarters.
0630 Breakfast for 1st section.
0655 Breakfast for 2nd section.
0720 Breakfast for 3rd section
0800 Muster on stations, make reports to the ship's office. Keep silence about the decks.
1130 Lunch for 2nd section.
1155 Lunch for 3rd section.
1220 Lunch for 1st section.
1700 Supper for 2nd section.
1725 Supper for 1st section.
1750 Supper for 3rd section.
2330 General Quarters for approach to Palau Islands.
Note: Anyone knowing any information as to the whereabouts of a Government issue Colt .45 caliber automatic pistol # 943438, see the Gunnery Officer immediately.
Lieutenant Commander, USN
Executive Officer
Today is a rest day for all hands. Guess we're supposed to store up sleep. We're going to hit Peleliu, Palau, the first thing in the morning; so seeing that GQ starts tonight, I had better get some sack time in.
Our division has pulled ahead of the attack force five miles in case of any resistance by enemy ships. The five PCD's (attack transports) we're escorting, carry the underwater demolition squads. These men are to clear an area of coral reefs so the Marines and Army can land.
(Peleliu, Palau Islands)
GQ was sounded at 2300 last night. Our division picket met no resistance whatsoever when we steamed within sight of the islands. At the crack of dawn, the battleships and cruisers opened fire with their 14 and 16 inch guns (12 thousand yards from the beach, out of our 5-inch range). We got a large oil slump so far-- can't see the damage so well from this distance. One shell fire from the island passed over our ship and landed about 100 yards abeam of us--bum shots.
Secured from GQ 0815 this morning but expected it again soon. Two tankers crashed into each other last night, slight damage. Two of the P.C.D.'s crashed just a few hours ago. One of them has sunk. All hands saved. GQ. will be sounded at 0930 so will secure this for now. Believe we're going to fire.
1730: Our division and a couple of cruisers went into screen and to draw fire from the demolition squads as they laid charges in the reefs of Peleliu. While the men went to their objective, we maintained a rapid fire over their heads up and down the beach with our fives and forties. The Japs are smart. They're not disclosing any of their positions yet. They always wait until the troops start landing.. We went in within 600 yards of the reef. I believe that the Japs, like at Tinian, could have hit us bad but they're holding back until D-Day. The men in the boats received some machine gun fire and we got some 3 inch shells abaft of us. I can see a Jap plane on the shore that had been knocked down earlier. We spotted another on a small field, apparently in good condition. We left it burning. It sure was interesting to watch our gunfire mow the palm trees down. I was
watching one large tree when we bowled it over. Who should come tumbling from the top
but a Jap spotter. Japanese gunfire got so heavy at one time that our boats had to retreat but
went right back after a few salvos from our guns.
Peleliu is quite a bit different from Saipan or Tinian which have hills and valleys. This island is more like Guadalcanal or Bougainvillea because of the land being so level, very thick jungle. Peleliu has about 4,000 troops while Ngemelis, about two miles from Peleliu, has 20,000.
GQ was sounded at 0530 this morning. We steamed in and commenced firing on Peleliu. Flege and I were really kept busy; we had to give ranges of the reef and the depth every 15 seconds. I was able to go out on the bridge every so often so I see everything. The Japs fired at a cruiser but shot over it and damn near hit us. Once while changing our position, about 15 shells followed our wake right around in a circle-- close. The island is under a constant fire from the Fleet. From the looks of things, I don't believe our troops will have such a bad time on D-day. Secured from GQ at 1130.
GQ was sounded at 1245 for shore bombardment again. The demolition crews went in again, this time to set the charges off. What a sight-- it threw water five hundred feet in the air. There are two paths now cut in the reef for the landing party. When the crews finished their work they came along side on their way back to their own ships to thank us for our fire support. I really take my hat off to those guys - they did a damn good job. The Skipper congratulated Flege and I on our good job on the gear and fathometer, a good day.
1500: The Japs just knocked down one of our planes-- the first one so far.
We just lost a ship, the U.S.S. Perry, which is an AM. It hit a mine just off the beach. Most of the men were saved. GQ was sounded at 0530. Secured at 0900. We're on a screening station now. We're covering a couple of cruisers and battleships.
GQ at 1245 for shore bombardment. The demolition crews again went ashore to put the finishing touches on the break. Everything is set for tomorrow.
Secured GQ at 1600. Back on our screening station.
0430 All hands
0500 Breakfast for 1st section
0525 Breakfast for 2nd section
0550 Breakfast for 3rd section
0730 General Quarters for shore bombardment
0800-0930 Shore Bombardment
0945 (About) Secure from General Quarters
1100 Lunch for 2nd section
1125 Lunch for 3rd section
1150 Lunch for 1st section
1300 Turn to: Scrub down all weather decks
1600 Knock off work
1700 Supper for 2nd section
1725 Supper for 1st section
1750 Supper for 3rd section
2100 Lights out
Lieutenant Commander, USN
Executive Officer
GQ was sounded at 0700 as we pulled into position off shore. Zero hour was 0830 for the invasion. Coming topside this morning, I was surprised at the number of transports (L.S.T.'s, L.C.I.'s,) and destroyers that were here. They all came in last night. Just at dawn, we lost a plane. It was shot down in flames. The men aboard never had a chance. The amfib. tanks (ducks) poured ashore with the heaviest naval fire support I've ever seen. They hit the beach but were turned back to sea again by the Japs. After continual naval fire and bombing by planes, the Marines again went in. This time they stuck. I saw some of the boats blown clear out of the water, but every time the Japs fired, we would see and blow out the position. We did some excellent shooting today, really on the wall.
Airplanes dived-bombed the island all day. They would dive right into the smoke-- strafe or bomb and then zoom up again. Some never pulled out--lord knows how many we lost. We fired all day on Peleliu and secured at 1815, when we left our position we were 450 yards in on all the beaches. Now that we're in the attack fleet, we won't hang around like in the past-- hit and move on. From what I hear, we will patrol for ten days and then move on to Yap of the Caroline Islands.
From one source, I hear we are going back to the States and from another that we will spend Christmas in Australia. I believe I prefer the latter. When we hit the States, I want to stay there.
We have withdrawn with battle wagons and cruisers, but will return in the morning for shore bombardment.
GQ was sounded at 0745 this morning for shore bombardment. This time we concentrated our fire on machine gun nests, caves and anything that even looked like an installation. We shelled the island all morning and secured GQ at 1130. We then laid to and let the greener destroyers fire.
Our division commander made four striper-- full Captain. Not bad. Mr. O'Comey is off the O'Bannon which went down -- belay that - - damn near went down last year.
We're on patrol now. Guess we will have it all night.
Nothing much doing today. We were supposed to fuel and take on ammunition today abut we didn't. We need 1500 pounds of A.A. common, phosphorous and 40 mm. common. We're never supposed to go below 100,000 gallons of fuel but at the present time we have but 20,000. Seeing that we can't have movies in these waters, we now have re-broadcast records of several programs from the States which we play up on the forecastle. It sure is nice to cool off evenings, listening to those familiar stations. We're very close to the equator which gives us waters as smooth and reflecting as a lake, beautiful sunsets, and sufferable weather.
I hear we hit Yap in about a week. Then I believe we have about a month rest coming to us-- probably Eniwetok, Espiritu or Noumea.
We refueled underway today from a tanker. On our screening patrol we left Peleliu and steamed 200 miles toward Yap but are now headed back. The days are getting hotter now. The ocean is calm with very little breeze so the sun beats down and almost smothers you.
I wonder when we will receive mail!
When we get our rest period I hope we go to Eniwetok-- good swimming.
We secured from Patrol and commenced to take on some much needed ammunition. We had just started and had taken about a tenth of the powder when we had orders to shove off. The transport we were taking this ammo from at the time was also loading up a cruiser on the other side. Immediately after sunset, we started firing star shells over this island--Anguar, I believe. There was quite a bit of Japanese resistance and our boys needed light so they got it-- one every ten minutes from dusk to dawn.
Tomorrow an admiral is supposed to come aboard. We're taking him some place up North. Babelthuap is the name (wonder who dreams up these names?)
There was an air raid seventy miles north of us.
This morning the rear admiral came aboard, bringing his staff with him-- a vice admiral, couple of commanders, and even a chief. We reached our destination, Babelthuap, an island of 20,000 Japs, a large town and airfields. We're not going to take this island. Instead, we're trying to isolate it (a few bombings here and there to keep the airstrips knocked out, gas and oil on the crops to starve them into submission.) This island is on the Palau group just 70 miles north of Peleliu. At present, there is a seaplane base here but plans are being made to make a huge Fleet anchorage. The braid came up to look it over. We pulled alongside an ammunition ship here and took on ammunition. All filled up now. This ammo ship was in the raid last night; damn near got hit. We pull out in the morning.
We left Babelthuap at dawn this morning after placing the gold braid aboard a plane bound for Australia, the lucky dogs. We're back at Peleliu now doing figure eights, patrol duty. The latest dope now is that we're not going to Yap but our next objective will be Mindanao Island located in the Philippines.
Anguar island has fallen to our forces but Peleliu remains to be taken. We have secured from our patrol station (dusk) and have taken our position off Peleliu for night firing of star shells.
We fired star shells all night until dawn. GQ was sounded at 0700 this morning for shore bombardment on
Peleliu. We fired all day, we ate dinner on our battle stations, slept when we could and at long last, we secured from GQ in the evening. The Robinson has been firing more than any other destroyer around her. They want a good ship for this task. Ahem!
From scuttlebutt I hear we will be leaving within a few days. They say we will steam towards New Guinea.
GQ was sounded at 0745 this morning for shore bombardment again on Peleliu. What a grind. We're doing damn good work --- tanks, installations, etc. Secure GQ at 1200.
Hot damn --- mail came aboard. I received two letters today; not bad.
We're on standby fire tonight. I hope we can make it through the night without GQ being sounded.
Just secured from two air raids. As soon as we secured from one GQ we went to the other within a few minutes. The Japs on Peleliu had these new planes in crates and put them together under cover, which was why we didn't pick them up on radar. P.S. The damn planes got away --- took us by surprise.
Good hunting today. GQ was sounded at 0400 this morning --- about twenty barges full of Jap reinforcements and ammunition tried to sneak into Peleliu from another island up north. Radar picked them up about a mile from the Peleliu beach. Just like shooting ducks in the water. We turned our search lights on and fired star shells over them. It really lighted up the area. When a five inch projectile hits a barge full of Japs or ammunition, it doesn't leave a hell of a lot. While this was going on, another Jap seaplane tried to escape. We blew hell out of lit. "A very profitable morning!"
We got underway and we're now at the anchorage off Babelthaup to again take on ammunition. We use it up fast. We've been loading all day but have now secured to continue in the morning.
We just secured from receiving the rest of the ammunition and are now re-fueling. I think we're having a swim call today.
We've done damn good so far here in the Palau islands. About 3000-5" on the beach, 2 planes, 12 tanks, close to 30 gun positions, barges, ammunition dumps, pill boxes, oil clumps.
We had the swim call, the water was sure nice --- just a bit salty, though. We're still at anchor but we got underway first thing in the morning. Movie tonight.
We got underway at 0600 this morning, bound for Peleliu.
Note: No survivors were picked up from the barges sunk last Sunday. Machine gunned in the water. The ole Nip is getting some of his own medicine.
The ship is now laying to off Peleliu. I believe GQ will be sounded later on for shore bombardment. This island has turned out to be a hard nut to crack. It was supposed to have been taken days ago. Although we have taken over three quarters of the island, the Japs are still holding strong. They still have a radio station intact because we can hear them clearly over our T.B.S.
We're laying to just off Peleliu island under call fire.
Peleliu has just been taken. Tomorrow we shell and land troops on a small island by the name of Ngemelis Island located right next to Peleliu. We're going to fire star shells all night on what's left of Peleliu.
Just secured from an air raid. A flight of Jap planes came over to bomb the islands. Never got close enough for us to fire, though.
GQ was sounded early this morning for shore bombardments on our new objective Negesebus. We pounded hell out of it all morning, then the Marines and Army went in. It was mostly tank warfare. Secured GQ at 1300. It laid out under call fire. We will fire star shells all night. Peleliu: 7,000 Nips dead; Anguar: 11,000 Nips dead. Those Japs on these islands never did have much of a chance. No place to run.
Good news! Negesebus has fallen. Peleliu is almost ours and we get underway at 1600.
We got underway on schedule after receiving mail (12 letters!). We're headed for the Admiralty Islands just off New Guinea. We should be there Oct. 2. From what I hear we won't stay there long. There is no town so no liberty. We will most likely have to be satisfied with a beer party which won't be bad.
It's raining like hell out. Even harder than I've seen in California.
0800 - Quarters for musters.
We're going to the Admiralty Island just to take on stores and ammunition. Looks like a three or four day layover. Nuts! The weather is quite a bit cooler now which is really a pleasant change. We will hit Manus tomorrow afternoon. Test afire on all guns.
We crossed the equator 0700 this morning and will hit Manus, Admiraltys, at 1300.
We pulled into Manus on schedule this afternoon. The Admiralty Islands are in New Guinea, 50 miles north. The longest island is this Manus, no town or anything here. We may be able to go on beer party in a couple of days.
We're tied up alongside a tender, the U.S.S. Piedmont, for repairs. From what I gather from scuttlebutt, we will only be here for about seven days. Movie on the fantail tonight.
I went aboard the Piedmont to have a wart on my left thumb removed. They took it off all right. They god damn near burned my whole thumb off. I'm afraid it will leave a large scar. Who gives a damn about a scar though.
The weather is a lot cooler here in New Guinea. It's even overcast. Liberty was announced for the first section at noon today. My chance comes tomorrow. Movies on the focsle tonight, double feature.
We're no longer in the third attack fleet under Halsey. We're now attached to the seventh fleet under MacArthur. Looks like the Indian Ocean and China for us.
Aze and I went ashore on the recreation party today. Had some beer at "Duffy's Tavern" and then went swimming. All in all, it was a very enjoyable day. Manus is about the same as any other South Pacific island: sand, trees and water. Movies tonight on the focsle, a double feature.
I hear we may leave the 9th. It's underway for us almost all the time.
We took on ammunition today. In fact, all morning. This afternoon, we took on provisions. Looks like we're getting ready for a long trip. Scuttlebutt says we will operate in the Indian Ocean which means most likely liberty in Australia. I kinda go for that! Being tied alongside the tender Piedmont has lots advantages --- ice cream, candy, cigars, etc. Movies on the focsle, double feature.
All Soundmen went aboard the Piedmont this morning for Attack Teacher. We need the training every once in a while. Manus has fairly good weather. It's hot but not as bad as we've been having. Nice rest. Ammunition came aboard; should be almost filled up by now. Movies tonight.
I went to the mainland today to buy some small stores at the Naval depot. The English lost the Admiralty Islands to the Japs. We got it from the Japs so now it belongs to the English again. ?? All English customs are maintained on the island even to driving on the left hand side. It's hot as hell on the beach. I'll be darned if I would like to be stationed here. I ate up on a hill at a seabee camp and bought some stuff at the Ship's service. Was able to get a full box of cigars.
The ship has pulled away from the Piedmont. We're anchored out in the bay by ourselves. The rest of the ammunition has come aboard. All the ships are here waiting for a ship; which was supposed to be here by now for meat. No meat whatsoever!
We're again alongside the U.S.S. Piedmont. Nothing much is going on right now. We take on ammunition and stores off and on but otherwise we just load and sweat!
Everything has been brought up to completeness as far as ammunition and repairs are concerned. The weather is getting warmer every day.
The crew finally decided to do something about the officers' taking half the focsle (15 officers) for the movie, leaving the other half for about 300 enlisted men. (Rules and regulations say that movies aboard ship are for enlisted men. Officers may come upon invitation from the crew). So, last night not an enlisted man showed up, including CPO's.. Just the officers, movie operator and focsle sentry. The Officers were the laughing stock of all the other ships around us. I guess it really burned them up.
The dope now is that we leave the 12th.
Liberty on Manus today. Fitz and I went to Duffy's Tavern (a shack) and had some beer, then swimming. It sure is a swell place for swimming but that's about all. I found some cat-eye shells in the sand, that's what a large number of men do when they go there. We call it Manus; actually it's a small island just off Manus. It's used as a recreation center for enlisted men off ships. You can drink all the beer you want, baseball, football, handball, fights, swimming or just sleep. It has a fairly large tavern called Duffy's Tavern where the beer is issued out. Not bad, not good.
The rest of the stores have come aboard.
We leave the day after tomorrow. Philippines bound. This is going to be a long operation. Probably run into months. One thing is for sure and that's that we will be seeing a huge sea battle.
I sure am seeing the Pacific. Philippines next, then probably China, etc. Japan!
All the crew is getting plenty of rest. I believe we will be needing it soon. Movies tonight.
Fresh meat and vegetables came aboard. It seems years since I've tasted a fresh spud. We're preparing the ship for sea, underway tomorrow morning.
Had the first good chow in months today. What I wouldn't give for a good quart of fresh milk --- haven't had any for over six months. Our last mail left the ship today. It will be along, long time before we can see any. Movies tonight.
Philippines bound. We got underway at 0630 this morning with a task force of battle wagons, carriers, cruisers, destroyers and troop transports. We're going to hit a fairly large island between Mindanao and Luzon by the name of Leyte. It's a cinch that the Japs are determined to hang on so it will mean a great scrap --- the best yet!
No letters can be mailed home until after the Philippines have fallen. Oh, oh, I don't like the sound of that, not a damn thing we can do though. (11-5-44. Scuttlebutt!)
The weather is cool and the sea looks good, looks like a nice trip. We will reach our objective in five more days. We will reach the equator tonight.
The captain just gave a speech over the inner-ship loud speakers. We're bound for Leyte, right in the middle of the Philippines. We will reach there the 17th and the troops will land the 20th. There are known to be 32 Japanese airfields so we can expect a "warm" welcome. We and a few other ships are going to enter a small bay which has 90 Jap torpedo boats operating (1 torpedo boat can very easily sink a destroyer). This bay is very small and hard to maneuver in so we are taking a huge chance. We are the first ships to hit the Philippines so we are to expect plenty of action. We are cautioned to get as much sleep as possible. Sounds interesting. Ahem!
A hell of a time to have a day like this! It sure feels great to be underway again. This sea life must agree with me.
Scuttlebutt about the Philippines. Dinagat will be hit first, then Leyte. From what I hear we will be about the first ship to hit the islands! Oh goody. The Robinson; Ross, a destroyer escort and two mine sweepers are going into this channel (God knows why). There will be 400 yards of space swept of mines. That's what the sweeps are for. Once we start in I don't believe we can turn around. Oh, hell.
The weather is cooler with an occasional rain which is a good change. We're having drills every day now, but all hands get their sleep in. We will need it. When we go into this bay, we will have GQ not less than 36 hours, which will probably mean two or three days and nights. We can truthfully say that the "mighty Robinson" was the first to hit the Philippines because we are leading the task force to our objective. Hope we live to brag about it. We are hitting the islands three days before D-day. On D-day the transports will arrive with the troops. We strike the 17th (my birthday). Received shots today --- cholera.
It won't be long now. The weather is terrible -- cloudy, rainy; etc. This task force consists of battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers and A.F.D.'s (Converted four stackers.) Nothing to slow us down. It's up to us to cripple the enemy enough in three days so the troops can land.
The Philippines is no joke. The Japs want it and want it bad. Their strength on the island is anything but weak. Their forces are as strong here as they are on Japan itself. It definitely will not be pushover. I'm afraid our losses will be heavier than they have been in any other engagement. I guess there is no doubt that we are bound to get hit. I only hope it's not too bad, that we at least can pull away.
800 miles from the Philippines. We refueled from some tankers which have been waiting for us. This is as far as they go. We will go to GQ at about 2400 tonight maintaining flank speed until we get there. We strike at dawn (0600).
I've put my most valued gear in my pockets just in case. If the ship goes down, this diary will have to go with it. We mustn't let the Japs read this, must we? I feel in a damn good mood today. I kinda go for this blood, guts and excitement --- that's my meat. Heh, heh, heh.
I'm going to secure hell out of this for now. I won't be able to make an entry for a couple of days but will take notes when I can. Philippines, here we come! Oh. happy day!!
Dinaget Island, Philippines. At 2200 last night, we started to steam ahead at flank speed into the wildest storm I've yet to see. It was an overcast night and you couldn't see your hand before your face, it was so dark. It was so rough, it actually flipped three depth charges from their racks, men were thrown from their racks in all compartments. One of the crew, Dekker, was thrown from the torpedo deck onto the main deck, breaking his back. He is in pretty bad shape now, unable to move. At 0400, the U.S.S. Robinson and the U.S.S. Ross, a few A.P.D.'s and mine sweepers steamed onto the island, firing at the beach. It sounds crazy, that a handful of ships were actually the first to hit the Philippines, but that's just what happened; stranger still is the fact that we met no return fire from the beach. The storm was too large to enable the Japanese to launch airplanes or send surface craft. What a break for us! Our duty is to clear an area of mines in 36 hours (the place is full of them). We've been at it all day. Secured GQ at 1600. It's raining so hard you can hardly stand on your feet without being swept away.
Leyte Island, Philippines. In destroying mines during the storm, we lost three mine sweepers. Most of the survivors were found and picked up. The bay is almost completely swept now. Battle wagons and cruisers have now come in to bombard Leyte. The island is very large with huge mountains. Nice looking country. There are over 200,000 people there, of which 40,000 are Japs. No return fire from this beach either. Must be hiding in the mountains. Dekker was put aboard the battleship Penn. for surgical attention.
The Japs expected us to strike at Mindanao, but this seems like too much surprise. It's rumored that the Filipinos have formed in bands which control sections of the island which makes it a hell of a lot easier for us. We've been at GQ almost steady since we arrived here. Could use some shuteye. 1900: air raid.
GQ all last night. Four Japs flew over, cropping their bombs. Missed and ran like hell. One plane dropped a bomb between us and the cruiser Honolulu. The Jap followed the bomb, being hit by our own plane. The crew isn't getting hardly any sleep, I'm sure tired. We're retiring from this area now. We're in charge of one group of A.M.'s while the Ross takes the rest of them. Our sister ship, the U.S.S. Ross (DD 563) just hit a mine, tearing out her for'd engine room causing a list of 7 degrees. They're going to ram the beach to keep her afloat. In making a turn, she just hit another amidships, causing a list of 14-1/2 degrees. They've lost all power throughout the ship. Rescue boats are on their way to assist her. The Ross is unable to make the beach but is staying afloat with the aid of plumps. Number of killed or wounded in unknown. They fired all 10 fish to take off weight.
Enemy aircraft approaching. GQ
The Honolulu hit (torpedo).
Air raid last night. GQ all night.
A huge task force steamed in this morning. The landing of troops has started. We've been bombarding all day on Leyte. Filipinos met our troops to assist them in any way. Resistance is very light. Jap torpedo bombers flew in. One launched a fish, hitting the flag cruiser U.S.S. Honolulu in the bow. They backed her into the beach to keep her afloat. Damage is bad! Our troops took 1,000 yards of the beach in twenty minutes.
The Robinson's luck is still running strong. On the night of the storm, we were operating in the area where the Ross got hit. If we had hit a mine that night, we would have sunk in a matter of seconds and all hands would have been lost in that storm. Men who were killed aboard the Ross have just been buried at sea. I have some good friends aboard her.
The Japanese raid us every morning and night. We're lucky if we get four hours sleep in twenty four!! The Ross was hit again last night; this time by a bomb, killing more than twenty men. Lord knows how many wounded and dead are aboard now. An Australian cruiser was bombed this morning, knocking out the bridge. Why in hell do they always hit the bridge? (GQ station!)
Two Japanese Zero's came in flying low over all the ships in this bay. They were so low everybody thought they were ours. They dropped two bombs off our beam while flying at 300 feet; only one man (20 mm. on fantail) opened up. He just barely missed. On the bridge, I could see the markings on them as they flew over. Whew!
MacArthur just went ashore. He gave a speech over the radio direct to the States. What a sad line of flag-waving that guy handed out about this engagement --- our hero! Rah, Rah, Rah.
Air raid last night. Two bombers came, two knocked down. Air raid this morning. One torpedo plane came, one shot down.
We were on the alert all last night. Japanese task force is supposed to have gotten through Task Force 58 and headed this way. We're ready for a sea battle at a moment's notice. We refueled from the battleship California this morning.
One of our planes was knocked down this noon. He crashed right in front of us. We picked up the pilot… I think the Ross was hit again; I'm not sure, though.
Fighting on Leyte is still very much in our favor. The troops are making good progress. This operation splits the Philippines in half -- a very good move.
Air raid!
Some more transports were bombed last night; 1 plane knocked out. After this morning's air raid (1 plane shot down), things calmed down for a change. Every morning, we have to get underway and lay a smoke screen when the Japs come. Same thing at night. Today, between watches, I got the best sleep since we came here --- four straight hours. The empty transports and some sweeps are supposed to leave tomorrow, leaving only warships here.
Some Filipinos came alongside today in a dugout. They waved, shouted and jabbered away, trying to tell us how glad they were to see us. They sure are little guys. In last night's smoke screen, the battleship Tennessee rammed and sank a cargo ship. Bogeys (enemy airplanes) are showing up early tonight. GQ
In last night's air raid, the rotten Japs bombed and strafed a large hospital ship full of wounded men. It was clearly marked with crosses, etc.
The U.S.S. Leutze, a destroyer we've been operating with since the Marianas, was hit this morning by a bomb, starting a fire. It was put out with small damage, killing only two men. A transport was also sunk. About a 100 Japanese came over this time; 1 shot down.
The U.S.S. Robinson is now Squadron flagship.
The carrier, U.S.S. Princeton, was just sunk by enemy planes. This is it. The Japanese fleet is arriving tonight. They are coming from Mindanao, up the channel to Leyte. (Japan: 2 battleships, 2 heavy cruisers, 7 destroyers. U.S.: 3 battleships, 7 cruisers, 15 destroyers.) This is going to be a fight, our first sea engagement.
Surface contact. GQ, 1800.
Sea engagement: the Battle of Surgao Straits.
GQ was sounded at 1800 last night to engage the enemy. Thinking back to that seems like an unreal dream. Japan's Southern Fleet left the Celebes and steamed up the Surgao Straits, their purpose was to hit our force stationed off Leyte (Leyte Gulf). Their force consisted of 2 battleships, 2 cruisers and 7 destroyers. Our force consisted of 5 battleships (U.S.S. California, West Virginia, Maryland, Tennesee and Mississipi), seven cruisers (1 was Australian) and 12 destroyers, including the U.S.S, Robinson's 112th Division.
After GQ was sounded our force formed our battle formation, three rows (we led the left flank). Then it was hours of waiting which really gets on your nerves! The night was pitch black. Radar is the eyes of the ships. Lookouts were helpless. At 0230 the enemy came --- left full rudder --- all ahead flank. The wagons and cruisers hung back to furnish surface fire to cover the destroyers, whose job was to steam right under the Jap's noses to fire their deadly torpedoes, and then fall back and retire. The sound gear was put in standby due to high speed so I was able to watch from the flying bridge. The heavier ships now had opened up --- you could see the tracers from the shells being exchanged. It did my heart good to see the shells explode on the decks of the enemy ships. We were still steaming at flank speed towards the enemy, a bit to the left. Our guns were silent to help from disclosing our position. A star shell burst dead ahead of us, lighting us up in full view. The Japanese, discovering us, turned some of their secondary fire on us (5 inch). I felt the butterflies in my belly when three salvos (3 shells to each) came sailing toward "us" and you know there isn't a thing you can do except watch with your fingers crossed. They sailed over us. It looked like suicide but we still kept going in closer to our objective, our wagons were laying a barrage that was beautiful. We were almost at firing range and at each count a fish would slide from our tubes. Objective: a battleship (two or more hits!) Then those wonderful words "retire" blared out; we were going so fast it was almost impossible to turn around so we swung to the left, laying out a smoke screen (the enemy was within sight). While making this wide turn, land loomed up dead ahead. The Skipper yelled out "port engines, emergency stop, left full rudder." I grabbed onto the bulkhead. I would have sworn we were going aground. We could easily make out the features of the island in the dark. We were so close I could see the trees, rocks, sand, etc. I ran into the soundroom to take a fathom meter reading --- zero! As we veered away from land, our screws threw up sand and mud. It was as close to going aground as was possible. Lucky again. It was all over almost as soon as it started. We're one of few destroyers who have ever made a torpedo attack on a battleship and lived to talk about it. I cannot understand how a ship can be so lucky. Our force sunk the enemy fleet down to the last destroyer. Our losses were the U.S.S. Grant, damaged --- she's still afloat. While we were making our attack, the enemy's Northern Fleet, consisting of 14 cruisers and about 10 destroyers, came around Samar to strike our rear. They would have, if it wasn't for those three gallant destroyers who made a suicide torpedo run to stop them. All three destroyers were sunk (very few survivors), but not without leaving their "fish" to the enemy. Two of the destroyers were the U.S.S. Howe and the U.S.S. Bell. They saved our carriers they were escorting. Only one carrier was sunk; the rest received minor damage. The Japanese lost 2 cruisers and 5 destroyers. The remainder of the fleet retreated.
As dawn broke; I was standing on the port wing of the bridge when we steamed by a mass of wreckage. Among this mass were about 300 Jap survivors. We steamed by them. Then orders came over the TBS to pick them up so we steamed back to them and laid to. We whistled and waved from the bridge for them to come aboard while the men on the fantail flashed knives and invited them aboard --- some seemed to want to accept. The Japs nearest our ship (about 5 feet) pulled out their knives and started cutting their throats. There was no future in this so we tossed lines to them. We finally got one but the rest refused. We waited around for a while longer, then got underway. The rest of the survivors were disposed of by depth charges and machine guns. They can't say we didn't give them a chance.
We have been having air raids all day. Too damn many Jap airplanes around this place.
I've had about 16 hours of sleep in the last 5 days and nights --- the future doesn't look any brighter. Air attacks are steady --- not enough air support. They hit one of our destroyers today. It went down in 20 seconds. Few survivors --- the crew never had a chance or enough time to get away. Aircraft hit some of our smaller units; damage is unknown.
We're expecting the Japs to hit us again by sea (don't tell me we have to go through that again?) I'm so tired I really don't give a damn any more.
Our Jap prisoner can speak a little English but won't! We gave him a shower and got the oil off him; then gave him chow. He seems satisfied.
We left the main force this morning. We're cruising off Samar with a light carrier force. It's pretty fast duty. I've got to be on the ball --- subs.
This Philippine campaign has turned out to be a regular slaughter. You think nothing of seeing a ship go down before your eyes. I guess our luck is still going strong ---whatever it is, we've got it.
Thinking back to our engagement, that's one time I must admit that my knees shook. When dawn broke there was more than one white face around you. As long as I live, I'll never forget that night.
Aircraft from these carriers with us just got six planes and an escort carrier. This enemy carrier group is operating less than 100 miles from where we are. I wish we could go get them!
We just secured fueling from a tanker.
This morning we pulled along side the U.S.S.Beal. We took off her five torpedoes and what ammunition we could hold. She's been to Sydney, Australia, twice; wonder if we will ever get down that way.
Some of our fleet is getting underway for some place.
The largest portion of the fleet is steaming back to the Admiralties. We are left behind, damn it! They sure as hell didn't leave us much --- three battleships (California, Mississippi, Pennsylvania), four cruisers --- one of which is Australian and the Boise , Nashville, Phoenix) and twelve destroyers. Guess it's up to us to hold the fort. Nuts! We're keeping in a tight formation, doing squares in Leyte Gulf. The boys on the islands have done a swell job. We have most of Leyte and all of Samar.
We pulled along side the battleship Mississippi to refuel this morning. The Japs staged a right light air raid today. I'm not sure but I believe they damaged one ship. The pickets get the worst of it.
It looks like this Jap task force isn't coming, after all. We have enough here to put up a damn good fight, even if it's true that they outnumber us.
The U.S.S. Abner Reed pulled in today. A large amount of our crew went aboard her in San Francisco for a six day cruise. Same class destroyer as ours.
What a hell of a way to start out the new month --- two large air attacks. (1) The U.S.S. Kilian, Bush, Ammen and Claxton were damaged on the first raid. The Japanese have changed their form of attack. It's suicide crash now. They carry a 500 pound bomb about 6,000 feet above a ship. Then, after picking their target, they dive straight down to crash on the ship.You can fire like hell but they never seem to notice. The Kilian was right alongside of us about 3,000 yards on our starboard quarter. Two torpedoes just missed her, a disabled plane dove for her, landing in her wake. As if all this wasn't enough, a 300 pound bomb landed a little left of her bow (port). The shrapnel blew a series of holes in her side. One was big enough to drive a truck through --- 13 killed, 14 wounded. The Ammen had a stack clipped off by a plane and half of the other. I don't know the nature of the damage aboard the Claxton and Bush. All four destroyers remained afloat.
(2) As soon as we secured from the first raid, the Japs came over again. The U.S.S. Abner Reed was steaming along beside us on our starboard beam when the raid started. I was watching from starboard wing when this Japanese plane started his dive. It came on fast. It seemed like the Reed hardly had time to fire. When it was about 300 feet above her, the Reed's machine guns were the only weapon they could use. The plane exploded about 20 feet above the ship, spreading burning gas all over the decks, blowing up three magazines. The ship went down in less than 15 minutes. How many got off, I don't know. It sure looked bad, just roaring flame.
Dugout Dug (MacArthur) is sure ----ing the fleet. We're not getting any air support at all, except when the raid is over.
Ahem: Flash! J.C. Heinecke S1/c, made his rate back today --- SoM3/c again!
The damn Japanese air force is still giving us a bad time. Maybe I'm wrong but it sure looks fishy --- every time we secure from a raid, the sky is full of P-38s, always when the fight is over. I haven't seen a dog fight out here yet. The Navy Air Corps is really doing the fighting but we haven't enough of them.
It gives you an odd feeling to see the ships around you being hit. You wonder why you weren't picked out also. Lady Luck is still with us! I sure don't go for this suicide stuff.
Our force has been cut down a bit but we're still fast, hard-hitting outfit.
Nothing new. Still steaming around in Leyte Gulf, waiting for the next air attack. They come often!
The U.S.S. Leutze has patrol duty on station "Dog," which is guarding the entrance to Surigao Straits by herself with the help of a couple of PT boats --- a nasty job! Being away from the main force, she is attacked more often. She's had torpedoes shot in front of her and astern, bombs dropped around, but not hit. Boy, what picket duty.
We refueled from a tanker today. More and more air raids. This is one hell of a hole to be in.
Boy! Did we draw the duty. We just relieved the Leutze. We're now patrolling the entrance to Leyte Gulf --- Surigao Straits. There are mountains all around us which prevents us from picking up planes by radar. By the time we pick them up, they will be right on top of us. The skipper of the Leutze said we will get relieved after 3 misses or a hit. Hmmm. (Joke!)
We're patrolling over the spot where we sunk the Japanese task force. Oh, those poor, poor men.
The point on the island Hibuson on which we almost went aground has a new name: Point Robinson.
The Japs landed reinforcements on Leyte today. All hands cautioned to sleep on their battle stations tonight. "The word" --- swim towards the moon.
May wonders never cease. Not a damn thing happened last night! If you ask me, this duty is O.K. We're still by ourselves --- no work, no fussing around in formation. Not bad.
The main group just had an air raid. We didn't even see a plane. We have company with us now. There's a small sail boat with some Filipinos in it sailing around us. Wow! I was looking at the sailboat through the long glass --- 3 men and 2 gals. 0 boy, 0 boy!
Still on station "Dog" and it's as peaceful as can be. Every time we pass this same sailboat, a guy stands up and salutes while the rest wave --- friendly as hell.
The only GQ we have now is the usual morning and evening alerts. Otherwise, we just stand our four on and eight off watches and press our bags (sleep). At night you can see fires on the beach. I sure would like to sit on the beach beside a fire again. I certainly would enjoy a good camping trip again.
Patrol station "Dog." Nothing new. It's almost a month now that we've been going without mail. Wonder when we get some?
Here we are again --- in formation. Things are getting kinda dull. Not even an air raid.
Nothing's going on at all --- very, very dull. A storm is coming up. It's raining like hell now. Movies tonight in the mess compartment. No mail as yet. I sent 200 fish home. I sure can't use it out here.
We had quite a storm last night but it appears to be going down now. They're going to bust up our Division. In a while we will be Division 43. Ole Division 112 sure did a lot out here in the past 7 months. I guess we lose the flag, also. The reason for all this is because our Division has been cut in half.
We had an air alert this morning but the enemy stayed out of range. We're doing patrol duty again --- very uninteresting. Fighting on the beach is still very much in our favor. Movies in the mess hall.
We leave here the 15th, bound for Manus, Admiralty Islands, for about 3 weeks., From there --- maybe Luzon.
We're still on patrol --- nothing new. Had a small air attack, no damage.
We had GQ this morning. Seven Japs came over but were shot down by our planes (Navy planes!). The Army, of course, was all on the ground. We have some carriers with us now, which means air protection for the Fleet. Scuttlebutt says: Australia by Christmas.
The Japs raided the transport area last night, using their suicide method again --- 7 transports were hit. We fired at a few planes --no bombs, no hits. We should start for Manus either today or tomorrow. I'm getting tired of this patrol duty.
We just secured from GQ Japanese aircraft again flew over. No bombs, no hits. Something's wrong here. We were supposed .to start steaming towards Manus today. We're still here. Mail situation is lousy. It's been over a month now. From what I hear, it's supposed to be waiting in Manus. A couple of Soundmen may be transferred when we get to the Admiralties.
We pulled along side a tanker this morning and took on fuel. An Australian destroyer was also taking a drink from the opposite side of the tanker. The crew aboard her gave us some newspapers to read --- not bad guys. We will have to take up stores pretty soon. We're almost out of chow. Beans are coming too often.
Just secured from an air attack. The Japs are keeping close tabs on us. Pleasant fellows. We're still steaming along with the main task force. This Australian cruiser really has some good radar gear. They're always first to report bogeys.
We left the States seven months ago today.
The Japs flew over again this morning but were driven off by our planes (Navy, of course.) We're supposed to get relieved this morning. Here's hoping.
Mail came aboard this afternoon --- 34 sacks! I hit the jackpot --- 32 letters and 1 package.
The Robinson had some good hunting last night. All hands were enjoying their mail when the Japs decided to bust it up. G.G. was sounded so we ran to our stations. It was just turning dark. A hospital ship was about a mile from us so its lights showed us up. (A hospital ship carries no guns and never steams with warships. At night, she does not darken ship but looks like a Christmas tree.) This ole Nip comes in on our starboard beam, cuts around our bow and dives in on our port side. When it was 3,880 yards away, it cut loose. The Jap is now enjoying the company of his honorable ancestors! The Japs didn't bother the hospital ship this time. It's the same one that was bombed and strafed when we had an early raid. We may get underway tomorrow.
We're underway. Bound for Manus, Admiralties. From what I hear (scuttlebutt) we will only be in Manus for a few days: Time enough to make our emergency repairs and take on stores. Then back to the Philippines to hit Cebu or Luzon.NutsWe're steaming along with the U.S.S. California, 3 cruisers (including Australian) and 3 destroyers. The weather is getting warmer.
Nothing new. Still steaming along at 15 knots towards Manus. Thank God we're getting stores soon. The chow is almost uneatable now. Looks like we may get some recreation in!
We crossed the Equator today. This makes the fifth time --- getting salty. We will steam into the Admiralties tomorrow morning. I hear we won't stay very long, though. The weather is really hot!!!. I wonder what it feels like to be cool?
(Manus, Admiralties.) While in sight of land, we had target practice. We knocked three sleeves down --- not bad at all. We're tied up alongside the tender Piedmont in Seeadler Bay. We've taken on a large amount of stores --- more tomorrow. Movies on foc'sle.
Just before coming in, an ammunition ship blew. A destroyer and a P.C. were alongside at the time. There were about three men left alive from all three ships. That's the way it goes.
Second section recreation party today.
Just came back from liberty. Had a few beers at Duffy's Tavern and went swimming. I have a feeling I may be needing the experience soon! The crew of our ship and another got in a fight on the beach and on the boat returning. I guess you could call it more of a brawl. Outside of a few bloody noses and lips, everything was O.K. I made an appointment with the dentist aboard the tender for 1300 tomorrow.
At quarters this morning, the Captain gave a speech. He congratulated us on our last operation but said our next will be harder yet. The Japs are using their suicide planes on a large scale now.
Went to the dentist today. He did damn good work. He filled an eye tooth in front. Took on stores again: Movies tonight.
Boy, this is really the life. Just lying around or going to ship's service aboard the tender. We're fixing our Director up --- it really looks sharp. A Japanese "cathouse" with a hash mark for every operation. A Japanese battleship. A plane with H.M.'s
We're still tied alongside the tender. A man was just killed on the U.S.S. Bush (tied alongside us.) He was working on a wet deck and got electrocuted. That's the way it is. A guy's life isn't worth a plug nickel out here. If you don't get it in action, you may get it later. We're pulling out tomorrow to anchor in the stream. I believe we're pulling out for the Philippines in a day or so.
The Robinson is getting up in the world. Squadron Flagship of the 22nd Squadron and Division 43. Executive Officer is also leaving. The Gunnery Officer will be the Exec.
We're anchored out in the stream now. We should be leaving soon. More stores came aboard. Nothing to do but eat and sleep. What a life. Movies on the Foc'sle.
We get underway tomorrow. Back to the Philippines. I believe we're going to hit Cebu. More stores. I'm getting damn tired of hauling that stuff. This is supposed to be a rest period. Movies tonight.
Underway. Bound for the Philippines. It feels good to be steaming again. It's a hell of a lot cooler. Not much dope on what's coming off this time. A lot of wild scuttlebutt is flying around. Five destroyers are with us and two cruisers (U.S.S. Boise and U.S.S. Nashville.) The weather is perfect and the nights are as light as day.
We just crossed the Equator for the sixth time. Nothing new --- steaming at 15 knots. This area is the most beautiful spot in the ocean. The water is as smooth as glass with millions of flying fish. No dope on where we're going yet. I would think it would be Cebu. Movies in the Crew's mess compartment. The Commodore and Exec. left the ship at the last port.
Thanksgiving Day at sea. Between the Admiralties and Philippines. We really had it swell today --- the works. The Captain gave a speech today. We're going to Leyte through the Surigao Straits and up north to hit the island of Mindoro which is located just below Manila, Luzon. Japanese air attacks have increased so all hands are to take all precautions --- wear life jackets at G.Q, wear shorts, etc. Landing will commence on the 5th and on the 20th, Luzon. He expects to receive some damage this time from the air: In the last three days, three of our ships have been severely damaged. (Sounds like suicide stuff again.) This damn war is getting rougher as we go along. What the hell, we can't live forever!
We've had abandon ship drills for the last few days. I'm supposed to get in the gig, but if they expect me to lower or wait until the boat is lowered, they're crazy! I'll be half way to the States before they even finish passing the word.
We pull into Leyte tomorrow morning --- back to those damn air raids. The battle-ship Colorado took five hits in Leyte today --- guess things are the same as when we left.
(Leyte Gulf, Philippines.) We steamed into Leyte Gulf early this morning and took our position with the rest of the fleet. The U.S.S. Colorado is still underway so I guess it wasn't too badly hit. A periscope was sighted and a destroyer had a sound contact so we have been on the ball today -- hunting. No air raids today yet, but it won't be long until those damn Japs will come again. Our next operation, Mindoro, will be quite a fight seeing that it will lead into the taking of Luzon. The 15th isn't far off.
All hands are getting ready ---getting clean gear laid out for a long GQ and sharpening knives (a lot of sharks in these waters!).
What a break! We just received orders to proceed with six destroyers and six heavier ships to Babelthuap in the Palaus where the battleships and cruisers can receive ammunition, stores and minor repairs. It looks like seven days of recreation for us. The attack on Mindoro has been delayed from the 5th to the 15th.
We had Jap planes over Leyte tonight so we went to G.Q, but they stayed out of range. The Japs dropped bombs on Leyte Island; then returned to their northern bases. (2100.) Underway, steaming for the Palaus.
Say, what a relief to get away from Leyte. All those air raids damn near drive you mad. A guy's got to have some sleep but these bastards never give you a chance. Instead of steaming right into the enemy's strongly held base, Mindoro, we're heading for swimming, beer and relaxation; but we'll be back!! The weather is fair and we're making 20 knots.
U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562)
December, 1944
8. Maintain Sugar Charlie and Fox Dog radars ready for use when flash "Blue" is announced.
9. Absolutely no mention, direct or indirect, in correspondence about future operations, or about Jap suicide dives.
10. No person shall leave the ship without specific permission of the Executive Officer.
11. Set condition II on batter from 1 hour before sunrise until 1 hour after sunset. Set condition IV on the batter from one hour after sunsetuntil one hour before sunrise.
Lieutenant, U.S. Navy
Executive Officer
(Palau Islands.) We passed Pelelieu this morning and should hit Babelthuap this afternoon.
(1600.) We've arrived at our anchorage and have dropped anchor. In port, the rated soundmen and radarmen stand the gangway P.O. Quartermaster watch. There is a good-sized fleet here but just a short distance away is the island of Babelthuap with 25,000 Japs on it. So instead of the usual .45 Colt, the P.O. carries a Thompson machine gun. There is a chance of the Japs coming over in anything from a dugout to a PT boat. If they come on my watch, I hope it's just a dugout.
We're on 30 minute steaming notice, so it's very doubtful whether or not we will have recreation. A destroyer pulled alongside that has been out here 24 months and never has been in an engagement yet. In fact, this is the furthest they've been from Noumea yet.
We got underway at 0800 this morning to change berths. I went fishing off the fantail today. Caught some of the craziest looking fish I've ever seen--- red, green and blue. One guy caught a 25 pounder which was bright blue with buck teeth.
Just stood the 0800-1200 P.O. watch. There is a powerful force here --- wagons, carriers, cruisers, tin cans, transports and so on down the line.
We had a swim call today. The water was warm. Fishing is really great here, but I've never seen such fish. They all have huge teeth. We're having movies every night on the foc'sle but no recreation on the beach, seeing that we're on fifteen minutes steaming orders. We won't receive mail while we're here. I imagine it will be some time before we receive any.
Three years ago today, the Japanese attacked. I'll bet they wish they'd stayed home now. We have a swim call every day now. It certainly is swell to cool off every noon.
The captain announced that in our next engagement, we will have more air raids than ever before. It sure doesn't sound good. This suicide bombing system the Japs are using has taken a terrible effect on us so far. From now on I guess it will be put on an even larger scale. We're preparing the ship for battle so we must be leaving soon. It sure has been a pleasant lay-over, even if we didn't get to shore.
Scuttlebutt is going around that we will get underway tomorrow. We're going to have a swim call in a few minutes. Later: Just secured from a darn good swim.
I hooked a large fish today, but it got away before I could land him. He bent the hook straight so it must have been a whopper. Movies on focsle.
It looks like we will be here another day. Two destroyers were sunk in Leyte Gulf today. That damn suicide stuff again. We took on more stores today. I broke my glasses today and sent them home to Mother. Hope she gets them all right. Swim call.
The Skipper held a Captain's inspection of the ship and crew. Everything is O.K. Movies on the foc'sle. Underway tomorrow,
We refueled from a tanker and then got underway --- bound for Leyte, Philippines. The short rest period we had was really swell. We were lucky to get it. We're traveling with a fast, powerful force: 3 battleships, 6 cruisers, 6 C.V.E.'s (carriers) and eighteen destroyers. We lost our flag at the Admiralties but soon we will get another Commodore aboard and will then be squad dog of the Squadron and Division we're in now. Squadron 22, Division 43, United States Seventh Fleet. The weather is cool but a little too rough.
The Skipper spoke to the crew this morning. We will pull into Leyte 2300 tomorrow night and will proceed at once up through the Surigao Straits to the island of Mindoro which we will bombard to prepare it for the landings on the fifth. All hands are to wear their shirt sleeves rolled down. All hands are to sleep with their clothes on and near their battle stations at all times.
After the landing on Mindoro, we are to proceed up north to Luzon to meet any Japanese ships in that area and knock out as many airfields as we can. Landings will commence on January 9, 1945.
All hands have been cautioned to keep an alert watch and to expect trouble from the air and submarines.
The next engagement sounds rather interesting.
We pulled alongside the battleship Colorado this morning and took on fuel. Just passed Dinagat so we're getting close to Leyte. The ship is all secured for battle --- it won't be long now. I'm getting all the sleep I can. We will be going without soon.
One of the crew, Dewitt, S1/c, got acute appendicitis today, so we pulled alongside the battleship West Virginia and transferred him. He will be able to get a good operation on a ship that large.
We just passed Negros and are now in the Sulu Sea. A plane just crashed and sunk. The pilot underestimated the speed of the carrier.
We just secured from GQ If we get sunk, instead of waiting to be picked up, we're supposed to swim to the nearest land. Sixty percent of the natives can speak English and will hide us. We must keep away from main towns and villages, though.
Air contact!
(Operating with a carrier task force in the Sulu Sea.) Last night we again went to GQ This time five Jap planes came over. The leader went into a dive which turned out to be a suicide dive --- he hit the destroyer which was a short distance off our port quarter. It crashed just behind the bridge on No. 1 stack, killing and wounding quite a few men. It was the U.S.S. Harriden (DD 591). She is now on her way back to Leyte. I wonder if she will make it. She is without a "sugar george." [surface search radar]
The second plane started its dive -- objective, us! The Jap was coming down on us on our starboard beam when the good old West Virginia opened up. The plane blew up before it could hit us --- that was too damn close! I felt sure our time was up that time. Our luck is still with us. Our naval carrier planes shot down the rest. Boy, what a beautiful dog fight.
Just secured from another air raid. Another dog fight, no more Japs.
We had GQ last night, another dog fight. The Navy won out again --- three Japs knocked down. Two of our planes cracked up while landing.
We went to GQ at 0400 this morning and secured at 1130. In those seven and a half hours, we had more enemy air action than I've ever seen before. In fact, it was terrific! As soon as GQ was sounded, a "patty" (medium bomber) flew over us, dropping a bomb off our starboard bow a few hundred yards away. Close!
Our own planes were engaging the enemy a few miles away when two "suicide" Zeros dove for the CVE carrier, Manila Bay, which was just off our starboard quarter. She was really lucky, they landed one on each side. The only damage done to the ship was by a strafing by the Japs as they were in their death dive --- 1 man killed and 3 wounded. They really got off easy.
There were so damn many aircraft around I can hardly remember. One torpedo bomber flew around our beam and started a run on a carrier. He was about 20 feet from the water when a destroyer hit it just before it could fire its torpedo. Another very close call. A Zero flew over the heavy ships on our starboard beam flying low. He was flying too close and too low for our five inchers. The Jap veered to the left and headed for us for a suicide crash. He was less than 2,000 yards away when we opened fire with our forty millimeters. We cut his tail off. The Jap, unable to keep control, crashed and exploded right off our starboard side. I felt sure he was going to crash us. Right when this was going on, a medium bomber flew unnoticed on our port quarter, flying very low. The Jap started a suicide dive for a carrier (Manila Bay). It was hit and put on fire by A-A gunfire. The plane swung around our fantail and crashed in a huge explosion off our starboard beam. There were several dog fights around us, all in our favor. We had bombs and machine gun fire fall all around us but the Robinson received nary a scratch. The Navy really held field on the Japanese air force. Our five inch guns have been fired too much and are too shot for heavy beach bombarding. That's why we got this carrier duty. Thank God. What air protection we do have is wonderful.
GQ 1220.
Secured 1245. Nothing happened. The Japs came but hauled ass.
Damn the rotten luck? The Captain just gave another announcement. At 2200 last night, we received orders to turn around and proceed up the Sulu Sea to a point 15 miles from Mindoro. The reason for this is that a Japanese task force streamed out of Manila Bay, consisting of two battleships, two heavy cruisers and six destroyers. It's up to us to stop them from interfering with the troops landing on Mindoro. It should be a good fight!
It's 0900 and we've had two GQs already. Both were air contact. Both were intercepted by our own aircraft. These Navy pilots are really on the ball.
(1800.) The Skipper just announced that we are again heading for Leyte. That Japanese task force must be Tokyo bound. I hope we can make it this time. We
will be leaving the Sulu Sea and will enter Surigao Straits. The Captain said
we will hit Leyte tomorrow morning. Hope we have mail.
(Leyte Gulf.) We just pulled out of the Sulu Sea and are now entering Surigao Straits. As soon as we hit the straits, we went to GQ The passage is very narrow and on either side are Japanese-held islands, Mindanao, Negros, etc, We got through without any trouble, though.
We pulled into Leyte Gulf early in the afternoon. Things are getting better as we go along. After refueling we again got underway. Our destination now is the Palau Islands. The further I get from the Philippines, the better I like it. I have a lot of sleep to catch up on, so ---.
Started pressing my bag at 1600.
(Philippine Sea.) Still steaming towards the Palaus. As soon as the men get off watch, they hit their racks. I'm no exception.
We all must be going Asiatic or getting war nerves. While on watch, some of us were discussing our dreams or rather nightmares. They all run on the same line. Mine are really awful. I keep seeing those Jap survivors in Surigao when we pulled alongside, hacking their heads off while staring at you. Or Jap planes swarming all round you. Most of my dreams are so fantastic, I cannot describe them. Ah hates this damn war!!!
No more morning and evening alert, so I'm really getting the sleep.
(Babelthuap, Palaus.) We steamed into the Palaus at 1100 this morning and is it wonderful to be back. We had a swim call today. The water was swell. I believe we get underway tomorrow. We're supposed to go to Manus, Admiralties, for about nine days for stores, ammunition, etc.
We will hit Luzon January 9th. That will be the largest operation the Pacific has ever seen. We will most likely escort some of the troop transports from Manus to Luzon.
No mail yet. It takes time to catch up to a destroyer. Movies on the foc'sle.
We refueled from a tanker this morning. A little mail came aboard. I got seven letters.
We weighed anchor and got underway. We will be in the Admiralties in 50 hours. The closer to Manus, the better it gets. Being underway causes a slight breeze but it's not much help. I guess we will have some beer parties when we get there. That's one consolation, anyhow.
Still steaming towards Manus --- should be there tomorrow. We're still steaming with the same force we've been operating with --- two battleships, ten cruisers, six carriers (C.V.E.s) and 17 destroyers. GQ at 1330 for drills.
We won't hit Manus until tomorrow morning. This will be short layover, only four and a half days. We pull out the 27th. The weather is awfully hot now; that's the main trouble with the Admiralties. It's about the hottest hole we've yet to see. GQ --- 1300. Simulated air attacks by our own planes.
Nothing new --- steaming along at good time. We've got the picket. Movies in crew's mess hall.
We steamed into Manus at 0630. We're tied up alongside U.S.S. Piedmont (tender.) The U.S.S. Reno was just towed in by tugs. She sure is all shot up to hell. She was hit in the Mindoro engagement we were in awhile back. The Reno took a torpedo and bombs, all of her aft turrets are blown out. The whole ship is badly burnt.
The U.S.S. Nashville (another cruiser) was also brought in. They're lucky to be afloat. It's all blown to hell. The casualties were extremely heavy.
The U.S.S. Houston (cruiser) was also brought in for dry dock. She was also hit very hard. I was talking to one of the men. He said the wardroom was filled with arms and legs where the doctor worked. The loss of life aboard all three cruisers was very heavy.
Just heard about the U.S.S. Reed. The destroyer was sunk by a "suicide" in our last operation. It went down in less than three minutes.
The T division went on a working party on the beach which resulted in each one of us getting 2-1/2 cases of coca cola and 1-1/2 cases of Teddy. It's now Christmas Eve. I'd give anything to be home now.
Christmas, Manus, Admiralties: We had a swell dinner today --- the works! I guess we can be thankful that we're not up in Philippines waters today. At least it's quiet here and no GQs! Some more pkgs. arrived from home which made it feel more like Christmas.
Another destroyer limped in today. A bomb and a Jap suicide hit aft of the bridge, blowing the director back on top of No. 2 stack; half of the bridge was blown off and the rest was burnt. Loss of life was tremendous.
One of the crew lost two fingers today. They were crushed off between a boat and our ship. A radioman had a sixty pound box fall two decks down on his head. Balsh is a good friend of mine. Sure hope he pulls through all right.
I went aboard the U.S.S. Killen today. She's the one that received the near miss in Leyte along side us. The shrapnel from the 500 pound bomb went through her side and blew up No. 1 magazine. My gosh, what a horrible sight. From the forward boatswain's locker to the crew's mess hall, it was blown all to hell. All the Chiefs and Officers are sleeping on the decks and chow is served topside. She's going back to the States now. The Skipper gave us sixty cartons of beer because we screened her after she was hit and fought off the Jap which was diving for the killing punch --- a swell bunch of guys!
This has been a rotten day. I feel lousy as hell after the things I've seen.
We shifted berths today. We're now in the stream. Our newest battleship, the U.S.S. Iowa, is in dry dock here in Manus. She took two bombs on her afterdeck We will be leaving here about the 31st. Luzon bound. Movies tonight.
All the soundmen went aboard the Piedmont for attack teacher today. Nothing new. Just flaking off.
Three men went before the Captain today for getting drunk on homemade stuff. Hardy, S1/c, got a general court martial. Same ole stuff --- standing gangway watches but that's all.
We get underway at 0500 tomorrow morning. I don't believe I'll like this trip. Went to another Attack Teach this morning. Double feature movie tonight.
(Manus, Admiralties.) We got underway at 0500 this morning --- Luzon bound. Received word about two destroyers and two DE's that got sunk in the Philippines waters. A "storm" knocked them over --- 10 survivors from all four ships. Storms in these waters can really play hell on ships.
Seven destroyers, two DE's and us are taking some troop transports up north. D-day is the "ninth." We're going to take Luzon this time. The men will go ashore above Manila on the northern end of the island in Lingayan Gulf. The Japs have 80,000 troops on this point plus eight inch shore installations. There are three Japanese task forces known to be operating in these waters. That's where we will have our fun --- steaming into the China Sea to get 'em!
Steaming at 15 knots. We were joined by two carriers (C.V.E.’s) The weather is getting cooler now --- occasional rains. We will steam past the Palaus where a small division of destroyers will join us. After refueling at Leyte, we will steam through Surigao Straits into the Sulu Sea; then past Palawan and Panay into the Sibuyan Sea where we again fuel at Mindoro. Then into the South China Sea and up north to Lingayan Gulf in the northern section of Luzon.
The Captain spoke again to the crew today. Our part in the next operation will be to furnish anti-aircraft protection, anti-submarine and general screening for the transports but will be subject to and most likely will be called for shore bombardment. Air resistance will be heavy and come what may, all guns must keep operating to the very last if we expect to survive the manned suicide plane attacks we know will be thrown at us. The Seventh Fleet is expecting losses so all hands are cautioned to be on the alert. Engagement with the enemy on the surface is very possible! The Japs have known battle forces operating close to this area. Sounds interesting!
"Submarines and floating mines have been contacted between our present location and Leyte. All watches are to be instructed accordingly." (Dispatch)
Nothing new; still making knots, but I can't say that I'm thrilled by the direction. The destroyer ahead of us got a sub contact but lost 'em. All hands are getting plenty of sleep. The Skipper said we will stay at GQ for long periods. The Japs have 112,000 troops on Luzon. We're landing 120,000 men. This is going to be the largest operation in the Pacific yet seen.
A destroyer in the group ahead of us got a sub contact; on the third attack, they struck oil. A DE was detached to complete the attack while the task force continues towards its objective. Hope they get it.
The Robinson is leading the task force now. Got to be on our toes. There are more than 100,000 troops astern of us. From what I hear about Lingayen Gulf, this next operation is really going to be rough. The Japanese shore installations are extremely plentiful with eight inch batteries and that ain't good.
Just got word about a carrier (C.V.E.) being sunk last night in the Mindoro Sea. Sixteen Japanese planes went for her --- a suicide crash bomber hit and sunk her.
These "suicide planes" are what worry me the most. Air resistance is going to be heavy as hell this time. The Japs seem always to pick out destroyers and nine times out of ten they hit the bridge. One thing is for damn sure --- if we get hit in the bridge, I'm a dead duck.
We've passed the Palaus and will pull into Leyte tomorrow morning.
The group ahead of us was attacked by a sixty foot, two man Japanese submarine this morning. It fired torpedoes at a troop transport. No damage.
This morning "Slow Express" doesn't look so hot: "Tokyo broadcasted a report that another American convoy was heading through the Sulu Sea south of Luzon and Mindoro Island." That's the force just ahead of us. By now Tokyo most likely knows about us, too.
Japanese planes are around us but so far have kept their distance. Just keeping their eyes on us, I guess.
The Captain just told us that from now on, we will have to sleep with our clothes on. Here we go.
We had an air attack last night about 1600. One Jap did get through with Navy planes on his tail. He was heading towards us when our pilots cut loose. He hit the water doing about 280 knots. We steamed alongside the wreckage and picked up a silk parachute and identified the two bodies. Those Japs were crushed in every bone. One of them had a large three-foot knife strapped to his back. Wish I could have gotten it.
Between 2400 and 0800, we had four GQ's but they never came in. The Japs circled us all night.
A dispatch came aboard with some damn rotten news --- 17 of our ships were just damaged off Luzon which included battleships, cruisers and destroyers: California, West Virginia, New Mexico, Colorado, Louisville. It's this damn suicide stuff again. I'm beginning to worry about what's ahead of us. It really looks bad. Unless we have a lot of air support, I'm afraid of what, will happen not only to us but to the Fleet in general.
The situation is getting worse. The U.S.S. Manila Bay (C.V.E.) was sunk last night by the suicides. The Jap Fleet is operating around Singapore which isn't far from Lingayen Gulf. It consists of BB, CL, DO, DE. We will steam into Lingayen the morning of the 9th. Won't be long now.
In our group there are 10 transports, 2 C.V.E.'s, 5 DD's, 2 DE's. The group ahead includes L.S.T.'s escorted by a few DD's. We are depending on the heavy stuff in the gulf for protection, but they were hit fairly hard.
The U.S.S. Newcomb, Bryant, Leary were severely damaged up ahead by suicides; with the Bryant getting hit that leaves only us out of our old Division 112.
Just secured from GQ The Jap flew right over us before we could sound GQ
We've already passed through the Sulu Sea and passed Mindoro last night, well escorted by the Japs.
We're in the South China Sea now; Bataan is now in sight off our
starboard bow. I can truthfully say I've never been so scared in my life. It
sure gives you a helpless feeling when you realize what's ahead of you.
The Japanese pilots picked up from downed planes are wearing white clothes and capes used when committing Hari Kari. Those bastards are actually crazy. It's not easy to fight a mad man.
Manila is off our beam now; we're almost there.
2000: The Japs came again. Six fighters came over our task force. Our carrier fighters shot four down but the other two got through. The first one started its suicide dive on one of our two carriers, the U.S.S. Kipton Bay. The Jap dove right into the AA fire and crashed below the flight deck on the port side. She is still afloat but is unable to land or launch her aircraft. A crash tug now has her in tow. The remaining Jap dove for an Australian transport with 3,000 American troops aboard. It landed in the wake of the ship. By the way it exploded, it must have been loaded with hand grenades and shrapnel bombs. Thank God, it didn't hit the transport. Up ahead, three suicides crashed into another carrier, sinking her. Another carrier was severely damaged. That leaves us ten C.V.E.'s for air support, about 250 planes. On Luzon the Japs have over 600. I'm afraid we're going to catch hell tomorrow. Those odds don't exactly appeal to me.
We're four hours from the gulf. Here goes nothing.
(Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, 0400.) After barely missing some mines, we are now at our objective. We got a very warm welcome by the Japs. What an attack. The cruiser Columbia received a suicide amidships; the already damaged New Mexico received another suicide; the already damaged West Virginia got a suicide on secondary con. An Australian cruiser got a stack knocked to hell. A 2200 destroyer got her fantail chewed up. The Newcomb got her fox dog [radar] knocked off. A DE got a stack knocked off.
The above tidings are what I've seen. God knows what else and I'm beginning to wish I were out of this damn place. I just saw the California also damaged.
(0930.) Operations have started. Our men are swarming towards the beach. What a sight! Our guns have turned the beach into a blazing hell.
(1015.) They're on the beach now. From what I can see, we're not getting much resistance. The area was pretty well cleared for them.
(1130.) 3,000 yards now. We've got a break now and can more or less relax. No Jap planes. Delay that.
(1600.) What a day! The Army is dug in deep and things don't look half bad, but you never can tell what these Japs will do next. Just secured from another air attack (they come about every half hour.) The Japs raised hell but the mighty Robinson is still afloat and a fighting son-of-a-bitch! One Nip was shot down right over us. Lucky he didn't crash us.
Lingayen Gulf is the same spot where the Japanese landed when they took Luzon ---perfect landing conditions. By the time the men hit the beach, Naval guns had cleared a good sized area for them where it was impossible for anything alive to survive. Unlike the others I've seen, this landing worked like clockwork, precise in every detail.
The Robinson is no longer a virgin. The Japanese just came out with something new --- suicide boats. After going on watch this morning, I saw that the gulf was full of Jap suicide boats. Like most of the Fleet, we were anchored. I was on the sonar gear at the time when I picked up screws off our port bow which I reported. It turned out to be a sleek Japanese speedboat loaded with TNT arranged to go off on contact. It rammed our bow but thank God, it didn't go off. The two Japs, seeing us put a spot on them, hauled ass; but before leaving, they threw "one" of the "thirty" boxes at our bow. I was sitting in the sonar chair when the bomb went off. It threw back my head, turning on the fathometer. I jumped up, putting on my life jacket but not knowing whether to start swimming or man my station.
I sat down, lighting a cigarette and wished the damn thing would sink. Sudden explosions do strange things to a man. Men were thrown out of their racks, shrapnel flew and damn near all hands ran to their battle stations in their skivvies. The sound gear was knocked and the lower soundroom is a mess. A lot of gear was broken but, no casualties. I hate to think what would have happened if we had got the whole boat load. Other ships didn't fare so well. An APD was sunk and an LST was sunk. A transport was damaged. These Japs are getting desperate.
(1000.) Just had an air attack. A Jap started a suicide dive for us. When I looked up and saw how close he was, I pulled down my helmet and hit the deck. Every gun on the ship was firing so fast I guess the Nip lost faith and swerved over to land in the wake of the ship behind us --- whew! We had a row of bombs land 100 yards ahead of us --- close! The way things are going lately, I'm as shaky as an old woman. Guess I eat all of a mouthful a day.
We've had air attacks all day but it's quiet now, for a change. I'm sleeping topside!!!!
Just about all hands slept topside last night. I slept on
the flying bridge. While on Midwatch last night, I listened to ships reporting
over the TBS that Japs are swimming out to the ships with TNT tied to
their backs. I don't believe they did much damage --- one shot and they would
go sky high. What next?
Thirty four transports came in today and unloaded their troops with no strain. We've been under air attack almost all day. The sky is almost black with flak.
I believe we will be leaving this hell hole soon. I certainly hope so. This place is getting on my nerves. At night, we have men stationed all over the ship with Thompsons and rifles. No more sneaky, dirty work around this ship, I hope.
Last night the night guards opened up on a small boat which later proved to be empty. The Japs are right on schedule. Every morning and evening at the same time they launch an air attack --- 0630 and 1900. We have P-61 fighters here now. These guys are really on the ball --- radar is tops.
A complete beachhead has been established on Lingayen. That's what I call quick work! This engagement was a cinch for the army but the fleet sure took a pounding. Air action is still heavy. It doesn't do a hell of a lot of good to bomb Jap air fields. They just use the beaches.
(1800.) Thank gosh! We're getting underway --- 5 destroyers, 6 P.P.D.s and us are taking 10 transports back to Leyte. We're underway now --- laying a smoke screen.
A few Japs flew over the formation but heavy AA fire drove them off. Most likely this trip will prove to be nasty without air coverage but it will be worth it to get away from this damn place.
The Jap air force is following us all the way through the China Sea. They hit us this morning right on schedule. One went into a suicide dive and crashed on one of the transports off our beam. The explosion knocked a number of men off the ship into the water. Two tin cans stayed back to search for survivors. The transport is afloat and steaming but her steering gear is fouled up.
Sometimes these Japs pull the most stupid tricks. They cut in on the TBS today in perfect English but without a call signal! "A plane will dive down from overcast over the formation --- all ships attention. Do not fire. Do not fire. He is friendly; he is friendly. Over." Boy, what a surprise he got! Later on, while under another attack, a lone Jap headed towards the formation; again we received TBS interference: "Cease firing; I'm friendly." Still no call sign. He got a tender welcome.
(1800.) A transport just reported a torpedo crossing her bow. All this, and now subs.
Air alert this morning but they stayed out of range. The Skipper is requesting tender repairs. We need them bad. No. 1 and 2 guns are out, the fox-dog is fouled up and the lower sound room needs repairs. This last trip was short, but it was the worst few days I've ever spent. Guess we will be steaming back there in a few days.
(1700: GQ)
(1900.) One of our planes sighted an enemy wolf (Japanese destroyer) and the first thing we heard over the TBS was "Purple investigate," so we left the group and steamed to the spot where the Jap was. The Captain wanted to hunt it down, but we were ordered back. (It] would have been a nice fight!
We were at GQ all of last night due to Jap PT boats, torpedoes in the water, etc. Personally, I think that these transports are too jumpy; they think they see everything. Damned if I saw anything.
Burial services were held aboard the U.S.S. Zealand. Deitte got a sub contact. We made several runs and even had two Hell Cats strafe the area. We dropped depth charges. Another ship sighted a whale --- guess that's what it was.
(1800.) We just steamed into Leyte. Boy has this place changed. It looks almost like Manus. There are millions of ships around here in two anchorages --- quite a change.
We received fuel and ammunition today and then went to the northern transport area where we dropped anchor. Natives came alongside with their usual goods. I traded some soap and candy for some Jap money. All our mail is at Manus. Damn!!!!!
We must have repairs done to the ship, but we have no availability in this area. Two of our fives are out, including the fox-dog director. Before we meet anything heavy, we should have new barrels. Ours are shot!
Boy, it sure is swell to get a little rest in. It's nice to go to bed without running to your battle stations at all times of the night! We received some "fresh" stores aboard; most of it was rotten.
There are a lot of natives around here now. They keep coming alongside in their outriggers to trade and sell.
We thought we got a sub contact, but it turned out to be a sunken ship. Movies in the mess hall.
We're getting underway this afternoon. We got the job of herding a cow [transport ship] down to Hollandia which is in New Guinea. Maybe that's where we will receive our repairs.
(1400.) We're underway now. We were going to wait for the main group, but this transport we're herding cannot steam over 12 knots so we're getting a head start. Unless our orders are changed, we will only be in Hollandia six hours --- long enough to pick up a group of L.C.I.'s which we will take to Biak, New Guinea. At Biak, the L.C.I.'s will load up with Sixth Army reinforcements which we will escort back to Luzon, Lingayen Gulf.
The cow we're herding was damaged in the Sulu Sea which accounts for her slow speed. The sea is fairly calm except for ground swells. Steaming at 12 knots causes us to hit these swells and do a lot of rolling.
Our next operation which is as yet some time away is really going to be rough. In fact, it will make Lingayen look like a crap game --- really engaged. It's top secret stuff so it wouldn't be a good idea to put it on paper this early.
Our mail is all down at Manus but may be flown to Hollandia in time for us to receive it. I certainly hope so.
This is really relaxation. No Japs. No nothing. We should hit Hollandia next Tuesday. I hope we get to hang around awhile. Could use some recreation.
The way this war is going, I'm afraid it will be some time before we hit the States. Damn but it seems like I've been out here twenty years! The effects out here are not so much physical as it is mental. My nerves were never this bad. I smoke well over a pack a day and seem to be jumpy as hell. Must be Asiatic!
Just transferred a snipe to the transport. Another appendicitis case --- quite common. Ever since we left Leyte, the sky has been rather overcast, but this noon the sun broke out. Now comes the heat. We should pull into Hollandia Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning.
We're getting close to the Equator. You can tell in the water --- smooth as a lake with millions of flying fish. In this region, it's remarkable how beautiful the sunsets are. I doubt if there is a place on earth which can match it.
We hit Hollandia tomorrow morning.
Some sort of fever is going around the ship. I've been lucky so far. It's decreasing now, though. Henderson, the man who was placed aboard the transport, isn't doing so well. His case has been reported critical. Movies in the crew's mess compartment.
At 0600 we were in sight of New Guinea. At 1000, we steamed into the anchorage of Hollandia and pulled along side the tender, U.S.S. Dobbin.
This country is really beautiful. It reminds me a lot of New Caledonia. The weather is cool. Where we are, I can see several large mountains in the distance.
I believe we're getting a few days availability. I certainly hope so. Kinda like to hang around here for awhile.
I was talking to a man off the tender who saw the good ole Ross in here a few days ago. They're towing her back to the States by a Liberty ship. She must have been hit again because her radar was off. Sure do wish I could have seen her. I went over to the Dobbin for some dentist work. He seemed to be all right.
A Jap sub threw a fish into a Liberty ship about a week ago so we have a blackout at 2200 in the bay but still have movies on the foc'sle.
We have port and starboard liberty now. I rated recreation today. I went over to Pie Beach. Got my three cans of beer and then went swimming for awhile. Then took a hike. This country certainly is dusty and in all the islands I've ever seen, this has the thickest jungle of them all. One part of the beach you can see where a landing craft smashed on the beach and a small, lonely grave-yard is among the trees. The fighting in the jungles must have been terrific. In some or rather most spots, a man would have to cut his way through. We had to watch our step when we walked around as there is still a large amount of unexploded bombs and land mines about. All in all, I had a good time. It's good just to get off the ship and walk around on land.
Went ashore again. This time I went down to the Navy depot. Believe it or not, I saw some honest to goodness American girls. They have a bunch of WACs stationed here in New Guinea. Like in the Admiralties, they maintain their owners' customs; here it is Dutch.
The lower soundroom has been repaired, the ship painted and the director is nearing completion. All ship-shape again. Movies on the foc'sle.
Managed to get ashore today. I hitch-hiked from Pie Beach to the Naval landing, just looking around. The natives here certainly have learned the American customs. They thumb rides and sing salty songs and speak a very broken English.
Not much to do while aboard. The only thing I have to do is stand my port P.O. Quartermaster watches (about four on and twelve off.) Movies tonight.
I stayed aboard today and did some reading and then wrote letters. We're getting underway tomorrow --- back to Leyte, I guess.
We got another day's extension so we won't get underway until tomorrow morning. A small amount of mail arrived today. I got one letter marked Nov. Our mail should be waiting for us at the Philippines --- hope so.
Hardy, Katz and another deck ape were taken off the ship and thrown into the Navy Brig ashore. It's about time we got rid of those guys. They've caused nothing but trouble ever since they came aboard. The ship is getting prepared for sea. Double features on the foc'sle.
Special sea detail was set at 0815 and we got underway at 0900. Leyte bound. We're herding a converted seaplane tender. The two of us are all alone. No fuss or bother.
The training control went out on the sound gear so now we have one soundman on the stack and a soundman and radarman down in the lower sound room to train the projector by hand. It will take from two to three days alongside a tender to rewind the motor but I'm afraid we will have steaming orders for Lingayen Gulf before we can get it fixed. We will have a hell of a time if we run into a submarine, although we can manage an attack.
Tokyo Rose has reported over the radio that the destroyer 562 has been sunk. They got our number at Lingayen when they came up to our bow that morning. I hope nobody at home heard the broadcast over the short wave. Mom would hit the overhead.
The U.S.S. Robinson was commissioned a year ago today. The Captain congratulated us today on our record for the past year. We've done more than the average destroyer is expected to do --- 9,000 rounds of five inch projectiles have been dispensed against the enemy up to now and we've traveled 60,000 miles. I didn't know before but we've got credit for wiping out a tank division on Saipan and stopping and helping to wipe out a banzai attack. We've been in nine engagements - not bad for the length of time we've been out here. The Captain said we can't be sure of the amount of planes we've shot down but the main thing is that we've kept them from hitting us.
Nothing new. Still steaming for Leyte. Standing the sound watches are really bothersome. This hand training isn't so hot. Emergency drills were held today. When the ship starts having those, it usually means something is up. The weather is very much warmer than usual.
We should arrive at Leyte tomorrow morning about 0730. I certainly hope we get sonar repairs. Standing a watch as we're doing now wouldn't work as good in dangerous waters. Should have a good batch of mail in Leyte. Hope we can pick it up!!
At 0600 we hove in sight of Dinagat and pulled into Leyte an hour later. The Captain hasn't received his orders yet so as yet we do not know whether or not we have availability. For tender repairs. I hear we may join a task force within hours for a bombarding job somewhere on Luzon maybe Manila. I feel quite sure that in the near future, we will be operating off the coast of China.
We pulled into the transport area and dropped anchor. We have five days availability; our work will be taken to the tender while we remain anchored in the gulf. Movies on the foc'sle. By gosh, boy, has this place changed.
At 1155 last night GQ was sounded for an air contact. Japanese bombers flew over and bombed the beach at Tacleban on Leyte. The beach is overcrowded with bks., troops and supply dumps so they couldn't miss hitting something. We are anchored close to the island so when the Japs bombed a large fuel dump, it really lit us up but the planes didn't bother us.
One bag of mail came aboard today. Got one letter. We have over a month's mail around here some place. Guess it's not sorted yet.
I went on a recreation party over on Leyte today. Not much to do except walk around and watch the natives. There is a good sized village close to the beach. Some of the huts were burned or blown up -- heh, heh, probably our guns. The native women were in the canals washing clothes for the army while the husbands sold hats, shells, sake, etc.
We got underway this morning and pulled alongside a tender. We got our armature back so the sonar gear is operating normally. Another destroyer (DD 552) pulled alongside and I ran across Lipkin, a guy I know in Oakland. Sure is a small world.
Went to the attack teacher aboard the tender. The sound team is right on the ball. Movies on the foc'sle.
We got another radio aboard. We're now a fighter director ship! Ten boat loads of natives came alongside today. I traded a jar of jam for a string of shells from Samar. These guys drive a hard bargain. They're making millions from the Fleet.
Just got off a gangway P.O. watch. Nothing is going on. Movies on the fantail.
Special men detail was set at 1300 and we got underway. We're taking four transports and some L.S.D.'s up to Lingayen Gulf. Two D.E.'s are helping us screen the group.
We went to GQ at 2200. We had a radar contact at entrance to Surigao Straits. Over the T.B.S., the big boy said for "Purple" to investigate the skunk so we headed for it at flank speed. We challenged it by radio but received no reply. When we were within 3,000 yards, we gave a blinker challenge which was answered with much haste by one of our P.C.'s. Boy, was he scared!
We've got two Army officers aboard. Both are fighter director men.
We've passed through the straits and are now off the coast of Mindanao. We're making damn good time. Can't figure what's going on, not even any scuttlebutt! Wonder when we get mail. Over a month now. We're in the Sulu Sea and it's quite rough out. The two Army boys are sick as hell. Heh, heh, tough!
We steamed by Mindoro while at dawn alert and are now in the South China Sea. Should be in Lingayen Gulf by tomorrow morning. We left the transport Blue Ridge at Mindoro
Was just listening to a song from the States: "We're going back to Bataan." Hell, we just came back to it and are leaving it astern. Damned if I can see any Japs on it.
Believe it or not, the Army is giving us air coverage. A P-38 flew over and dropped some orders. A D.E. picked it up.
At 0600, we steamed into Lingayen Gulf. It was a bit different coming in this time. No Jap planes around here now. In fact, there isn't room for any after seeing all of ours overhead. The past action has left its scare though. In spots you can see a mast sticking out of the water --- a grave sign of a sunken ship.
We've dropped anchor and have set the port watch.
The ship was on the alert last night for Jap suicide boats. We were the investigating ship for the night. Jap small craft have been operating here lately. A P.C. was sunk the other night.
Our call name has been changed from "Purple" to "Nancy."
The weather here is perfect --- cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon. It's nice to be in a cool spot again. We're not doing a damn thing here, just laying to on a five minute steaming notice.
(1600.) We got underway "Nancy" relieve "Davy Jones" so we relieved a D.E. for a patrol station.
We're making the old and familiar figure eights, half on our troops-held beach; the other on the enemy's. Our job, of course, is to keep the usual sub screen from the open sea and to destroy any enemy small craft which tries to get to the ships in anchor.
We have been having drills every day for all divisions. It seems hard to realize that not so long ago, this place was a blazing hell. Now it's calm as can be. Not only has our ex-division all been hit, but we're also in the only undamaged ship in our squadron.
We were relieved from our station at 0800 this morning and steamed deep into enemy territory to take station a mile and a half off the beach. DD 511 came alongside and exchanged files with us.
Having this patrol duty really makes the time drag. Almost wish we could get in on something again. Scuttlebutt is going around that destroyers are going to be kept overseas for thirty months. A guy would go nuts if he stayed out that long.
I believe we will have this patrol station for at least another week. The U.S.S. Mead (DD 602) came alongside and passed guard mail. By now we should have a good-sized batch of mail. Wonder when we get it???
Ten months overseas today!
We pulled into Lingayen anchorage early this morning to draw stores. Azevedo and I went on the working party to the transport. After drawing our stores we got underway and returned to our station. Still making the ole figure 8.
On our patrol station at the end of the figure eight, we come within 2,000 yards of the Jap-held beach. Today while our planes were flying over, the Japs opened up with AA fire. It's been under bombing all day.
While in port yesterday, we received some mail. I got two dated Dec. 4. Nothing new. Very tiresome!
Pulled into the transport area to be refueled and get mail. I got twelve letters!
The ship stood Captain's inspection today. The Skipper gave $5 to the man with the best beard --- a snipe won. We're back on the old patrol station. I sure wish we could do something.
Still on station "Dog." Last night another destroyer got a sub a little way from us. Believe we're going into the anchorage this afternoon.
(2300.) We left station and steamed alongside an Australian transport in Lingayen anchorage to take on fresh stores. As soon as we secured, the Japs came with bombers. They concentrated on the beach so I don't know if there was damage or not. We've dropped the anchor and have secured for the night.
We're still anchored in Lingayen Gulf. The Japs are being good boys so, everything is calm. With the guns all shot, we're about a Class C destroyer. Unless we get them repaired, I don't think we will be doing a damn thing out here and that gets pretty tiresome!
(1800.) We got underway. A D.E. and us are taking three cows down to Subic Bay which is situated just above Manila.
We're steaming in the South China Sea now. Last night the Japs flew around us but never came within range -- nice of 'em.
(1130.) We just steamed into Subic Bay and anchored. We're about 3,000 yards off the beach. It certainly is nice weather around here. Not too damned hot!
Went over to the beach on Bataan today with the mail P.O. This beach certainly is blown to hell. From where I was, the front lines were but a few miles away. There was a large shop full of machinery the Japs captured from us in, 1941. Also a small steam engine.
We're getting underway at 1600.
(1600.) We're steaming for Mindoro escorting the Rocky Mount. A sub threw a fish into a destroyer a few miles from here last night. It was hit in the forward fire room. I don't know the name but it's a can we've been operating with for a good many months.
We pulled into Mindoro at 1000 this morning and dropped the hook in the anchorage. The dust on Mindoro is so thick that at times you can't even see the beach. We're tied less than 4,000 yards off shore.
Mindoro, like Bataan, is fairly well secured except for the hills. The Japs love to play hide-n-go-seek in caves for months on end. It's always the same old story --- they will lie in their many caves and drink sake to get courage enough for a banzai attack or to commit harikari! Movies on the foc'sle.
Learned at quarters this morning that we will get underway at 1500 --- Leyte Gulf bound.
(1500.) Underway. We're still herding the old Rocky Mount and the other two transports. The Rocky Mount is going back to the States. Sure wish we could make sure that she gets there. We're in the Sulu Sea now, making 12 knots.
This passage we're now in, which is between the Sulu Sea and Leyte, has been named Torpedo Junction. There is an average report of six subs a day in this area. We're nearing Negros where a few days ago the U.S.S. Crenshaw took a torpedo up forward, flooding three holds.
(1800.) Got a sound contact which turned out to be a fish. Should
hit Leyte about 1000 in the morning.
At 2345 last night we got a radar contact. Upon investigating, we found some natives in an outrigger going to Samar.
(1000.) Steamed into Leyte and anchored. It's surprising how many DEs you see out here now. When we first came out, there was only one in Pearl. Now, they're all over the place. Movies on the foc'sle.
Went to the attack teach on a P.Y.C. today.
Mail came aboard!!!!! I got 8 letters and 3 Christmas packages.
(1700.) Here we go again. We're underway taking the Rocky Mount back to Mindoro. This old stuff is getting tiresome as hell!
We're going through Torpedo Junction now.
Still steaming through Torpedo Junction, now nearing Negros. The good old Waller got a 2-man submarine in here the other day. I hope it's the one that got the Crenshaw. We should hit Mindoro tomorrow morning.
Scuttlebutt: If we stick with the Rocky Mount for another month, we may take her back to the States!
Pulled into Mindoro at 0730 and dropped anchor. First section recreation party today. Nothing doing at all, just laying to in the bay among a bunch of other ships. Movies on the foc'sle.
Second Section recreation party. Aze and I, after going ashore on Mindoro, hitch-hiked to the town of San Jose which is 12 miles from the PT base. The town itself is fairly large but nothing doing in it. It was full of natives the same as any other place I've seen except maybe a little cleaner. When it comes to having children, you can't beat the Philippines. As soon as I entered town, a bunch of little kids came running around yelling for money and weren't satisfied until they were sure there was no jingle left in my pants. The local belles didn't call for more than the first look. Most of them had about ten howling babies hanging around them. The whole country is terribly dusty; the many airfields and constant moving of supply trucks keeps it in the air constantly. After going back to the Fleet landing, we had a darn good swim. The water is a bit colder out here but very clear.
Movies tonight.
Had Captain's inspection this morning. There isn't a blasted thing doing around here now. If the water was cleaner, we could have swim calls off the ship.
As soon as Manila is secured, we may get some liberty there. Sure hope so.
At Quarters this morning, they said we may get underway. This laying around is too tiresome! The trouble is that right now we have a hell of a bunch of ships out here and not enough to do, so we sit!
Went ashore today on a recreation party. I looked around some of the air fields for awhile and then went swimming for a couple of hours. The water sure is good.
Scuttlebutt says we're going to see some more action soon. I sure hope so. Movies.
Nothing much doing today. We got a small amount of mail aboard --- 2 letters for me. There is a large amount of destroyers coming in here. Something's up! Movies.
Hot Dog! We're getting underway early tomorrow to hit Mindanao which is the second largest island in the Philippines. This will be a tin can invasion because only two heavier ships will be with us --- two cruisers (Boise and Phoenix). We will have plenty of air protection this time. --- the things we will have to encounter are land-based torpedoes, six and eight inch shore guns and suicide PT boats which can come from Mindanao, Celebes and Borneo. At last we turn to on the Nips. I certainly was getting tired of laying around!
Special sea detail was set at 0600 this morning and we are now underway. We will hit Mindanao the morning of the 10th. This is a large, fast group that we're in. Everything from L.C.S.'s to cruisers. Nothing to slow us down.
The Captain gave us the dope this morning: HOW hour is 0630 tomorrow morning. Troops will land through the day… Alert watches must be maintained for suicide aircraft and suicide small craft. Japanese aircraft have been following us all night and this morning. Whenever they come in less than 5 miles we go to GQ but they stay out of range. Had a surface contact last night which turned out to be a Dutch hospital ship, probably coming from Hollandia. The sonar men have been instructed to expect enemy submarine action. This should be an easy operation, but I have an odd feeling that our luck has about run out ---?
(Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines: 1100.) What a day! The beach was bombarded with shells and rockets starting at dawn. We went to GQ at 0600 and took our screening station about 4,000 yards from the beach (with our guns still unchanged we were unable to bombard). Some natives came out in a sailboat and informed us that in some areas, the Japs have run for the hills. In a group of islands adjoining Zamboanga, a ""midget submarine" base was discovered and shelled. At 0910, the troops went ashore under a terrific rocket barrage… From what I could see there was no return fire of any importance. It's almost 1200 and not a single Japanese plane has arrived!
An L.S.T. was just hit from the beach. It's being towed away. I believe we will return to Leyte soon. The Captain's relief is waiting to take command of the ship. We're certainly losing a damn good Skipper!
This is our 11th operation. So far there's nothing to it.
GQ was sounded at 1900 last night. On our patrol station we spotted some enemy pill boxes on the beach so we started shelling with 5 inch. Our guns are so shot we were lucky if we got one.
This morning. we tried again. We hit one. We were lucky at that. I certainly would hate to run into any trouble with these guns. Can't hit the broad side of a barn. Half of our shots fell short and landed in the water. "Range: " 1,000 yards!
No dope on our troops ashore. Shouldn't be too bad.
Last night all ships and small craft retired a few miles away from Zamboanga. We just returned and have assumed our patrol station. The reason for these withdrawals is that natives have informed us of a number of Japanese PT boats operating in these waters. PT's are mean hunks of gear!
We pulled alongside the Nickolis and took on fifty one rounds of AA common (amount expended yesterday).
(1800.) Retiring for the night.
At 0700 the Rocky Mount, two destroyers and us returned to Zamboanga to resume screening. A native came alongside in an outrigger early this morning and came aboard to give the Captain some information on Japanese movements ashore.
Seeing that sections of the beach are now secured, natives have started coming out in their boats. They certainly go wild when we steam by -- they salute, wave their hats and yell with joy. It must a be wonderful feeling to have the Japanese yoke lifted from your shoulders after three years.
Things are going very well on the beach. The main city has been recaptured and secured.
Rope Tarn Sunday, 1300.
GQ was sounded twice last night for air contacts. The Japs did some minor bombing on the beach.
Last night we had fire support station right next to the island. In fact, we were damn near on the front lines seeing that we were from 400 to 1,400 yards from the beach. We steamed back and forth at five knots waiting for calls from the beach to bombard. Firing could easily be seen by the Japs and Americans. Lucky the Nips didn't have anything heavy as we made a very good target. The only trouble with that station is that we were on the windward side --- the smell of burning and rotting bodies was almost sickening. I was surprised at the size of Zamboanga. It's knocked to pieces now, but I could see that it used to be a good sized place.
The Skipper's relief flew in today and most likely will come aboard today. He's sure getting a salty tin can. All shot to hell. We rated an overhaul long ago!
This morning we pulled alongside the Rocky Mount to refuel. While alongside about two boats full of Morros (headhunters) came beside us and dove for coins. The Morro natives are different from the northern people. They are much larger and very well built with bronze skins. Thick lips and flat noses seem to indicate a bit of Negro, but all in all, they're a very handsome race. One of the girls was really a doll. The younger kids looked like the Japanese got their two cents worth in (large teeth and ugly as hell.) One Morro had three very small sons who were cute as the dickens. They looked like they were about at the first step stage but to my surprise, they dove for coins as well as the rest.
After fueling ship, we again took up our patrol station.
(1500.) Pulled alongside an ammunition ship. We took on 130 rounds.
(2000.) An LCM was just sunk by enemy small craft. Sounds like suicide stuff!!
(Basilan, Philippines.) At 0700, we anchored next to the Rocky Mount and the Skipper reported for a special mission. At 0730, we steamed away to Basilan which is the nearest island to Zamboanga. B-25's hit the coastal village and strafed trenches while we laid to about five miles off the beach. After about ten minutes of this, our spotter started giving us information so we opened up. Our spotter would fly over the area and direct our fire on houses, trenches, installations and any troop movements. I can't understand how but our firing was damn good today. The ole mighty Robinson is the first ship to shell Basilan.
We have now taken our new patrol station just off Basilan. There must be a hundred small sailboats out here. Most of the natives are fishing. The outriggers they make can really make knots and are quite seaworthy.
Troops are now ashore on Basilan and are making good headway. Fighting is still raging Zamboanga. Last night, support was needed so a destroyer was kept rather busy all night shelling enemy installations. The Japs have a lot of room to run around in which accounts for our slow advancement. I don't think we landed enough troops consideringthe size of Mindanao.
We pulled alongside an LST and took on the amount of ammunition expended yesterday. Our new Captain arrived aboard today. He seems to be all right.
The Captain is staying aboard for awhile before giving up his command. Nothing new. We're still on patrol between Zamboanga and Basilan. Commander Malpass is inspecting the forward holds and compartments this morning.
We were called for fire support and proceeded to a point off Basilan. We received information from our troops ashore, telling us that there was a large force of Japs encamped in a certain area. We covered the area well with five inch. We learned later that we hit the jackpot. We left a few hundred good Nips.
Back on patrol.
At 0645, we pulled alongside the ammunition L.S.T. and received the amount of projectiles expended yesterday. Due to the Rocky Mount, the natives were kept away from the ship by bosses. At 0730, Commander Malpass inspected after holds and compartments. We were again called for fire support on Basilan.
At 1500, the Captain and Comdr. Malpass held an inspection of the crew. After inspection all hands layed up to the foc'sle while the Skipper gave us our last talk. He spoke highly of the Navy and hoped that after the war we wouldn't forget it. He informed us that from the work we have done out here, he is going to receive the Navy Cross, Silver Star and the Bronze Star.
We pulled into the anchorage and dropped the hook.
At 0700 the Captain read his orders to the crew. He is to proceed to the nearest Naval base. From there, he will proceed to Washington, D.C., to report for duty. (After 16 years of sea duty, he's getting his well-deserved shore duty.) After the Captain read his orders, Commander Malpass read his. He is to relieve Commander Grantham and assume command of the U.S.S. Robinson, Squadron 22. (Malpass is an old tin can sailor and has been in combat before.)
At 0730, the Captain and all officers lined up on the gangway and the CB piped Commander Grantham off the ship and into the gig. He is now aboard the Rocky Mount waiting for plane transportation --- should be in “Frisco” within a week.
We’re anchored in the Basilan Straits on a two hour’s notice. The old Robinson is getting up in the world. The ex-division flagship is going one better. In a few days a Commodore is coming aboard which makes us squad-dog --- 22 Squadron Flagship. Not bad!
While in anchorage, the whole ship is holding a field day --- new paint, etc. Otherwise, nothing new. Natives still come around but are kept away from the ship. For what reason, I don’t know. Movies.
We’re leaving Zamboanga tomorrow. I’m not sure, but I hear that we’re going to either leave Leyte or Mindoro to receive stores. In the near future, we’re taking our squadron dot a special sedation --- most likely to secure another stepping stone towards Borneo. Operations in the Philippines are coming quick and fast now.
Movies on the foc’sle.
Our orders have been changed. We’re not leaving until tomorrow morning. We’re still in anchorage in the straits. There’s another operation coming up in about three weeks. I believe it’s the largest Jap-held base in the Philippines --- Davao.
Believe it or not, we received mail. The U.S.S. Waller brought it down from Mindoro.
HEADING: MANUS S-4189 212355/94
We got underway and are now enroute to Leyte --- should be there in a couple of days. Another destroyer and us are escorting some small craft --- a very slow process. Eight knots. Weather is much cooler. It sure feels great to be on the move again!
Nothing much now. We're passing through sub-infested waters (worst area in the islands). A group ahead of us had a fish fired at them but it exploded on the surface. We passed two A.P.D.s who are searching an area that an enemy sub was spotted on the 23rd. Got a sound contact which turned out to be a school of fish.
Had anti-aircraft practice this morning. We fired at gas filled balloons. We should hit Leyte at midnight. A heavy tropical storm is approaching. Forty knot wind.
We pulled into Leyte and dropped anchor at 2400 last night. At 0800, we refueled ship from a tanker. There is a large number of Limey ships here in Leyte ---cruisers, carriers and destroyers. This is the group that has been operating off China ---Singapore to Hong Kong.
We're trying to get repairs from a tender, but it's rather doubtful. The weather here is like Frisco --- overcast and cool.
We're alongside a tender now. We have availability until April 6 so it looks like a short vacation maybe even some recreation. Movies on the fantail.
Still alongside the Whitney. Nothing new. Natives have been around all day, selling their usual junk --- grass skirts and beads, etc.
(Easter Sunday.) We have a mascot aboard now. Ens. Lake bought a monkey from a native on the beach. It's a cute little fellow and quite tame. Stores are coming aboard pretty good now. It's hard to get equipment around this area because it's all 5th Fleet and we're in the 7th.
Fresh apples, carrots and cabbage arrived aboard. It's the first fresh stores we've had in a long time. Still tied up alongside the tender Dobbin I believe we're getting underway the 5th.
Our ship is undergoing a general going-over --- painting, over-hauling, etc. We won't have any recreation here this time. Movies.
Last night a radar contact was made so the nest we're tied up with went to G.Q. We were at condition red for about an hour but nothing showed up. Nothing new.
We're leaving the tender early tomorrow morning to get our torpedoes replaced. Some new hands and stores. Movies on the foc'sle.
We got underway at 0700 and are now exchanging our fish. Took a run of 50 miles to Samar and then anchored. We received 260 cases of beer aboard. Movies.
Got underway this morning and returned to Leyte. First section liberty party today. Movies.
Today was a big one for damn sure. Fitz and I went ashore on Samar at 0830 this morning on the recreation party. After getting our three bottles of beer, we started out. We visited village after village, talking with the natives, etc. We walked on a small path through the jungle for God knows how long. We went for about 15 miles until we came upon a very large swamp. So in order to see the next village, we got a young girl to give us a lift in her outrigger. After seeing the place, we walked until the jungle was too thick to go any further. (It isn't safe there anyhow --- large snakes and Japs running around.) So we went swimming in the bay along with some water snakes and baby crocs. We finally made it back to the landing at 1430. Liberty expired at 1100, so we were 3-1/2 hours AWOL, damn it all. It looks like I'm S1/c again. Had a hell of a good time, though. Native whiskey isn't bad stuff, either.
C/O Fleet Post Office
DD 562/XO San Francisco, California :1vp
Subject: Removal of men from recreation lists.
1. The following named men are removed from the recreation lists until further notice:
York, E.W. |
BM1/c |
Jacobs, K.C. |
S1 /c |
Holbert, 7.W |
S1 /c |
McKeithan, M.C. |
BM2/c |
Long, W.L. |
SM2/c |
Groves, M.K |
S1/c |
Archibald, R.C. |
CM3/c (r) |
Fitzgerald, C.M. |
RDM3/c |
Heinecke, J.C. |
SoM3/c |
Duffy, F.M. |
S2/c |
Barnett, W.D. |
S2/c |
Myers, E.D. |
S2/c |
Executive Officer
C/O Fleet Post Office
DD 562/X0 San Francisco, California :lvp
8 April, 1945
Subject: Recreation Parties: Rules and Regulations for.
1. The Recreation Center on SAMAR east of berth # 35 is under the supervision of the U.S.S. Dixie and the U.S.S. Whitney. The area was cleared by these ships for use by their men and not men from the ships in the nests.
2. The above ships have imposed the following regulations to be carried out by all persons using the recreation area.
(a) No one is to leave the area of the landing and recreation clearing.
All hands are forbidden to go to the native villages in the vicinity.
(b) All beer cans, bottles, cartons, etc. must be properly disposed of as directed and the recreation area policed prior to departure.
3. The attention of all hands is called to the above regulations and the necessity for abiding by them if we are to enjoy the use of the area. All hands must give our patrol full cooperation. Failure to carry out the above will only result in our loss of the privilege of sending recreation parties to the beach.
Lieutenant , U.S. Navy
Executive Officer.
We got underway just after noon. We're bound for Mindoro.
After refueling the ship, we entered Surigao Straits. Maneuvering like mad --- an enemy submarine has been contacted by three different ships today. Poor sonar conditions due to high speed. We're going to make 20 knots all the way. Another destroyer is going with us. We're the OTC!
The McCall and us are still steaming at 20 knots for Mindoro. At this speed, we should be there
tonight. The ole Robbie has seen better days. At 20 knots, we're almost shaking apart --- sure do need an overhaul but quick! Passed an LCI group escorted by P.T. boats. Steamed into Mindoro at 1600 refueled and then anchored.
(Mindoro, Philippines.) We will be here for about four days. Then we're off to another operation. It will feel good to be doing something again. Stores have come aboard. Captain held an informal inspection of lower holds and living quarters. Movies on the foc'sle.
Nothing much doing here in anchorage. We've received all our stores and ammunition, so all we have to do is lie around and wait. Recreation (beer) parties are being sent over to some small sandbar near the ship but sad as it is, I'm restricted. G.S.K. working party left for some tender.
Just secured from the watch on the gangway. We're leaving in a few days to hit some place on Mindanao, near Zamboanga, I believe. Friday the 13th has run true to form. Just received word that our President has died in office. We're now on patrol just off Samar
April 14, 1945: 364th Day Out
We returned to Leyte this morning and received mail from another destroyer. At 0900, we joined a task force consisting of LCI landing craft full of troops. We are taking this force along with other screening ships to the attack and HOW hour is 0600.
Steaming along at 12 knots. No trouble so far; looks like a good trip.
Sunday, April 15, 1945 365th Day Out
Morning alert. Steaming very slow now --- about 8 knots. This force is pretty large --- three light cruisers, and about 100 troops carriers. We will arrive at our destination at 0500 the 17th. The Robinson has been assigned as radar picket and fighter director ship.
Another force of landing craft has joined our group of 100 --- a lot of men!
(1000.) Boots, our mascot puppy, was officially sworn into the Navy by the Captain. His service record will be sent to Washington; his rate now is AM (Apprentice Mascot) and draws 50 cents plus 10 cents sea pay.
A carrier-based plane just crashed off our beam. When we pulled alongside, one of the men shouts, “Glad to see ya.!” Both are aboard.
An LSM was sighted. Upon coming alongside, we found it was just form the Zamboanga group due to engine trouble. Earlier, they had tried to make land but were chased away by Jap small craft and while going into the open sea, they became lost. They also were glad to see us.
(Mindanao: Malabang and Parang.) At 0500, we steamed in sight of Mindanao. The cruisers and destroyers took their stations and bombarded installations on the beach. We’re on the FD ship so we took a screen station a few miles off the island to do the proverbial figure eights.
The troops are now going ashore with very little opposition --- not a bad operation!
A beach-head has been established. Troops and equipment are pouring ashore with no strain. Japs have run for the hills. No excitement, no planes, no nothing. What a war! Outside of morning alert, no G.Q. have been called.
What!! No movies on the foc’sle?
A PBY landed in our wake and picked up the two fliers we fished out of the water. I hear we will be leaving in a few days to bring reinforcements from Mindoro.
I’m on the “Binnacle list.” Must have the Samar crud! Nothing new, wow! What an operation!
Maybe I spoke too soon. Jap small craft are buzzing around strafing our landing craft with machine guns. Hope one comes within range of our forties!!!
Note: On April 16, 45, we completed our first year out here.
This afternoon, we’re going in to anchor. A destroyer relief should be around soon.
We refueled from a tanker and then anchored in the anchorage. Twelve bags of mail were picked up off the tanker. We will stay in anchorage overnight and will get underway tomorrow afternoon for Mindoro.
Our orders have been changed. We won’t get underway until tomorrow afternoon. The executive officer held a meeting of all petty officers today. Seems like we’re going to join the Fifth Fleet soon which means more action for damn sure.
While in anchor, we are maintaining the regular sea watch plus fantail and foc’sle guard. Suicide boats are quite active around here yet.
Movies in the crew’s mess hall.
The ship is preparing for sea. We will get underway this evening.
Underway. Another destroyer and us are taking about ten LST’s up to Mindoro and a PC will help complete the screen.
Just got word that the old Bush was sunk up north along with four other destroyers that we’ve operated with at some time or another. Another destroyer received two bombs and four suicides but still maintained her 20 knots. --- a 2,200 class. With all these cans being knocked out, we should be steaming up there soon. The ole Fifth Fleet is getting knocked around a bit!!!
Steamed by Zamboanga this morning. These LST’s are so damn slow it drives you nuts herding ‘em around. What a life.
Most likely it will take us a few days yet before we reach Mindoro, but it’s better than being up north!!!
The weather is very cool, calm sea, no bogies. Morning alerts only. Should hit “Torpedo Junction” this evening. Not much trouble in that area in the last few days, though.
: 373rd Day Out
Morning alert. Another destroyer damaged up north by suicides. Division 156, our old outfit, is really catching hell!. Squadron 23 has been ordered up north and will leave in the near future. We're in Squadron 22. Just steamed into the Sulu Sea. Should be in Mindoro tomorrow morning.
Morning alert. Pulled into Mindoro at, 0700 this morning. After getting rid of our "cows," we dropped anchor. Field day. Captain's inspection tomorrow. We will remain here for two days and will then take a reinforcement group back to Mindoro.
Got underway at 1100. The LST's were loaded ahead of schedule which accounts for the early start. (1300.) The reinforcement group is all in formation so we're Mindoro bound. This group consists of 30 LST's, two destroyers, a P.C. and us.
Steaming at 10 knots. We've passed through Surigao Straits and are now entering the Sulu Sea. Just received word that six enemy submarines left from Borneo and are now in the Sulu Sea ---believed to be headed for the homeland. Boy, what they couldn't do to this group with only two ASW ships!! Sonar personnel have been instructed to keep an exceptionally alert watch. --- and how!
The weather to my dislike is very calm and quiet. The nights are with a full moon which is as bright as day.
We passed between Tsonga and Basilan and are now steaming by the Zulu Archipelago into the Celebes Sea. Should hit Malabang on Mindanao in the morning. I believe we're out of the sub menace zone. We are passing several islands, but I don't know whether they are ours or the Japs. They may be part of the Sulu Archipelago, but I'm not sure. We enter port tomorrow morning.
(0730.) We steamed into Illana Bay on the Mindanao Island. Just got rid of the LST's which are now unloading to reinforce the troops leaving for Davao.
The men are doing very well on the beach. In spite of heavy resistance, they have reached Davao Bay which is 25 miles from Davao itself. The Japs have captured 16 guns from Bataan placed on the beach to guard its entrance plus land-based torpedoes and other installations. It would have been rough going to make a landing in the bay, so we came up from behind. Not bad, I calls it!
Something is cooking but can't get any dope.
Natives came out this morning to trade. Their craftsmanship is a lot better than the northern people. For a blanket and two shirts, I got a large engraved bolo. The blade isn't cast iron like up north but fine tempered steel.
Just received our orders and we are now underway for Tawitawi which is situated in the Sulu Archipelago, 40 miles from Borneo! We're escorting a tanker which seems to be a new job --- steaming at 14 knots. I believe in the near future we will join units of the Seventh Fleet which will soon hit Borneo. Looks like a bit of action is coming up.
These islands were just taken 15 days ago and seeing most of the islands in this group are Jap-held, the natives must be watched. Any who look like Nips we scare away by firing around their boats. Most of these people are Moros. I just finished trading with them: money and cateyes.
Underway at 1600. We're taking this same tanker up north of Borneo to join the Seventh Fleet. We're to report to the Rocky Mount for orders. I don't like this idea of steaming around with just a tanker. This is nasty territory and would hate like hell to run into anything sizeable. Sub bait, that's us!
(2000.) Sub contact, natives. Three star shells scared the [rats]!!!
(Tarakan, Borneo ---1100.) Steaming through the straits leading to Tarakan which lies just off Borneo. Passed alongside a sunken ship. Oil is coming to the surface along with a few bodies. Don't know whether they are ours or the Japs.
Just passed the Boise; the ole Jenkins is alongside with her bow almost to the water's edge. Hit a damn mine! We operated with her at Zamboango.
Dropped the anchor just off Tarakan. The Australians have already put troops ashore supported by the Seventh Fleet. Shell Oil has several refineries here. I can see several tanks from here. the Japs will miss that!
Jap suicide boats are active around here. Must be on the alert tonight.
(1700.) YMS 464 was just sunk by Jap shore guns. Just a big puff of smoke and she was gone. A Seahawk (DDO) is going to pick up survivors.
(1710.) Two more YMS's were just hit but were able to withdraw. Nasty business, sweeping mines!
(1800.) An LST was just sunk. Not very healthy around here. I wish we could knock those damn guns out! The U.S.S. Rushmore (DD) just received a torpedo in her bow from a midget sub --- never a dull moment! Midget sub surfaced next to the beach and was captured "by natives.” It's alongside the Waller now.
we re-anchored in the mouth of the straits --- sonar listening watch for submarines. We are the sonar destroyer here so we won't have to patrol.
Radar picket station: “Roger.” Relieved by HMS Burdekin (1300). at, 1400, we returned to Tarakan and anchored off the beach. We are now fire support and are subject to call fire at any moment. The Australians are still catching hell. They are good fighters but seem rather slow.
I just came down below. While topside, I was watching an SC when shells splashed all around her. She was having a hell of a time dodging them but finally got away. As far as I could see, she didn't get a scratch!
Just heard about a transport and a tanker being hit. These damn Japs are holding a field day!
Steamed up to Point Roger and relieved the U.S.S. Waller, Flagship, 22nd Squadron.
Two Aussie officers came aboard to connect communications with the fire party (spotter) on the beach.
(1200.) Commenced bombarding imbedded pill boxes on the beach just beyond the air strip. There are two battalions of Japs entrenched there.
(1315.) Secured. We threw about 215 shells in the enemy positions. We did damn good!! Tonight we are taking our same position and will fire 200 rounds in the same spot from 0220 to 0400. Last night the Japanese advanced some mortars and did some heavy damage to our lines on the shore. We were expecting air attacks but no sign as yet. I killed a five-foot water snake today.
We did some good fire support last night. We threw shells on pill boxes, mortar concentrations and heavy installations all night. The Japs are dug in quite well just on the other side of the airfield. The Aussies have reached the strip and are now trying to buck the enemy pill boxers. Casualties are fairly low.
The U.S.S. Waller steamed to about 300 yards from the beach to furnish fire coverage for a LCVP making a landing. The Japs opened up so the LCVP withdrew to the outboard of the can while the Waller opened up with forties. She fired rapid fire which tore the whole damn sector up --- certainly was a good show. We are still on fire support waiting for call fire.
The U.S.S. Waller left this morning for Morotai, New Guinea. Captain Smith and his staff arrived aboard so it's now the U.S.S. Robinson: Flagship, 22nd Squadron.
Laying to at 2,000 yards off the beach for call fire.
Still on fire-support. The troops are advancing quite well now.
The Japs have something new --- a bake bomb. It's a small jet-propelled plane with very small wings carrying explosives and seating one pilot. It cannot take off or land so it is towed by a "Betty" to the scene of action and then let go. It makes 600 knots and will stay in the air for about 45 minutes. Its purpose is for suicide bombings on ship. 20 mm. on its nose can't stop it. Hmmmn?
We're getting underway tomorrow for New Guinea.
We got underway at 0630. We're screen commander for a rather mixed group of ships --- DE, LCI's, SC, net-layer and a limey corvet. We should reach Morotai about the 11th and will leave the 17th to return to Borneo to hit the mainland.
With the Commodore aboard, we are now having both morning and evening alerts. We are now quite close to the Equator --- it's hot as hell! I'm getting tired of this rotten existence. Over a year now and God only knows how much longer.
Calm weather, good breeze, making 12 knots. Task group speed, 9 knots. We're up in front.
News Flash: “GERMANY HAS UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDERED!" That certainly is great news. I only regret that the President couldn't have lived a month longer to see the victory which he hoped so much to see. The war sure as hell isn't over for us; that's for damn sure. I'll bet the people back home are going wild. To some, the war is over.
Steaming at 12 knots --- should hit the Celebes in the morning. Anti-aircraft practice and evening alert.
(0730.) We're alongside the Celebes now. I can see an active volcano off our beam. We're now passing through some kind of passage.
Open sea again --- should hit Morotai in the early morning. Evening alert.
Morotai: Netherlands East Indies. At 0615 during morning alert, we steamed between two Japanese-held islands which were being bombed by B-24's. Two hours later we steamed into the anchorage of Morotai. Nice place but hot as hell! After refueling; we anchored about 2,000 yards off the beach. Movies tonight. A small amount of mail arrived aboard.
Went to a stores working party today. The transport we went to had pulled out of Oakland just two months ago. We're receiving just about everything we need aboard. Certainly not getting low. Liberty parties are going ashore, now. It's port and starboard duty sections. Movies on the foc'sle.
The noon chow was the best we've had in a long time --- chicken, etc. This morning while on the gangway watch, I watched three French transports pull in, filled with American troops. They're most likely troops for the Borneo offensive.
Delay my last transmission: they were Dutch ships and Aussie troops. Movies on the foc'sle.
Tomorrow the squad dog leaves the U.S.S. Waller and switches his command to us. We will then be in command of the 22nd Squadron with Captain Smith aboard Commodore. The Robinson is the cleanest and best kept destroyer in the Pacific and old man Smith has had his eye on us for some time --- from now on, things will be strictly H.S.!
Recreation parties are buying Australian beer and whiskey ashore. The prices are sky high but it's good stuff. The ship is changing camouflage. It's a two-tone job, just like pre-war. From what I hear, it looks like we may be going up north. A lot of destroyers are getting sunk and reinforcements are needed. I knew our pleasure cruise wouldn't last! Movies on the foc'sle.
Nothing doing. We will remain in anchorage for at least a week and a half. Landings on the mainland of Borneo have been delayed until a future date. Movies.
Field Day. Not a damn thing going on! Boy, this is the life. All I have to do is stand a few gangway watches so the rest of my time is free. Just lie around and sweat and sweat!!! We're about 1 degree from the Equator which accounts for the intense heat.
Not a blasted thing doing. This lying around is getting tiresome!!! Well, I'll be damned. A German submarine surrendered a little ways of Mindanao. May wonders never cease. It's so damn hot it's painful making these entries once a day. Can hardly stay below without drowning in your own sweat!
Got underway this morning and steamed out a few miles for AA practice along with the Waller which has new guns and fire control gear but we still out shoot her. We're still the best damn firing ship in DesPac!
Returned to Morotai and after refueling, we again anchored in ye old sweat box! Nothing doing. We took on a few stores. Otherwise, not a damn thing.
Another German sub surrendered somewhere around here. Received fresh meat aboard. This life is killing me. Wish to God we could get underway. This heat is terrific!
Damn good chow today --- chicken which could actually be eaten! Old man Smith is coming aboard in a few days.
Recreation parties are still being sent to the beach. Nothing to do but read and sleep. Movies on the foc'sle.
Got underway this morning and pulled alongside the Waller and tied alongside at, 1300. We're no squad-dog. Nuts!
I made a mistake in the location of Morotai. It's not in New Guinea as I thought but in the Malmahera group. We get underway tomorrow morning for AA practice.
We got underway at 0700 and went out with the Waller for AA practice. I have a new G.Q. station now. No. 41 forty mm. More damn fun! Returned to anchorage. Enemy submarine was sighted visually a few miles from here. Sonarmen are now standing a port listening watch.
Hot dog! I'm off restriction. Liberty tomorrow!
We got underway early this morning and went to sea with the Waller for AA practice. I'm doing all right on the 40 mm. Returned to Morotai anchorage but it's too late for liberty.
I went ashore on Morotai with Fitz, Moore, Chishola, Hughes and Good. We got a case of beer and hitched a ride aboard an Aussie truck down the beach where we drank our beer and swam. Inspection tomorrow.
Inspection was all right. We will get underway the 4th for the operation against Borneo. We will take our squadron with six cruisers which will be the first group to hit the island! Enemy forces are in that area so we may be in on a bit of sea action.
Went ashore today. Went swimming and messed around with some air corps guys. Nothing new. This diary is rather dull during this last month. Nothing to put on it!
We're not standing sound watches now, just port gangway. Mail came aboard.
Got underway early this morning with 7 destroyers (some of our squadron) for AA practice.
Boy what a time that was. It was mostly tracking exercises. Spitfires made strafing and suicide runs on us. They certainly came close! Returned to Morotai for anchorage.
Mail arrived aboard. Liberty party went to the beach. Nothing new.
Our old Squadron 56 which went up north has but two destroyers left afloat ---Leutze: stern blown off & sunk (6/5/45) and O'Leary: stern blown off. We certainly were lucky to be left behind. All the cans we've operated with in Saipan and down from Squadron 56 have met something. The Newcomb from our old 112 Division is a burnt hull. The old Bryant and Bush have gone down. My God, but it gives a guy an awful feeling to hear about destroyers you've operated with over a year going down. I have a lot of friends on most of them. The Ross and Grant are in the Philippines now. The Ross was damaged up north on 7/2/45. Squadron 23 has gone up north. Our squadron is next.
These suicide planes are really raising hell up north. Can't say I'm looking forward to going up.
The DD 605 is alongside us now. She got hit by a suicide in Ormoc Bay, losing 70 men. She just returned from the States from B.S.W. in Oakland where she received repairs.
I went ashore today and visited some guys attached to the Cooney bird squadron of the long
rangers “R."
We won't be in the bombardment group for Borneo. We're screen commander for the Amfib. group. Nothing doing as usual.
We will get underway at 1100 tomorrow morning. We are screen commander for about 12 destroyers and a large group of DE's, UMS's, AM's and landing craft including transports. All stores, ammunition and necessary equipment has come aboard. (We're] all set. Movies (the last for some time.)
Got underway (1100) and took our station as head of the Amfib. group. This is a large group of ships from large transports down to LST's.
Landings on the northwest side of Borneo in Brunei Bay will take place at, 0915 the morning of the 10th. This is going to be a large operation with heavy resistance anticipated. The Japanese have two cruisers, ten destroyers and a large amount of midget submarines in this area. They are able to bring planes from Borneo, itself, Java, Sumatra and Singapore. The bombardment groups consists of 8 cruisers with destroyers (the Grant and Kilian included.)
There are at least 75 surface craft in this one group --- more will join us from Zamboanga, Tawitawi and Tarakan. The weather is very much like winter in Oakland ---just the right amount of fog thrown in.
At a point off Zamboanga, fleet oilers will meet this force to refuel oil combat ships. A task force's speed must be set to the slowest ship. Group speed is eight to ten knots, too damn slow.
We had bogies early this morning but after a 0400 G.Q. They proved to be friendly. Morning and evening alert now.
(1000.) Sound contact while on watch. Moore on recorder and me on the stack. Unable to drop charges due to SC astern of us. A sub was sighted visually east of us earlier this morning.
By the time we reach Brunei Bay, this task group will consist of 90 ships. G.Q. for drills at, 1400. At present, we are receiving fairly good air protection --- Black Widows and Spitfires. This invasion will be made with Australian troops with Seventh Fleet support. It's been raining for the last few days ---something new!
At 0800 Zamboanga was in sight. While steaming by, a tanker steamed out and refueled all destroyers and destroyer escorts. We were fueled at 1000. The D.E. 447 pulled alongside and passed officer messenger mail by line.
Just three more days and we will reach our objective. From what I hear, this is supposed to be a rugged operation. I can't see how it could be too bad; because the Japs couldn't have too many planes left in that area, although the day after we left Tarakan, the Japs made a raid, sinking an LST. If the enemy is willing to accept heavy losses, they could send aircraft from Singapore on a large scale. I don't believe they would dare send a surface interception. The weather has cleared.
We've passed Zamboanga and are now headed for Palowan which is in the western Philippines. More transports have joined us --- close to 100 now. We're close to the Equator now. That and being in the Sulu Sea has given us very calm water. Making 10 knots --- everything is going fine. at, 1330 there was 40 mm. and 20 mm. test firing. Evening alert.
(Palawan, Philippines.) The cruiser Boise and a destroyer (Grant) joined the force. Very good air support so far. General MacArthur is aboard the Boise. This operation must be fairly easy if he's going!!
The U.S.S. J.W. Grant which was in our old 112 division and was hit in Surigao Straits looks damn good. She has a new director and looks in trip shape.
We are now at Palawan. This is the last stretch now. Into the China Sea and on to Borneo. G.Q. will be sounded at 0400 tomorrow morning. Evening alert.
(Brunei Bay, Borneo.) G.Q. was sounded at 0410 as we entered Brunei Bay. Mine sweepers were sweeping for mines --- so far 65 have been taken care of. Only one casualty to the sweeps up to now -- one AM hit a mine, killing seven and wounding seventeen. The vessel remained afloat. Cruisers and destroyers bombarded the beach until it was a blazing hell which provided good coverage for the landing boats. Troops hit the beach at 0915 and have now gained a strong foothold. At 0900, a Jap flew in, dropping a 500 pound bomb which just missed an unloaded transport. He got away unless our own aircraft shot it down.
Secured from G.Q. at 1115. Flash -- control green --- 1400. The Japs expected a landing down south so this was good surprise move. We have very good fighter coverage. Evening alert.
We expected enemy suicide small craft last night but nothing showed up. The Kilian opened up on something with her forties but never got any dope on it. We're on screening patrol coverage for the Boise, furnishing sonar screen protection.
So far today, the Japs made three raids but did little or no damage. If they do once get in they never get away because we have some fast fighters around here --- Spitfires, P-38's, P-61's (night fighters.)
Damon and Boots were playing --- monk overboard, rescued same.
Brunei Bay certainly is a beautiful spot. The sunsets and dawns are really beautiful. At the mouth of the bay are three small islands which I believe we now hold. The troops are doing very well on the beach. No word how far inland yet. Mine-sweepers are still securing mines. The bay is full of these. Evening alert.
Morning alert brought another raid. No damage. We're still on screening patrol. The weather is rather cool which is a great relief. I guess Damon will be more careful where he jumps from now on. When he fell overboard, he swam on his back, using his tail for a screw. The Skipper turned the ship around so Mack could dive in to rescue him. He certainly was glad to be back aboard.
The Aussies have landed on three different spots here in the bay --- Labuan, Marau and Brookston Point.
During evening alert last night, the Japanese staged another air attack. I couldn't tell if they caused much damage. The weather was so poor they must have bombed by guess work.
We pulled alongside the cruiser Cleveland this afternoon to refuel. Tankers are empty. The town on Brunei is sure a mess. There are a few buildings yet standing which are of interesting design. Some have as many as four roofs. We're still patrolling at the south of the bay; not much doing. I'm really surprised at the few air attacks.
Came alongside the Cleveland. The Commodore went over for a conference. Went alongside the Rocky Mount to exchange one of the men. (1200.) Steamed into the anchorage and dropped the hook about a 100 yards off the beach. The Waller stood in with her four-knot convoy. She left Morotai a day before us. What a dull trip that must have been. (1810.) Underway to resume patrolling.
The Aussies have built a temporary airfield. Not bad time, I calls it! Evening alert.
Last night during evening alert, the Japs came again. Flash red --- control yellow. But this time the men on the beach were ready. When the Nip was overhead search lights flashed on him at the same time. Ninety mm. from the beach plus 40 mm. from the cruisers put a solid wall of tracers up. Dead Jap in two seconds.
(0900.) Returned to anchorage. Port watch.
Brunei, which is the capital of this British protected Sultanate, certainly is a cute little spot. It's a shame it had to go through a bombardment. The Japs have set fire to their oil dumps on Seria field which is about 70 miles from here. I could see the glow from it last night while on patrol.
(0900.) Returned to the anchorage. (1200.) Refueled from the Rocky Mount. Later I went ashore to a small island near the entrance to Brunei Bay. I hiked up to the top of the hill to a pre-war English-built lighthouse over-looking the bay. Really a beautiful spot. Two small houses were still in good condition except for a few holes caused from strafing. The interiors were a filthy mess. Japs live like the dogs they were bred from. On a side of the island was a plot of ground used for growing vegetables. I had the pleasure of eating some sugar cane, compliments of the Nips. On the slope around the lookout station was very "green" grass --- hip high, which was a sight for sore eyes. I returned to the sandy beach and had an excellent swim and returned to the ship. It was the prettiest island I've yet seen. (1800.) Resumed patrol.
Still on patrol in the entrance to the bay. The Aussies are making excellent headway on Brunei. They are aided by dart-blowing Dyak natives. We will get underway this evening with four other destroyers. We will escort the cruisers Phoenix and Nashville to Morotai by way of Tawitawi Sanga Sanga.
It looks like winter out here now --- heavy overcast and rain. (1800.) Underway. Simulated torpedo attack practice on the cruisers tonight. Evening alert.
It's raining very hard now --- nice and cool. We're making 17 knots so should reach Tawitawi tomorrow evening. When we reach Morotai, we will remain in anchorage two days. We will then join the attack group that will hit southern Borneo. That's where the Japs have concentrated their main forces. ASW training. Evening alert.
(0815.) Arrived at Tawitawi. (1000.) The Philip and us are going to Morotai by ourselves.
Underway at 21.5 knots in rather stormy weather. Looks like a rough trip. At this speed we should reach Morotai tomorrow afternoon around 1600. Evening alert.
This morning's evening alert was certainly beautiful. As dawn broke, we steamed in sight of the Celebes. The sun put this still active volcano in a lovely shade of color while it poured out its purple lava and smoke.
(1300.) AA practice on plane-towed sleeve. (1600.) Arrived at the Netherlands East Indies. We will fuel and then anchor off Morotai. No dope on mail as yet but will have movies. Back in Borneo, our cruisers are catching hell from Jap fighters. Looks like we got out just in time.
Enclosure (A) to DD 562 - 1 -
conf. serial 095
20 June, 1945:
1530 ComDesRon 22 reported to CTG 78.2 for duty with Robinson (DD 562) and Philip (DD 498) at MOROTAI ISLAND. Commenced operating in accordance with the following directives:
1. General Headquarters, SWPA, Operations Instructions Number 103 dated 3 May, 1945.
2. CANP, SWPA Operation Plan 8-45.
3. CANP, SWPA and COM7thfit Operation Plan 11-45.
4. Commander 7th Amphibious Force Operation Plan 12-45.
5. Commander Amphibious Groups 8, 7th Fleet, Operation Plan 6-45.
23 June, 1945:
1212 Underway for sortie and rehearsal. Commenced operating in accordance with rehearsal plan to ComPhibGrp 8, Opplan 6-45.
24 June, 1945:
1612 Returned to port. Anchored. Completed rehearsal for BALIKPAPAN assault.
26 June, 1945:
1224 Underway. from MOROTAI Anchorage. MOROTAI ISLAND. Commenced sortie of echelon 2-1 (Assault convoy of TASK GROUP 78.2 in accordance ComPhibGrp 8, Opplan 6-45 and CornDesRon 22, OpOrder 1.45.
1300 Departed MOROTAI Anchorage, entered MOROTAI STRAITS.
1330 Took screening station for sortie.
1455 Formed special cruising disposition # 1. Took station # 1 (f. 5000) in circular 12 ship A/E screen.
1456 Stationed all hands at General Quarters for AA practice. Set material condition Able.
Mail arrived last night. I got 12 letters. Stores working parties have left the ship. It's been raining like hell but liberty parties have left anyhow --- 1st section. Movies on the foc'sle.
We're now anchored almost 700 yards off the beach. Liberty party--- 2nd section went ashore at noon. Fresh provisions came aboard today. Movies.
Just secured from G.Q. The Japs made a raid dropping a row of bombs along the beach about 700 yards away. It was a quick strike so we didn't get chance to open up.
I went to a stores working party this morning --- coffee, beans and carrots. (1300.) We got underway. We're going out on some sort of maneuvers for preparations for the next invasion. They must think we're a bunch of boots! This whole anchorage is out here now. We're just steaming around Morotai.
Quite a show was put on today. Tin cans bombarded the beach while army swarmed ashore on Morotai. It was all in fun so I guess everybody is happy! AA firing practice. Returned to anchorage. Movies on the foc'sle.
(0800.) Refueled from a tanker. Tomorrow we get underway for our second invasion on Borneo. This one may bring a little more action. More stores have come aboard. Must be a long layover. Movies on the foc'sle.1
(1230.) Got underway. (1300.) AA firing practice. There are about 60 ships in this group. All troops are Australian supported by the 7th Fleet. All ships are lined up now. We have taken our station at its head. (Seems like we're always in front!)
This operation will take us up to the center of Borneo at Balikpapan Bay. D-day is July 1st, H-hour is 0930.
Steaming at 13 knots. Everything's under control. I hear we're going to be station ship in charge of all patrols. That means two months in Borneo at 125 degrees!
We're now in the Sulu Archipelago along side Sanga Sanga. I've never been ashore here but certainly would like to. From a distance it looks like a tropical paradise that you would read about. It's not a very large island. I would say about 4 miles square. At the base is a small native village. Overlooking it, in fact, seeming to protect it, is a huge active volcano with lava pouring down its sides and steam rising a 1,000 feet into the air. I wonder what ideas the people have of that destructive looking mountain. Probably some sort of a God. Evening alert.
Balikpapan is undergoing heavy air attacks now. We have a bombardment there now. The enemy appears to be bringing some new airplanes from China. Our forces also survived a heavy bomber attack. No suicides have been reported as yet, but I expect there will be few. We'll cross the equator just before reaching our objective. Five mine sweepers were sunk today at Balipapan due to mines and enemy shore batteries. Evening alert.
Morning alert. About a year ago B-24's dropped magnetic mines in Balikpapan Bay to foul up enemy shipping in that area. These same mines, plus the Japs, are getting our own AM's in the bay now. Our objective is still undergoing heavy air attacks.
(1300.) At Sangi, we added more ships and troops to the convoy, making it over a hundred. Just now we were joined by three carriers (CVE) and eight destroyers and escorts. I hear the situation is rather critical. We're now in the Makassar Straits. This is where the old Marblehead (cruiser) caught hell. Evening alert.
Morning alert. The generator burned out on sound gear. What a hell of a time to go on the blink. We crossed the equator this morning --- the 11th time. G.Q. will be sounded at 0200 tomorrow morning. We enter Balikpapan around 0600. Heavy air attacks and dangerous waters (mines) are expected. More damn fun! Evening alert.
If the sound gear isn't in operation when we reach the objective, we will bombard.
enclosure (A) DD 562 - 2 -
donf. serial 095
1 July, 1945; Continued
0550 Set Condition of Readiness I
0553 CTG 78.2 executed "Deploy," Robinson continued to screen major assault shipping long line of advance to transport area.
0710 Commenced proceeding to assigned station in screening station Fox.
0755 Set Condition of Readiness I Easy.
0814 CTG 78.2 confirmed “How" hour.
0840 Let fires die under boilers # 1 and # 3.
1317 Set Condition of Readiness II, material Condition Able modified.
1602 Sent motor whaleboat to investigate mine marker busy bearing 1325
QT, distance 27,100 yards from PT. TAKONG, insuring that buoy was
properly anchored and re-installing flag in vertical position.
1621 Returned to screening station Fox.
2 July, 1945:
0201 CTG 74.2 got underway with 3 CL's and 4 DD's to carry out special mission. Modified patrol as necessary to keep clear.
0240 CTG 78.2 ordered CTG 74.1 to be prepared to defend amphibious forces in objective area, designating 1 CA, 2 CL's and 7 DD's to be used.
1216 Departed for Fox patrol, proceeding to transport area.
1242 Moored starboard side to U.S.S. Wasatch (AGC9) to fuel ship.
1329 Unidentified air craft reported by radio nearing 0830T, distance 16 miles. General Quarters: singled up all lines. Unable to pick up contact on our radar.
1337 Air contact reported visually identified as friendly B-24.\
G.Q. was sounded at 1130 last night while the ship was put into condition afirm, water, circulation and all valves were secured and all hatches dogged. We steamed into mine-infested Balikpapan at 0413 without mishap. We then took our patrol station (sonar in operation). At 0915, the Aussie troops went ashore with very little opposition; due to our carriers we had excellent air coverage. No bodies as yet. The U.S.S. Smith got an unexploded shell from the beach through her forward, stack, Small damage and no casualties. Seven minesweepers were sunk due to mines. This area is lousy with mines.
Four enemy ships are steaming towards this area. I'm afraid we will miss out on the fun, being in charge of all screening stations. G.Q. was secured at 1300. Evening alert.
Morning alert. While in this area all hands must wear life jackets at all times. All oil dumps on the beach are in flames. On our patrol station, we come within 100 yards of two unexploded mines (marked). If we get a degree off station --- bang! Two B-24's were lost today. Aussie troops are really raising hell on the beach, bombing and burning everything in sight. Some of our ships just caught some fire from the beach. I don't believe there was very much damage. Evening alert. Those four enemy ships hauled ass!
U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562)
JULY 3, 1945
During evening alert last night a Japanese bomber started coming in on us off our port bow. We were about to open up when one of our fighters nailed him, putting him in flames. This air coverage is damn good stuff. It sure as hell isn't like the Philippines six months ago! The Waller steamed in today bringing us some "Uncle Sugar" mail. Sound gear crapped out again. Tough watch. (1800.) Back in operation again. Scuttlebutt says we're taking over the Wasatches' duties. Evening alert.
At evening alert last night a Jap raider came in but before damage could be done a CAP (coastal air patrol) shot it down. It rained very hard today, but it was still a good fourth --- turkey for chow.
We're still on the same patrol station, just off the coast. Things are rather quiet except for a few air raids. Old man Jap is getting weak! The Diggers are meeting stiff resistance on the beach now, but I don't believe it will last long, seeing that the enemy is cut off from any help from the homeland. Evening alert.
Morning alert. Every once in a while the Japs fly into the area, but they don't appear to be looking for trouble. Just looking the joint over, I guess. We're still on patrol duty with no signs of being relieved. It's not bad duty though because the weather is fairly cool; the morning and evening alerts are what gripe me. Pay day! Evening alert.
Morning alert. We went to G.Q twice last night for surface contacts. Both were false alarms. Rope yarn Sunday. Evening alert. Just steamed by a YMS that had its stern blown off. A make-shift stern has been attached, but it must be towed.
Still on patrol. We refueled this morning from a transport. It's started to rain again. Evening alert.
We're relieved of "station ship.” This will most likely mean Leyte in the near future. (1200.) Anchored off an Australian cruiser. (1300.) I just watched a minesweeper go down after hitting a mine. From what I could see, I don't believe they lost many men. It took about a half hour to go down. Back on patrol. Evening alert.
Nothing new. Still going in circles. (1200.) Came alongside the Shropshire and took ten Aussie officers and men aboard. Tonight I think we will supervise a night harassing bombardment party. Scuttlebutt says we will leave in a week. Back on patrol. Evening alert.
Morning alert. (0800.) Came alongside the Limey cruiser again. Remained in anchorage until noon patrol. The reason for all this patrol duty is that the big shot doesn't want anything but cans doing it. Evening alert.
Anchored off the beach early this morning for fire support. The Japs have been counter-attacking, giving the forces ashore a bad time.
Heavy gunfire has knocked the Nips back. In most spots, they are being forced into the swamps. Native Byaks go in after them with poison blow guns. Wow! What allies!
Relieved from fire support and are now back on patrol. Situation ashore again in hand. Evening alert. I don't see why we have these damn evening alerts. No air attacks for some time!
Anchored for fire support but I don't believe we will be needed. Aussies are making out all right. So far 16 ships have been sunk or damaged in here due to enemy action. Back on patrol. Saufley lost a man overboard. We picked him up.
Again at anchorage for fire support. We will leave Sunday for Leyte. From there, it's either China or Japan. Back to ye ole patrol station.
Anchored for fire support. We leave here tomorrow at 1800 to escort a bunch of LST's over to Morotai where we will stay for about a week. Then up to Leyte. Evening alert.
(0715.) Refueled from a tender. We're again anchored. Had an air contact --- PBY. (1800.) Underway. We're herding a bunch of LST's, ACI's, AM's, net tenders, PT's and SO's. Now entering Makassar Straits and should cross the equator tomorrow morning. This is a ten knot affair so it will take four days to reach Morotai --- July 19th, at 1200.
Fifteen months out today. The U.S.S. Waller came alongside and passed three bags of mail over to us. Just crossed the equator --- the 12th time. Old salts! Nothing much doing. Convoys are always dull affairs. Evening alert.
Morning alert. Morotai had an air raid last night. No dope on how large. Damn but these LST's are slow. This zig-zagging gets us nowhere fast. Evening alert.
Morning alert. We'll pull into Morotai at 1200 tomorrow. I believe we will only stay at Morotai for a few days and then we go to Leyte. On Aug. 15, we go alongside a tender for repairs and then enter the Third Fleet again, We may see Guam before going up north. Last time we were there, it was being invaded. Evening alert.
(1200.) Steamed into Morotai. After refueling, we anchored. We got 23 bags of mail. First section is on recreation party. Movies on the foc'sle. "False flash red."
U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562)
C/O Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, California DD 562/A16
Serial 095
From: The Commanding Officer
To: The Commander-in-Chief, UNITED STATES FLEET
Via: 1) The Commander TASK UNIT 78.2.15 (The Commander Destroyer Squadron 22.)
2) The Commander TASK GROUP 78.2 (The Commander Amphibious Group 8.)
4) The Commander SEVENTH fleet.
Subject: Amphibious Assault against BALIKPAPAN, BORNEO, period 26 June to 19 July, 1945 --- U.S.S. Robinson (DD 562): Action report of.
Reference: (a) Pacific conf. 1 tr. 1CL-45
Enclosure: (a) Chronological Sequence of Events
1. In accordance with reference (a) the following report of action is submitted:
Part 1 Brief Survey
During this operation the U.S.S. Robinson acted as an anti-submarine screening vessel for the initial assault force, Task Group 78.2, entputs to the objective. The Commander Destroyer Squadron 22 (Captain R.N. Smith, USN) in this vessel was screen commander;. Upon arrival at the objective area, this vessel acted as a unit of the anti-aircraft and anti-submarine screen. From 9 July until 13 July, British Liaison Officers were on board and this vessel assumed the duties of the Commander Fire Support Group. No fire support missions were performed by the Robinson
Part II Preliminaries
(A) The operations of this vessel were as reported in part I above. Training exercises prior to departure from MOROTAI, N.E.I., were as follows:
(a) 20 June, 1945: Conducted anti-aircraft firing exercises against sleeve targets, towed by plane. Standard O.G.E. doctrine was observed. 113 5"/38 cal. AAC projectiles; 114 2/36 cal. SPDN cartridges, 692 rounds of 40 mm. HEI, and 2010 rounds of 20 mm. ammunition were expended.
(b) 23-24 June, 1945: Participated in rehearsal for the assault against BALIKPAPAN, BORNEO. Landings were made by troops, and this vessel conducted …...
Got locked into a working party this morning. While over on the beach, I was watching an Australian transport unloading when I noticed a bunch of natives painting the sides. Not a bad idea, by gosh! Second section recreation party. No mail. Movies on the foc'sle.
More stores have come aboard. Tomorrow we will get underway for Leyte in company of another destroyer. Scuttlebutt says we will go into drydock at Leyte?? Recreation left the ship. Movies on the foc'sle.
We got underway at 0930 for Leyte. We're taking the Waller, two YMS's and an LST. One of the minesweepers was hit at Balikpapan and is being towed by the LST.
E.T.A. Morning alert of the 24th.
Had an unidentified warfare contact. Upon investigating it turned out to be an army oiler. They were rather shaky when we ran up to them at 25 knots with fives, forties, twenties and tubes all pointed at them.
We're in the middle of a storm now. Kinda rough. No let up in sight. It's blowing and raining like hell. The small craft are having a tough time. No evening alert due to storm.
Storm has let up somewhat. Morning alert was delayed. Things have calmed down now. Sun was out for a while. Our radar is picking up a lot of surface craft so we must be nearing the Philippines. Evening alert.
At 0715, we passed Dinagat and pulled into Leyte Gulf. Boy, has this place changed! There must be over 1,000 ships in this bay --- wagons, cruisers, cans, transports, etc. Anchored just off the beach.
(1200.) I went ashore today on a recreation party. Even the beach has undergone a complete change. Basketball courts, baseball fields, etc. Can't visit the villages anymore, though. The natives have set up stands and are selling their stuff at sky high prices! Movies on foc'sle.
Stores have come aboard including fresh oranges and apples. We haven't had that stuff for months. Nothing new. Just taking it easy. Movies on the foc'sle.
Stood a gangway watch this afternoon. Otherwise nothing going on.. Lots a rest. Movies on foc'sle.
Nothing new. Still in anchorage.
Went ashore on Leyte.
Still in anchorage
Remained in anchorage.
Still in anchorage.
Swung ship (degausing).
Degausing. Went to Guinen and returned to Leyte Anchorage. Underway again. Anchorage at Guinen
(0630.) Underway for Leyte. (0830: Leyte.) In a few moments we are joining a convoy headed for Ulithi in the Carolines. The reason for the extra screening ships is from this report that arrived last night.
My God, but they must have hit her with everything they had because with the heavy casualties, it must have gone down very rapidly. I believe this happened last night. We will be going through the same area, so I gotta be on the ball for damn sure!!
Underway. Instead of a convoy, we are just taking three destroyers from our squadron --- Philip, Cony and Saufley. We're making a high speed run on this trip ---about 22 knots.
Dope on the U.S.S. Indianapolis (CA-35): The cruiser was sunk by an enemy submarine just out of Ulithi. Two torpedoes are known to have hit the machines. Casualties were very high --- 300 out of 1,200 survived (mostly wounded). Three fourths of the crew are lost. (Most of the 300 who were picked up were burned or had received shrapnel.)
I wish to God that we could make contact on the sub that got the cruiser. I'm sure trying my darndest!!!
We are now in the area where the Indianapolis was sunk. The water is as smooth as glass so if there are any survivors, we could spot 'em. I saw an oil slick but that's all.
(1400.) Steamed into Ulithi in the Carolines. After refueling, we anchored. This is a large anchorage but us destroyers are the only combat ships in here. The rest are transports and tankers. Movies on the foc'sle. Saufley came alongside.
Fresh stores came aboard. Cantaloupes the first I've seen out here! We have now changed from the 7th Fleet to the 3rd. Still anchored without much doing. Movies on the foc'sle. Looks like the war will end soon. It's about time they used the atomic bomb!!
Still anchored. Japanese aircraft of the Mert type are expected in this area for a suicide mission. Hmmm??
I went ashore on the island of Mog Mog today. Nothing much doing there, just sand. I saw some old native graveyards.
One of our squadron just sank an enemy submarine a few miles from here. Maybe it's the one we were looking for! Movies on the foc'sle.
The old man is quite sure we're doomed. No suicide planes as yet, but we can't be too careful, can we? That guy jumps a yard when he sees his own shadow. Must be Asiatic or just plain yellow. I prefer the latter!!
Yap is a by-passed island in the Carolines which is still held by the Japs. Activity has been reported in that area, so we are now headed for that area alone for patrol duty. We're doing 26 knots now.
Now, we're midway between Ulithi and Yap doing a 15 mile patrol course. No contacts as yet.
Flash!!! News broadcast picked up from the Japs. The Japanese broadcasted this evening that they are willing to surrender to the Allies under one condition --- that they may keep their Emperor as ruler. They have sent envoys to Switzerland for a conference.
I guess that's good news all right, but I would just as soon have them wiped out or at least hit them harder with the atomic bomb. I hate to see them get off so easy! !
We sighted a battleship with two escorts at dawn. Thank gosh, it turned out to be the U.S.S. New Mexico with a DD and DE escort!
No official confirmation on last nights's broadcast. Gosh, but it seems hard to believe that the war may be over soon. It certainly will be great to go home again.
Well, I'll be damned! The little bastards finally gave up! And here I am between Ulithi and Yap in the Carolines. What a time I would have if I were in the States!
At 0130 while on patrol, the word was passed to all hands that the war is officially over between the Japanese Empire and the U.S.A. The ship is to remain on the alert in case of a “misunderstanding."
(0200.) G.Q. for surface contact --- friendly. (1645.) Sonar contact --- fish.
The contact I got this morning would turn out to be fish. I'd like to have gotten one more sub before this is all over. Frankly, I'm disappointed. It seems to me the Japs got off pretty damned easy. It's taken us four years to get them in a position to repay them for all the foul things they have dealt us and now they are saving their Emperor and themselves. I just can't see it! I would be willing to stay another year if it would mean slapping the living Hell out of them!!!
Hell! This damn war isn't over. Scuttlebutt is flying around like mad. (1400.) Returned to Ulithi anchorage.
Still no dope on the war ending. I can't see why the Nips don't surrender. It's a sure thing they will never get a better deal! Movies.
At last!! The Japanese surrendered to the U.S.A. today and it has been broadcast as official!! As soon as the news was received, all the ships in this anchorage started raising hell. Fog and crash horns were blasted. Even the general alarm (we went to G.Q. when some guy pulled it.) The man Malpass is as jumpy as an old woman. Wonder how he ever made Commander? Boy, it all sounds too good to be true. I guess we should return to the States in a few months!
We get underway tomorrow for Leyte.
We got underway at 1000 and are now on our way towards the Philippines. We are escorting a troop transport --- the U.S.S. Admiral Benson. Seeing there are just two of us, this is a fast trip --- 22 knots.
Midway between Olithi and Leyte. ETA: 0700 18th.
The Navy has a point system out now. I've got three more years to go. Time overseas and battle stars don't count. Damn it! Sonar watches are still in operation. The Skipper can't sleep unless the ship's at G.Q. and most likely would starve if the sound gear were secured, so ---.
1000. Arrived Leyte and anchored. The war isn't exactly over yet --- papers have to be signed, etc. We are again in the 7th Fleet. Stores have come aboard. Underway tomorrow.
A very small amount of mail came aboard. Most of it was for the APD Robinson. (1300.) Underway for Subic Bay to join cruiser division 6. The Commodore said this ship will go up to peacetime standards very soon.
We are now steaming through Surigao Straits. (1500.) Steaming through bogey slot.
Although we're all by ourselves, we are making but 16 knots. (1200.) Steaming past Negros. We get liberty at Subic --- undress whites. Commodore inspection will be held after arrival in Subic Bay. Ship, locker and personnel (dress whites).
(0800.) Steaming through the Sulu Sea with Mindoro in sight in starboard. We should get to Subic Bay at 1400. Later: We're anchored in Subic Bay now. It certainly has changed since the last time we were here. I've got the 8-12 gangway watch with a .45. Last time we were in here, I stood it with a Thompson submachine gun. Movies.
Shifted berths. We're no alongside the tender Dobbin. Recreation is on a small island --- dungarees, not whites. The ship is changing to peacetime standards. Watches in whites, etc. And me with three more years to go! The Frisco and Nashville are in cruiser squadron six that we are attached to. Pressing my bag today. Got a hell of a cold. It's hot out, yet it's raining very hard.
Still tied alongside the Dobbin. Stores are coming alongside. Movies.
If the Captain expects to change this ship to peacetime standards, I'm afraid he's due for a bad time. Nine-tenths of the crew, including myself, have never considered ourselves anything but civilians.
Nothing new. In fact, not a damn thing doing.
Still alongside the tender and receiving stores.
Church services aboard the Dobbin.
Got underway this morning to shift berths. We are now anchored alone in the bay. Scuttlebutt: we are going to China in the near future??? Hmmm --- I hear they have some cute little White Russians there!
Not much doing in here. Just lying around. No dope on just when we are leaving. I guess it will be another week or two.
San Francisco, Nashville, etc. of cruiser div. 6 pulled out. I think they go Stateside. That leaves the St. Louis and our squadron. Our duty in China will be between Hainan and Korea. Nine Jap subs which surrendered pulled out today, escorted by three DE's. I guess the dope on us going to China is straight stuff. What I'm wondering is just when in the hell we are going home!!!
I had a darn good liberty today. Jim Good and I went to Alongupo, Bodang and on into Subic City. We worked the town over and had our share of whiskey, pompos and dancing; even had some good chow. I guess I got a bit drunk. In fact, I must have gone wild. It was worth the 45 bucks! We ran into some damn good guys who got us squared away and back to the ship.
Not a damn thing happened today. Boy; what a hangover!! Good and I must have gone stark raving mad yesterday. It must have been good, but I would like to know all that happened!
Got underway this morning. We took our squadron out for AA practice. Did all right! (1800.) Back in Subic Bay. No movies tonight due to storm.
Nothing doing, as per usual.
(1000.) Refueled. We will get underway at 1500. The cruisers Nashville and St. Louis escorted by DesRon 22 (Waller, Saufley, and Robinson (Flag) are going to Okinawa! Heavy storms are being reported in the area we will be steaming through! It should take us three days to get to Okinawa. A tanker was just reported capsized by the storm. Sounds like fun all right.
(1700.) Underway. Sound gear still in operation. Nine Jap subs still unaccounted for. Malpass seems sure that they are laying just for us.
Rough as hell!!
Our new doctor is really on the ball. He just took out one of the men's appendix. (The Doc was seasick to boot!!)
(0800.) We are now abeam of the northern tip of Luzon. Storm has calmed down a bit. Our speed has increased to 25 knots so we should hit Ryukyus tomorrow morning at 0800. We will stay at Okinawa for almost 24 hours and will then go to Shanghai, China, with a minesweeping force. From there, we will steam up the Yangtze River 150 miles to Shanghai to prepare the area for the future occupation. Boy, are we going to cover the territory this time!
(1600.) We have just received orders to increase speed and proceed on the double to Okinawa. We have already left the two cruisers and destroyers in our wake. Heavy rain and storm is increasing. We are now making 30 knots.
(0800.) Steamed into the anchorage at Okinawa. After refueling, we anchored. This place is full of wagons, cruisers, etc., including six hospital ships.
(1600.) We're now underway for Shanghai with about nine mine sweepers. The cruisers and our squadron will most likely catch up with us on the way. According to today's press, the Yangtze is flooded.
China bound. We're the only destroyer in this group. (All AM's.) We're steaming at 15 knots in cool weather and a calm sea. We should reach Shanghai tomorrow morning. It's a little less than 500 miles between Okinawa and Shanghai.
(0430.) The six mine sweepers and us pulled into the Saddle Islands and are now laying to in a circle. The Saddle Islands are located at the mouth of the Yangtze River 50 miles south by south east of Shanghai. We will stay here for a while before going up the river.
(0730.) Our purpose here is to clear the channel and other approaches to Shanghai of Japanese and our own mines so that heavier ships may dock at Shanghai to take on board the many allied prisoners of the Nips. The Navy stuff won't be in for another week.
The weather is very cool here in comparison with the Philippines. We're still lying adrift but will anchor pretty soon. The sweeps as usual have nasty job ahead of them; for a change, I hope we have casualties.
A dispatch was received last night informing us that a Japanese marine suicide consisting of 2,000 men and 200 suicide boats are located in the Saddle Islands. We now remain underway ... and anchor at night.
Two of our squadron, the Cony and Eaton, arrived last night with more minesweepers and one APD. We now have two cans, one AP and 24 minesweepers under our command.
(0600. Anchored.
We passed a sunken ship today which must have been about 300 feet long. Only the mast could be seen sticking out of the water.
Saufley came in today with a Y.O. An interpreter and one of our radiomen are catching a plane and will fly into China near Shanghai to set up a radio station. Now, why couldn't I get a deal like that! !
(1400.) A Japanese LCI came into the area flying Jap colors so the Commodore sent a boarding party while our guns covered them. The men had no trouble and within a few minutes, our colors flew above the Japs. All ammunition was jettisoned and guns, radio, etc., were destroyed (it carried 1-5" 3-3" and a quad twenty. Charts showing mine fields were captured which will be of great use. All prisoners with the exception of the Captain, Exec., and some snipes which totaled 140 men were placed aboard the APD. We furnished the prize crew which put Lt. Zumwalt in command of the Jap ship.
The cruisers Nashville and St. Louis pulled in today, escorted by the Waller and Philip. Commodore and intelligence officer went aboard the Nashville for a conference with the Admiral of CTS 74.3. We refueled from Nashville.
Four more Jap ships are anchored here now. It was discovered that they have orders from the Chinese government to sweep mines in this area. The APD is going to return the original crew to the LCI .we captured. Anchored for the night guarding the five Nip ships.
Still anchored. It's rough as hell out. Waves are breaking over the side, leaving streaks of mud on the decks. Being at the mouth of the Yangtze and in six fathoms of water causes very dirty water --- almost a bright brown. The small craft have gotten underway due to the storm.
We got underway early and went out to sea to the cruisers. After a conference with the Admiral, we took some men of the Nashville and Waller for a prize crew which we will put on a Nip tanker. Men from the Robinson, Nashville, St. Louis, Conway, Philip and Waller are taking the Nip gunboat up to Shanghai to pick up the river pilots.
This evening a Jap Captain, interpreter and a doctor came aboard in full uniform. I had the gangway watch at the time. I got a kick out of the way they clicked their heels and saluted me but I didn't answer. Damned if I'll salute those little bastards.
Storm still running heavy.
The Jap ships got underway this morning with their prize crews aboard. A Chinese river boat (wood burner) came in today and tied up to our stern. I believe she will "feel" the water up to Shanghai for us. Scuttlebutt: We leave for Shanghai tomorrow! Money exchange will be one million yen for ten bucks.
We're still anchored. Scuttlebutt aboard this ship sure is developed to a fine point. Nuts! Nothing much new. We have a Chinese river boat tied up astern which brought some river pilots from Shanghai. They are British subjects who have been interned for several years. Movies on foc'sle.
Seventeen months out --- six years to go!
We got underway and took the minesweepers up the Yangtze River a few miles where we are now
anchored just off the beach. The only (casualty] was a Jap oiler that hit a mine. Two Japs and one of the prize crew from the Eaton were killed. The rest of the destroyers went with the cruisers out to sea. A very heavy storm is coming this way which is the reason for this change in anchorage.
The river pilot who brought us up here really knows his stuff. He's a tough old Scot.
(1800.) That Jap oiler sunk! We passed over the mine a half hour ahead of the oiler. It looks like our luck is still running true. The mine must have been set to go off after so many ships passed over it. (Magnetic action.) Whew!!
Early this morning a large gunboat, bearing Chinese colors, approached the group. When she was about 2,000 yards off our beam, we challenged her in international code. The ship didn't answer and started to pass us, so we went to G.Q. When they failed to answer again, we fired a five inch salvo across her bow. Result was -- in five seconds she stopped dead in the water and dropped her hook. Our boarding party found them to be Chinese all right but not up on signaling.
A lot of Chinese junks are running around here. They're rather picturesque boats. Movies on the fantail --- “Keeper of the Flame."
We got underway this morning and went out to sea a short distance where we anchored. The minesweepers are busy again. An English task force is anchored near us --1 aircraft carrier, 2 cruisers and destroyers. Movies on the fantail.
I was talking with one of the English river pilots today. He really gave the inside scoop on conditions in Shanghai during his capture. I'll bet these guys did the same work for the Nips, though. He looked fat and healthy to me.
It looks like the Robinson is getting screwed this time for damn sure!! All our squadron is going in with our heavy stuff plus the English into Shanghai. We have to stay out here with the minesweepers!!
We're anchored at the entrance, about one mile from the mouth of the Yangtze.
Anchored same place. We took on some sweeping gear including paravanes. Don't tell me we're going to sweep mines!
Anchored same spot --- not a damn thing doing! The tender Dixie pulled in today. Thank gosh, we can get some chow. We've been on emergency rations for almost a week!
Another storm. Went on a working party aboard the Dixie. Boy, what a wild time! Mail: 1 letter, still missing July and August.
There are six new type boats in here. They're called POM's (gunboats). They are converted from an SC hull with the super-structure of a PT. The little guys are loaded down with guns: 1-3.5,
1-4 mm., 2-2 mm., 4-twin 50s. Four of the six out here carry sound gear. I wouldn't mind getting some of that duty for damn sure.
I think we will go into Shanghai within a week --- liberty. Scuttlebutt says we go into Shanghai tomorrow. This I gotta see!
(0800.) Underway for Shanghai!!
(0900.) We entered the Hwangpoo River and steamed up the narrow channel amid the cheers of many Chinese along the shore and aboard junks. We tied up along a DD and a DE 500 yds. from the shore. We can look right into town. We have port and stbd. liberty. I rate tomorrow.
Gun boats have been alongside all day, selling many articles all of which were dirt cheap. I got some small cheats and five bottles of whiskey! Bought two watches for $5.00. This water is filthy but these people drink it and wash themselves with the stuff. I guess that's what keeps them alive. It's a cinch there are enough germs in
It would take ten of these pads to describe my liberty in Shanghai. It's a wonderful place! Took a rickshaw to the Park Hotel in Shanghai where I had dinner. From there ---wine, women and song!!!!!
We have Chinese working aboard washing and pressing clothes, garbage, decks, sides, etc. I'm not going to attempt a description of Shanghai. It would take too much room!
Azevedo, Deitte, Bozarth and I went around Shanghai with "Dick" today-- good food, drinks, etc.
Met Nina today --- whata gal. Full name --- Nina Flavkova. Russian, you know! We get underway tomorrow. We will be back in six days.
(0530.) Underway down the Hwangpoo. (0830.) Anchored at entrance to Yangtze. I can hardly wait until we get back to Shanghai. It's better liberty than anywhere in the States for damn sure! Exchange: 162,000 to 1 (CRB).
Anchored Yangtze River.
Anchored as above. Captain's inspection.
Still anchored in the Yangtze River.
Anchored as before. A bunch of LST's came in today. sd
Anchored as before.
Shifted anchorages. We're now in the mouth of the Hwangpoo.
Anchored as before. I sure feel sorry for some of these Chinese. There are two junks astern with a large family aboard. Each just waiting for us to dump garbage. We threw some eggs overboard this morning and they almost went crazy.
We got underway and are now in the Saddle Islands.
We're getting underway for the Chosen Archipelago with the Saufley to join the Waller.
We're in the Chosen Archipelago with two of our squadron. The ship is anchored off a village on one of the many islands. This is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful spots I've yet seen.
The End
James C Heinecke